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We went camping

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive August 2004: We went camping
By Mrse on Sunday, August 8, 2004 - 02:29 am:

On the long weekend we went camping, the spot was great, but guess what we forgot our foam, I just brough 2 blankets for me and dh, that was it, when I woke up in the morning, I felt like I was beaten up with a 2x4 . We went with my sister and her dh and their daughter, and my bil's sister and her daughter, ( who are very high matinance, (sp) . We had two camp sites with roads on the fronts of our camp sites, but the bathroom, was of course across the road from the front of their camp site, we had comments from my niece, and her cousin, ( my sister's niece) that the girls should not be going through their camp site, it was kind of like that all weekend. I had brought my coco over to my sister's camp, and had it on their table, as an offering, and I wandered over, and my sister's sister inlaw said who's coco is this she said Oh, that is donna's and I happen to come up to the camp and she said oh, here take this back we have eneough ------- on this table, and here I thought I was being nice to offer coco.
I also brought plastic cups forgot about real cups for coffee, half thought the plastic one would be fine, my sister, said to one of my girls, didn't you guys bring anything? all you have to do is go to the salvation army and get camping supply's and keep them in basket, etc, etc,. At one point we thought we did not bring the connection for the bbq to hook up to the tank, that was actually the first thing to happen, which I was furious, with dh, for not bringing it, so thier was a half hour thier where I freaked out because I kind of figured we would be put down for not bringing this or that, and my sis said don't worry about it, we have our stove etc, in the end we found it, but then got put down because I borrowed a cup for coffee in the morning.The biggest thing was comments from my sister's niece, she is so stuck up it is not funny, I for one will never camp with them again, my sister yes, but not her sister in law. I did not even get any time with my sister at all, kind of bummed out about that, and usually we have a few drinks around the fire, but my sis would not even drink since her sister in law was thier. The only good time I had was when my girls and I jumped off the dock, and swam, and had diving contests, and races, that was alot of fun. My dh was running the boat for bil, and he actually was getting my dh to run the girls around while he was dropped off on an island all by himself, and when dh, pulled on the moter cord to much and it came out, freaked out, so dh freaked on him, told him he had eneough, and walked away, bil had to run the boat by himself and then my dh was worried about bil stranding my sister on some island, and sat their wishing he did not get upset, because bil really did not know how to run the boat properly but took the other girls out, but we knew a guy who was camping so he could have went out to get them, all turned out fine, but some tense moments their for a while. I am glad that I am home in my nice bed today I tell you.

By Momaroze on Sunday, August 8, 2004 - 10:01 am:

I usually make a list of items to bring, scribble them off as I go down the list. I can be very forgetful if I don't, not as bad a dh though, so this is a must for us! Can you imagine what we will be like in our golden years LOL!

Sorry to hear about your camping trip. Next time should be a much better time, you will know exactly what kind of company you want to spend it with! :)

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