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Really stupid complain...

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive August 2004: Really stupid complain...
By Marg on Saturday, August 7, 2004 - 03:10 pm:

I live in a very small mountain town/village. We live right next to the railroad tracks. In fact I believe our properties are zoned forestry.

Anyway, I learned a long time ago, we own half the railroad property and pay property tax on it. Although, the railroad does not pay property tax they maintain the property. The owners of the other side of the railroad are the property owners on the other side of the tracks. If the railroad would ever abandon the property it is our property. The railroad could not just up and sell this strip of land (that's a better explanation). The railroad sits up off our property and you either have to go up or down an enbankment to get to it. When they replaced rails a few years ago, they left a side area, that you can actually stand on if a train goes by...

Anyway, (trying to make this as short and descriptive as possible) our property goes back into the woods and it is wood for several miles.

I go outside today and there are two teenagers making out on this part of our property. Not on the railroad track but the enbankment. There are two huge pine trees at that part of our property and I guess they thought no one would see them. aarrrgggghhhhh.

I have 3 children, why do this on someone's property, which I don't think they realize this is our property.

Yes, I'm angry. They could have walked further into the woods with no one seeing them (or better yet, get a motel), but no there they are visible from my back yard.

I guess I will have to post 'no trespassing signs like the rest of the neighbors back in the woods.' I thought these signs were for hunters not for other stupid reasons.

By Kaye on Saturday, August 7, 2004 - 04:39 pm:

I will admit as a teenager not thinking too much about just how close we were to things :) They probably just didn't see your house, or thought they were out of view. They didn't get a room because they are just teenagers and probably didn't have the $$ or maybe they were really going to do all that. "parking" was just part of growing up in a small town. I don't think signs will stop them, I know I snuck past more than one, however, next time (if there is one), go spray them with the hose or blow and airhorn, etc...if they know you can see them, they won't come back.

By Momaroze on Saturday, August 7, 2004 - 10:07 pm:

When you are a teenager you think you are invisible and can do just about anything and get a way with it. I'm sure the last thing on their mind, if anything but the task at hand was to be seen. I agree I don't think posting a sign will do it, but I would definately let them know that they are visible to you, if indeed they do decide to come back. :)

By Tink on Saturday, August 7, 2004 - 10:34 pm:

I would break out the air horn, pot and wooden spoon, yelling, what ever would break up their chosen activity and let them know you can see them. Totally rude but understandable, given their hormone levels. If they realize that it isn't a peaceful spot, they won't be back

By Marg on Sunday, August 8, 2004 - 08:46 am:

Actually ladies, they could see us and we could see them.

That was the worse thing. They knew I was there, I started to mow the lawn in the back yard and you could see them in plain site:(

They didn't move from the spot and they had to walk through my yard to get there and we saw them walk through the yard when they went home:(

By Melissa on Sunday, August 8, 2004 - 09:29 am:

I say just be neighborly- Hi How are you doing? What are you doing? Where do you live? What school do you go to? How old are you? and on and on ask them if they want a lawn mowing job. They want to be ALONE not talk to some nosey lady. They won't be back and you we just being nice.

By Karen~moderator on Sunday, August 8, 2004 - 09:36 am:

Good plan, Melissa! You are right, that would surely get rid of them.

By Momaroze on Sunday, August 8, 2004 - 09:42 am:

Get a dog who likes to run up to people and lick them madly LOL!

Seriously, I'm not quite sure what I would do in a situation like yours. You could try talking to them? Do put some "No Tresspassing" signs up, it can't hurt. If your children can/could see them from your home that is not acceptable.

Marg, I hope they do not come back. Good luck.

By Fraggle on Monday, August 9, 2004 - 12:57 pm:

Marg I would post No Trespassing signs anyways. In fact I would get a small wood post with a no trespassing sign on it and stick it right in the enbankment. Then if they come back ever, they can't claim they didn't see the sign.

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