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So Quiet

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive August 2004: So Quiet
By Cat on Thursday, August 5, 2004 - 02:54 pm:

My kids started school today and my house is SO quiet!!! And I have 5 kids here! lol I have a 5mo, 1yo, 2yo, 4yo and 5yo here right now and another 2yo coming in about an hour, but without my boys it's just so quiet. Yes, it's peaceful, but I do miss them (am I nuts???). I hope they're having good first days. :)

By Mommyathome on Thursday, August 5, 2004 - 06:02 pm:

Just over 2 weeks to go until school starts here! How in the world is your house so quiet with all of those little kids LOL. I guess just more quiet than you're use to huh? :)

I hope they are enjoying school!

By Tink on Thursday, August 5, 2004 - 10:08 pm:

How was their first day? I love having a nice quiet house again! I feel so guilty about not missing them. :( I guess quiet is relative, hmm?

By Cat on Friday, August 6, 2004 - 11:55 am:

Their first day went really well. Randy has a lot of friends in his class from last year and a couple from the year before (there are 6 4th grade classes) and Robin only has 7 kids in his class right now--4th-6th grades, and I think four of those are kids from his class last year as well. Even this morning before school it was amazing the difference just my two going to school made on the noise level. Mine tend to be a little louder anyway, but then they start to argue and yell at each other. So even with 4-6 other kids here, it's still peaceful! lol I have four this morning, but am picking up a kindergartener at 11:40, then Randy and a 1st grader at 3:30 and Robin gets home at 3:50. I have an increadibly busy schedule this month because I had two kids start this past Monday (kindergarten and 2yo) and I have another kindergartener starting next Monday. So I'll have three full times kids plus 9 part timers/drop ins that fit into the other three spaces I have (can't have-and don't WANT more than six!). Anyway, gotta run. It's calendar time! :)

By Sue3 on Friday, August 6, 2004 - 01:43 pm:

Cat ,thats great that your boys have some friends in their classes this year that they know.
I think that it`s always a plus.I am hoping that my kids get some in theirs also,though they don`t start until the 31st.
My oldest dd starts middle school this year and I am so nervous for her.It will be sad to see them go yet it won`t.Kind of bitter sweet.
Can`t wait until I can also experience the quiet also.

By Cat on Friday, August 6, 2004 - 02:46 pm:

Sue, Robin would have started middle school this year, but the middle school out here is sooooo over crowded and a new elementary school just opened so they put the 6th graders in the elementary schools (three in this area) to help. I'm glad he's going to be in an elementary school environment for one more year. That and he got the same teacher he had last year (she's great with him).

By Mrse on Sunday, August 8, 2004 - 01:39 am:

Boy, your school's start early, our school here in B.C start, around the 6th of sept. My oldest dd is going to college on oct 12th. I have not even got school books yet, guess it is time to get on it. The older grades here they don't even give you a list, you just wing it.

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