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New washing machine

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive July 2004: New washing machine
By Dawnk777 on Saturday, July 31, 2004 - 06:33 am:

The old one gave up the ghost on Thursday night with a loud, basement-filling squeal, that said, "Turn me off, NOW!"

Serviceman said yesterday, "Transmission is dead!"

New one comes on Monday. The current machine is a Maytag and was purchased when Emily was an infant. Now, she is 12. The new one is an Amana and apparently just like a Maytag. NAV3330AW It will have a delicate cycle. My old one didn't.

Anyway, spending money on a second digital camera would have been more fun, but I can't live without a washing machine! Going to the laundromat isn't my idea of a good time! LOL!

By Marg on Saturday, July 31, 2004 - 08:04 am:

Our washer died in 2002 and we also got an Amana. It's huge inside and has a stainless steel inside. I really like it. It's twice as big as my old one and with 5 family members it makes life a lot easier.

By Dawnk777 on Saturday, July 31, 2004 - 11:11 am:

I don't know if mine is bigger or not. DH says it is, but I guess I won't know until I start stuffing clothes inside it!

By Sunny on Saturday, July 31, 2004 - 12:14 pm:

I did the laundromat gig for 4 years when we were first married. It wasn't so bad because it was only the 3 (then 4) of us. But, I will never do that again if I can help it! LOL I have to do laundry every day now just to keep up. The last time our washer broke, I had 4 loads of laundry waiting to be washed and a load in the washer, soaking wet and still soapy. I went to the laundromat, reluctantly, but brought my older two along to help.

I hope you survive okay until Monday! :)

By Trina~moderator on Saturday, July 31, 2004 - 12:38 pm:

YEAH! Funny how we get excited over things like a new washing machine! LOL! We got a new one last year because the one we bought as newlyweds (1988) was on it's last legs.

By Dawnk777 on Saturday, July 31, 2004 - 12:48 pm:

We bought our current one in 1992, or early 1993. I can't quite remember how old Emily was, but I do remember I was wearing a red winter coat! LOL!

By Karen~moderator on Saturday, July 31, 2004 - 01:31 pm:

Add me to those who get excited over new appliances! I replaced my washing machine 3 or 4 years ago and it was a mid 80's model when it passed on to the washing machine graveyard!!!!

And even with 1 *child* at home as opposed to 4 kids *back then*, I'm still excited to get new appliances like washing machines. :-)

By Dawnk777 on Saturday, July 31, 2004 - 02:44 pm:

Well, since it's about 8 ft from my computer desk, if that, it's a whole new pattern of noises to learn! LOL! With my old one, I always knew where it was in the cycle!

I like it that I can see the dials from where I sit on the computer, so I can watch the progress that the dryer is making, especially if I'm in a hurry to get a second load in the dryer!

Now, hubby thinks we bought it when I was still pregnant with Emily (late 1991). I bought the dumb red coat, because it was a style that would fit over a big pregnant belly in the winter time. It never was all that warm, though, and I hate it now, since I'm just not a red-coat person. I would rather have a dark or navy blue coat, if I really had a choice. (I want a lands end one, if you must know, the long squall coat! LOL!)

By Karen~moderator on Saturday, July 31, 2004 - 04:41 pm:

Dawn, forgive me, but I'm sitting here laughing about your coat!!! The red coat thing, and the fact that there's actually a coat you really want! And the reason for my amusement, misplaced as it is, is that I live in a place where there are maybe 2 or 3 days of the year when wearing a coat is necessary, or even a possibility. So the seriousness of picking out a coat you really want just struck me as funny right now.

Wow, what a way to get a thread off track, huh???

So........back on to the coat thoughts.......since I haven't actively even looked at coats, in stores OR in magazines in a zillion years, what do you all who need coats every year do? Do you buy a coat for casual wear and another for dressier wear? Or is there a coat that pretty much serves all those purposes? I have tons of sweatshirts that I wear over sweaters or tops when it's *cold* here, and I live a totally casual life style. I do own a light weight leather jacket, but I really don't know what I'd do about actual coats! We run the air conditioner here 50 weeks out of the year, and the other 2 weeks are when we *might* have need for a coat.

By Dawnk777 on Saturday, July 31, 2004 - 05:49 pm:

Well, I do have a coat for casual and a coat for dressy. I hardly ever dress up, though, so I hardly ever wear the red coat. I don't like it anymore. Should sell the thing on Ebay!

Darn! Can't look for a picture of a winter coat on this time of year. Must be soon, though!

Ideally, I should have a jacket for casual and a coat for dressy, though! I already have a lands end squall parka. The long coat is just a longer version of the jacket! My sister has one since she has to walk a long ways from where she parks her car when she goes to work and she LOVES it. I know it would be a LOT warmer than the dress coat I have now.

I looked at your profile. You live in southern Lousiana! Winter coats are not a priority for you. Do you need a warmer jacket once in a great while, though?

By Karen~moderator on Saturday, July 31, 2004 - 06:37 pm:

That's what I use my hoodies for. I live, work and play and jeans, etc., and my sweatshirts or leather jacket serve the purpose well.

Actually, since I've had a total hysterectomy and am apparently going through menopause anyway on top of that, I'm hormonally challenged and seem to be having my own personal summer all the time. I'm comfortable on the rare occations when it's 50 degrees, then I can wear a pair of jeans and a sweater only and not be hot OR cold! LOL

By Trina~moderator on Saturday, July 31, 2004 - 07:17 pm:

Dawn, I love the Lands' End squalls. LL Bean has nice coats, too. They both have winter coats online now. I was just looking at coats for the kids because they've outgrown theirs. Time to start thinking about boots, too. :( Grrrr.... I've learned that you can't wait until you actually need them, because by then you CAN'T find any in stores! I HATE shopping for winter clothes in August. LOL!

Karen, I'm envious! I *wish* we didn't have to worry about coats! text description

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