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I just found out I have skin cancer!

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive July 2004: I just found out I have skin cancer!
By Amyj on Monday, July 26, 2004 - 10:53 pm:

I went to the Dermatologist today and I have a spot of skin cancer on my face! I can't believe it! I have had this spot that looks like a reddish mole for some time. Two weeks ago it started to bleed and I thought I better have it looked at. Sure enough, I have to have it removed! The doctor said it is Basal(sp?) cell and slow growing so I can wait until after my husbands 20th high school reunion to have it removed. Am I vein or what?! It just goes to prove that we all need to be careful and keep a close eye on our bodies and anything that changes. I'll let you know how it turns out once it is removed. I guess I'll be sporting a beautiful band-aid for awhile.

By Bobbie~moderatr on Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - 12:36 am:

Amy, I hope it all goes okay. And LOL about sporting the beautiful band-aid. Please keep us posted...

By Emily7 on Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - 12:50 am:

My FIL had to have a spot removed from his nose a few years back. It was a quick procedure. Don't you wish they would have told us years ago about the affect the sun can have on our bodies.
Good luck. They have some really cute band-aids now.

By Tink on Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - 08:30 pm:

Amy, Sorry I'm getting to this late but I wanted to let you know that my mom just had a large spot removed from her nose. It was a little painful but it has healed very nicely. She had a Dr. that specialized in plastic surgery do it so that it would be as inconspicuous as possible. You might want to look into the same thing. I had to have a melanomic mole removed from my arm a few years ago and it left a really bad scar so I know that I will be very careful about the surgeon I choose, especially if it is on my face. {{Amy}} Even when it is *just* skin cancer, it's still a scary experience.

By Amyj on Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - 10:45 pm:

Thank you all for the good thoughts. The doctor I am going to is very good and the spot is small. She said I will have a small scar, but that it should fade in time. I am lucky that the spot is still small and shouldn't be too noticable. That is, after the band-aid comes off!

By Amy~moderator on Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - 11:35 pm:

Amy, I'm sure you will look beautiful with that bandaid :) Let us know how everything goes, and kudos to you for catching it before it became serious.

By Amyj on Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 10:43 am:

Well, I had the spot on my face removed yesterday. I have seven stitches and a huge band-aid. I look like I had a chin implant put in in the wrong place! I will have a lovely scar now. The doctor will take out the stitches next Monday and will remove two or three more spots on my back on that day. I think I am too young to be doing this. I guess I am paying for my teenage years of laying out on a raft in the lake! Just thought I would give an update. Thanks for the words of encouragment!

By Karen~moderator on Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 12:39 pm:

You're never too young to have skin cancer. You had the good sense to get that checked out, so count yourself lucky. Let us know how things go next week. Good luck!

By Truestori on Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 02:10 pm:

I hope that you stay strong and you heal exceptionally fast.

By Tink on Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 06:16 pm:

Amy, I'm glad you got it taken care of and I'm sure you will look beautiful with or without a misplaced chin implant! Neosporin and Band-Aid now offer over the counter scar treatments that you might want to look into. Mederma is also used for scars and I tried it on the scar from my tumor. I don't think it made much of a difference but my scar is hypertrophic so I'm not sure anything short of a laser will help! Let us know how it goes next week.

By Jjandmom on Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 09:11 pm:

Last year my daughter kept telling me to go have a spot looked at on my back so I did they did remove it and had stitches in it for 2 weeks, its been there for years and I would scratch at it because I knew it was there I couldn't see it clear but my daughter said it was trning Blue so thats when I had to go. When I went to have it removed the doctor told me when I go out in the sun to always wear a white T- Shirt don't go out and let the back be open. I didn't really listen to him and now my back is full of those beauty marks as we call them it is loaded, so now when the daughter comes to visit she alwasy checks my back out. It's nice when you can get a family member to inspect your back pretty often.

By Tink on Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 09:26 pm:

Once you have been diagnosed with one episode of skin cancer, you should have a full body inspection done annually by a dermatologist. I had that done for a couple of years and now I can have it done by my general practitioner. Your daughter may not always know all the warning signs. The co-pay for an office visit is certainly worth it when it is your health on the line.

By Amyj on Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - 11:08 pm:

I just got my stitches out on my face and had two more spots on my back removed today. Good news though, the spot on my face was not skin cancer! My doctor was shocked! She said she looked at the biopsy three times because she couldn't believe it. She was very sure that it was skin cancer. I am very happy that it was not. The two on my back are still questionable, but now I am very hopeful. I will know on Wednesday next week when I get the new stitches out. Thank you all for listening to me after each visit. It is so nice to share the ups and downs with all of you.

By Tink on Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - 11:19 pm:

YAY!! That is great news. Let us know what the outcome is regarding your back. That is the greatest news!

By Amyj on Wednesday, September 1, 2004 - 10:55 pm:

Good news! I had the stitches removed on my back and the doctor said the biopsy was normal! No skin cancer!!! I am so glad to have this whole thing over with and to find out that the spots are not cancer. She said that I will need to come in once a year and do an all over check, but that everything looks good for now. She also said that she likes us red heads because we keep her in business! Thank you all for the support and this is the last time you will have to hear about this topic from me (I hope!).

By Ginny~moderator on Thursday, September 2, 2004 - 06:03 am:

Such good news - and what a lot of worry you had. Now, do get that annual skin check.

By Dana on Thursday, September 2, 2004 - 07:43 am:

What a releif.

By Amy~moderator on Thursday, September 2, 2004 - 09:50 am:

Great news! I bet you are relieved!

By Emily7 on Thursday, September 2, 2004 - 10:02 am:

Great news. I am very relieved for you.

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