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What were you doing?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive July 2004: What were you doing?
By Rayanne on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 - 09:23 am:

10 Years Ago (Summer of 1994)

5 Years Ago (1999)

3 Years Ago (2001)

Last Year (2003)

This Year (2004)



By Rayanne on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 - 09:30 am:

10 Years Ago (summer of 1994)
1.Getting ready to start my sophomore year of high school
2.Having fun with friends
3.Going on a cruise with my family
4.Trying to get this boy to notice me
5.Finally getting the boy

5 Years Ago (1999)
1.Getting in a huge fight with my parents
2.Moving out of my house
3.Getting engaged
4.Trying to plan a wedding
5.Trying to smooth things over with parents so that they would be at my wedding

3 Years Ago (2001)
1.Bought our first house
2.Started talking about kids
3.Had our one year wedding anniversary
4.Got promoted at my job
5.Moved to another school to work

Last Year (2003)
1.Got pregnant in February
2.Found out in July that we were having a girl
3.Lost my Grandfather in July
4.Celebrated our 3 Year Anniversary in October
5.Had a beautiful baby girl in November

This Year (2004)
1.Found out that four of my friends are expecting at the end of this year
2.Trying to plan a one year birthday party for Rylee
3.Trying to accomodate to one paycheck
4.Loving being a stay at home mom.
5.Bought a new car (2004 4-Runner)

1.My grandfathers one year anniversary of his death
2.Celebrated mine and DH 9 year anniversary of when we fell in love
3.Spent a wonderful day with my DH and DD
4.Did some laundry
5.Went grocery shopping

1.Drank my coffee
2.Going to the zoo later
3.Have to do more laundry
4.Get dinner ready
5.Wait for DH to come home

By Angellew on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 - 09:31 am:

10 Years Ago (Summer of 1994)
1. Living by myself after leaving a VERY BAD relationship and loving it!

5 Years Ago (1999)
1. Frantically preparing for my wedding (Sept.) and being surprised with my bridal shower!

3 Years Ago (2001)
1. Just finding out I was pregnant and dealing with much morning sickness, which lasted all day and night!!!

Last Year (2003)
1. Preparing for my DD first vacation to the lake where she "dove" in without even thinking about it!!

This Year (2004)
1. Preparing for DDs daycare to go on vacation and scheduling things for us to do together with our much anticipated time.

1. After work, took my DD swimming and indulged her in hot dogs for dinner and ice cream for dessert!!!

1. Working! :(

By Kolbysmom on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 - 09:57 am:

10 years ago(summer of 1994)

1. Preparing for my freshman year of high school.
2. Cheerleading camp.
3. Working at the DQ.
4. Took driver's ed.
5. Broke up with my boyfriend of 4 years(crazy I know).

5 years ago(summer of 1999)

1. Graduated high school
2. Prepared for my first year at IU
3. Broke up with a different boyfriend
4. Went to Disney World for the first time.
5. Went to a total of 8 concerts with friends.

3 years ago(summer of 2001)

1. My DS was born in June, 7 weeks early.
2. Spent my evenings at a hospital in Indy visitng my DS.
3. Spent a lot of time with my feel up trying to lower blood pressure.

Last year(summer of 2003)

1. Got married in August.
2. Went to Disney for Honeymoon.
3. Spent most of the summer preparing for the wedding.

This year(summer of 2004)

1. Swimming a lot at my moms.
2. Cooking out almost every night.
3. Reading A LOT.
4. Trying to do as little as possible.


1. Did some laundry.
2. Read half a book.
3. Talked to a friend online who moved to Houston.
4. Kolby broke out with chickenpox(We think that's what it is anyway).
5. DH grilled steak for dinner.


1. Read some more
2. Do more laundry.
3. Possibly take Kolby to the doctor to confirm chickenpox.
4. Pass time until DH gets home.
5. Cook dinner.

By Amecmom on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 - 10:17 am:

1. Going to the beach every day in my "hot"
new car.
2. Met my husband
3. Went to Italy
4. Had bad breakup with him
5. Got back together

1. First married summer (was married in April)
2. Went to Cancun
3. Hosted my first family BBQ (about 50 people)

1. Sold my home that I'd lived in all my life
2. Bought a house in the country and moved
3. Was hugely pregnant with my son.
4. Took my last real vacation

1. Finally getting myself back on track after PPD
2. Trying to lose weight and work out.
3. Dying to go swimming - my first summer not
seeing or swimming in an ocean :(

This Year
1. Swimming in our new pool.
2. Expecting out daughter.
3. Going on play dates and taking my son to
toddler camp.
4. Wiped out my PC and reinstalled everything
after nasty infections!

1. Took my son to Muscoot farm to see live farm
animals for the first time.
2. Swam with my son.
3. Had bad heartburn and BH contractions (no fun)

1. Shopping
2. Cleaning
3. Playing with my son
4. Reading and being lazy (won't be able to do
that much longer).

By Kernkate on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 - 10:21 am:

10 Years Ago (Summer of 1994)
1. Waiting the arrival of my second DS who was born in Sept.
2.Dying of heat being pregnant.
3.Getting my
DS who was 8 ready to go back to school.
4.Went to Pocono for Nascar Races.
5.Went to Atlantic City for 2 weeks

5 Years Ago (1999)
1.DS Tom went to Camp Cadet for a week.
2.Went to June and July Nascar Races
3.Ejoyed the summer with my 2 DS's

3 Years Ago (2001)
1.Preparing DS to get his Drivers Permit
2.Enjoying my DD who was born Sept 2000
3.Baseball and Soccer Games
4. MIL passed away:(

Last Year (2003)
1. Nascar Races as Usual
2.Enjoyed the summer with my 3 kids
3.DSS passed away in December

This Year (2004)
1.Celebrated DS's 18th birthday
2 DS's who is 18 had chickenpox
3.Got thru DS's graduation
4.Waiting for a nice summer to enjoy.
5.Getting TOm ready for College.

1.Took Brett to soccer camp.
2.Did Laundry
3.Took kids Up The Lake
4.Made Dinner
5.Went To Work

1.Got Brett off to soccer camp at 9
2.Did Laundry
3.Filled Kids Pool
4.Will Make Lunch
5.Spend some time outside in the pool, then make dinner

By Trina~moderator on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 - 10:34 am:

Great thread, Rayanne! :)

10 Years Ago (Summer of 1994)
1. Celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary
2. TTC but not having any luck :(
3. Teaching Gr. 3 but working FT summers in management at a clothing store
4. Settling into our first house that we bought in '93
5. Unknowingly taking SLEEP for granted! (Before kids. LOL!)

5 Years Ago (1999)
1. Settling into our new house in CT
2. BUSY with an infant and toddler
3. Taking the kids to the town pool/park
4. Going to playgroups
5. Trying to potty train DS.

3 Years Ago (2001)
1. Busy with a toddler and preschooler
2. Taking the kids to the town pool/park
3. Going to playgroups
4. Realizing DD is potty trained, basically on her own!
5. Active school volunteer

Last Year (2003)
1. Active school volunteer
2. Went to WDW with my parents
3. Turned 40
4. Celebrated 15th wedding anniversary
5. Hoping to become a certified CPS Tech...

This Year (2004)
1. Became a certified CPS Tech! Woo hoo!
2. Still actively volunteering at the school but getting burned out
3. Volunteering at Car Seat Clinics
4. Reading more
5. Enjoying more ME time!

1. Laundry
2. decluttering
3. vacuuming
4. shopping
5. finished reading "The Secret Life of Bees". Good book!

1. Laundry
2. decluttering
3. Deciding which book to start next
4. Monitoring sibling conflicts
5. Taking the kids to the pool/park.

By Dawnk777 on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 - 10:45 am:

10 Years Ago (Summer of 1994)
1. Swimming
2. Married 6 years
3. One daughter - 4 going on 5 (so buying school supplies for the very first time and wondering how she got to be 5 years old so quickly!)
4. Other daughter 2
5. Still renting a lower flat

5 Years Ago (1999)
1. Married almost 12 years by this time
2. Owned our house-both kids in school
3. More swimming and enjoying being a SAHM
4. Were about to get a dog, but didn't know it yet (November). Were just walking neighbor's dog and giving her baths, for the neighbor when the dog rolled in poop, since the neighbor was about 90 and was unable to bathe the dog. (The dog's name was Honey.)
5. Getting ready for school - Sarah 5th grade and Emily 2nd grade

3 Years Ago (2001)
1. Enjoying Honey
2. getting ready for school
3. swimming
4. Obviously, no clue what would happen in September.
5. Married almost 14 years

Last Year (2003)
1. WORKING - hardly any time for swimming-besides vacations, we has some sick staff members to fill in for, too!
2. Enjoying Honey
3. Getting ready for Sarah to start high school and Emily to start middle school
4. Grateful for days off
5. Not a whole lot of time for fun.

This Year (2004)
1. Put Honey to sleep in March (had only 4 years with her
2. Adopted Jasmine in April, about 6 weeks later
3. Not working quite as much
4. Have had time for bike rides and it also has been cool enough to enjoy them!
5. Married almost 17 years, Sarah going to be a sophomore and Emily going to be in 7th grade. (don't they grow up so fast?)

1. Worked just in the afternoon
2. Went out to eat with a friend (the swimming friend!)
3. Played 2 rounds of miniature golf with an
ice-cream-break in between them!
4. got to sleep in
5. Actually had hot and humid weather! (It's been a cool summer here in WI. It's actually cause for rejoicing that it's hot and humid. I still have the AC on, though!)

1. Work 5-Close later today.
2. Having computer time while kids still sleep
3. Have to get Jasmine on a walk later (too hot now at 84. I wait until the sun is going down, since she is a black dog.
4. Trying to keep from itching my mosquito bites (comes from walking Jasmine at dusk!)
5. Wondering what will become of Sheboygan in a few weeks when the PGA US Open is going on. They expect 300,000 people and 25,000 more cars (and I think Sheboygan has way too many cars on a day-to-day basis already!) Maybe it won't matter, because I work a lot of hours during the PGA! I have never been part of something so big before in my life!

By Emily7 on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 - 11:17 am:

10 Years Ago (Summer of 1994)
1.Trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life.

5 Years Ago (1999)
1. Managing a motel & trying to get pregnant

3 Years Ago (2001)
1. Getting ready for the borth of my son & trying to keep a positive attitude about his birth defect.

Last Year (2003)
1. Getting ready for the birth of my dd & then having her. Managing an apartment building.

This Year (2004)
1. Moving into a house & staying at home with my dks.

1. Cleaning the house, of course.

1. Watching my nephews & trying to keep a clean house.

By Bellajoe on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 - 12:03 pm:

Are you kidding? I barely remember what i had for breakfast! LOL. I will try.

10 Years Ago (Summer of 1994)

1. I was getting ready for my Senior yr. in high school.
2. And working at Arby's eeew!

5 years ago (summer of 1999)
1. I was taking care of my baby girl who was 2 months old

3 yrs ago (summer of 2001)
1. With a two yr old and a 8 month old, probably was buying diapers
2. Had no clue what would happen in September

Last Year (2003)

1. Dh took a week off work and we spent a day at Put-In-Bay in Sandusky Ohio and traveled to IKEA in Pittsburgh
2. Traveling to see family members skattered around Northern U.S.

This Year (2004)

1. Looking forward to trip to Cedar Point next weekend
2. Traveling to N.Y. to visit sister on Saturday
3. WDW this fall!!!


1. Took kids to pool
2. DD had playdate, son and I looked around Toys R Us

1. Bought baby pool
2. got dd backpack for kindergarten
3.'s darn hot!

By Pamt on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 - 02:36 pm:

10 years ago (1994)
1. My oldest son was a few months old--born 3/94
2. I just returned to work 30/hrs week at a nursing home and was pumping LOTS of milk
3. Celebrated 4th wedding anniversary.
4. Keeping up with the OJ saga
5. Dh getting ready to wrap up seminary (12/94)
and we lived in TX

5 years ago (1999)
1. Had a private practice in my home and worked 8 hrs/week in the public schools
2. Taking care of a 5 y/o and a 2 y/o
3. Lots of time at the park!
4. Lived in MO
5. Saving up for our 10 yr anniversay trip (2000) to England.

3 years ago
1. Getting settled in LA
2. Missing all of my friends in MO :(
3. Just started a new job at a hospital (still my same job now :))
4. Went to the beach for the 1st time in since DS #2 was born
5. Helping my best friend from MO deal with her DH's affair :(

Last year (2003)
1. Serial killer in Baton Rouge was caught--much relief!!
2. Went to Nicaragua on a mission trip.
3. Family vacation at the beach and boys learned to boogie-board, but not very well--LOL
4. Started reading program at work--big success
5. Both boys played baseball at the YMCA.

This year
1. Second year of reading program and developed summer camp this year
2. Only 1 DS playing baseball and being a superstar at shortstop.
3. Oldest DS preparing to go to his first summer camp next week
4. Got a new kitty.
5. Lots of family visits to our house this summer.

1. Worked all day
2. Baseball game last night
3. Oldest DS not feeling well.
4. Watched Amazing Race 5.
5. IM'ed with Kate for awhile.

1. Surprised DH by taking him lunch at work today.
2. Went to the hospital to get trained in doing swallow studies with radiology.
3. Cleaning house--it's a pit right now
4. Rollerblading and snowballs after housecleaning
5. Church tonight.

By Kate on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 - 03:56 pm:

1. Had just moved into new house (new to us, pre-existing)
2. Gutted kitchen completely and made it all new
3. Refinished all the hardwoods.
4. Was working as a medical transcriptionist
5. Just hanging out with husband

1. Maid of honor in my sister's wedding, my three year old was flower girl
2. Enjoying said three year old with story hour at the library, museum trips, and playdates
3. Went to DisneyWorld in August, had spectacular time which I know can never ever be repeated. EVERYTHING fell into place.
4. TTC

1. Enjoying my five year old and new baby.
2. Had two internet friends come up and visit us for a week.
3. Found my church
4. Found my daughter's school
5. Spent much time volunteering at school

1. Room mother and constant volunteer at school
2. Found Momsview!
3. Experienced the excitement of my sister adopting her newborn boy
4. Finally began caring about landscaping and gardening and even had a vegetable garden
5. Started hating my daughter's school
6. Was baptized with immersion believer's baptism

1. Experienced the excitement of my OTHER sister adopting a newborn (my first NIECE! I have EIGHT nephews)
2. Found a new school for my daughter to begin in September
3. Planted vegetable garden again, only this year it's bigger
4. Found contractor to put new roof and siding on in September
5. Was maid of honor in close friend's wedding in West Virginia

1. Watched the stump grinders grind the stumps of the five trees we had removed last week
2. Watched in horror as the grinders basically ground up the whole front yard....roots...
3. Cringed as pouring rain made my dug up front yard a pig's heaven
4. Went to my sister's house
5. Came home to find the storm broke one of our few remaining trees!!!! After the tree and stump people were all GONE!
6. Chopped down broken, pathetic tree
7. IM'd with Pam and watched Amazing Race :)

1. Slept in a bit! Kids didn't come get me!
2. My sister brought a gorgeous BIG carpet remnant I am going to use in the basement as a playroom/sewing room
3. Filled the baby pools and slip and slide on our first sunny day in weeks
4. Need to shop for umbrellas and a sympathy card
5. Magic show tonight at the library

By Marcia on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 - 05:05 pm:

10 Years Ago (Summer of 1994)
1. enjoying my one year old Nicole
2. amazed to find out I was preg with Meghan
3. shocking everyone I knew with that same news!
4. running a home daycare
5. turned 30

5 Years Ago (1999)
1. March - Tanner joined the family
2. March - quite doing home daycare
3. July - Tanner died
4. non stop visits with therapists for Kayla and Sonja
5. Chrissy joined the family

3 Years Ago (2001)
1. first year with all of the kids in school at least part time
2. volunteered at the school a lot

Last Year (2003)
1. brother's wedding
2. lots of driving - Sonja graduated and needed to go to her day programs
3. lots of scrapbooking for people
4. volunteered as Sunday School Teacher
5. volunteering at school, but less than previous years

This Year (2004)
1. Jan - Sonja died
2. March - family trip to FL
3. May - Emily joined the family
4. June - found out I'm going to be an aunt again
5. July - turned 40 July 17!!

1. meeting with Em and Chrissy's social worker
2. groceries
3. drove the kids to friends all over town
4. took Rozi (God daughter) to stable to work
5. made a roast in the crock pot, and it was awful!!

1. meeting with speech path for Emily
2. drove Emily to respite
3. watched the kids have fun in the pool
4. soccer tonite x 3
5. 14th anniversary today

By Kaye on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 - 05:44 pm:

1. getting used to the 3-4 month old baby I had
2. really struggling with ppd and having no idea
3. applying for my first teaching job
4. helping out with my dad through back surgery
5. helping out my mom through dad's surgery (she was in a wheelchair.

1. getting ready to move once again
2. learning to adapt to my dad's second wife
3. my third baby turned one and boy does that just make me realize how fast life can go.
4. 3 kids ages 5, 3, 1...park, zoo, eating, diapers

1. living in ohio, loving it
2. missing family
3. dealing with real issues with my youngest, he is autistic or not

last year
1. just moved back to texas
2. find out mom #2 has brain cancer
3. dealing with dad watching his second spouse have cancer
4. dealing with kids being sad about the above 3 things

1. printed out wedding invitations for my dad and soon to be #3
2. took my daughter to tennis camp
3. took my youngest in for two fillings
4. went to a stampin up party
5. slept

1. played tennis
2. bought scrapbooking supplies
3. picked up daughter from soon to be # 3
4. 1 houred photos
5. procrastinating working on the scrapbook that has to be done by friday!

By Momo on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 - 07:14 pm:

10 Years Ago (Summer of 1994)
1. 21 years old! / lots of parties!
2. Living with long time (now EX) boyfriend
3. Going to college
4. camping, backpacking, hiking, x-country skiing
5. working as a waitress

5 Years Ago (1999)
1. Married 2 years
2. had 1 year old daughter/preggo with son (born in Sept.99)
3. working full time
4. helping post-cancer mom, living with us
5. buying first house (moved in 20 days before son was born!)

3 Years Ago (2001)
1. still working full time
2. spending time with kids..
3. starting to spend more time with dh!
4. Went to Disneyland - stayed at new Grand California Hotel (nice!)
5. probably not much else.

Last Year (2003)
1. Had baby #3 in March. Listened to lots of crying.
2. quit working full time/set up home office for p/t work in evening
3. dd started Kinder, ds in new preschool.
4. Learning how to be a SAHM (how hard!!)
5. hanging on for dear life.

This Year (2004)
1. 2 best friends finally had babies!!
2. taking AutoCAD class
3. still working p/t & in office 1x/wk
4. dh vasectomy =)
5. trying to have some summer fun!

1. made camping reservation
2. went to 2yo b-day party
3. dd's friend came to play
4. cleaned, cooked, then worked in evening until 12a.m.
5. crashed on couch for an hour..

1. went to OB/GYN apt with 3 kids
2. got lunch at McD's
3. registered kids for swimming
4. planning shopping list/menu for week
5. will shop, cook, work, then study tonight (only 3 days left of class! yay)

By Andyjoy on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 - 11:51 pm:

10 Years Ago (Summer of 1994)
1. Jumped on the trampoline a lot
2. Went to the pool
3. Rode my bike all over town
4. Played softball
5. Anticipated the start of Jr. High (7th grade)

5 Years Ago (1999)
1. Tons of babysitting jobs
2. Awesome youth camp
3. Read a lot of books.
4. School yearbook editor.
5. Couldn't wait for my last year of high school!

3 Years Ago (2001)
1. Blessed with awesome profs who figured out a way for my to afford another year of college.
2. Grew in relationship with future dh.
3. Started taking hard accounting courses.
4. Learned to ride a unicycle during Spring Break.
5. Assistant R.A. at college.

Last Year (2003)
1. Got married!!!!!!
2. Moved all my junk into my apartment.
3. Finished my last semester of college.
4. Bought my unicycle.
5. Broke my nose (not due to unicycle).

This Year (2004)
1. Officially graduated from college!
2. Camp counselor for a week
3. Celebrated my 1st anniversary w/ trip to Knott's.
4. Discovered momsview.
5. Worked on my resume--oh joy.

1. Talked to my mom on the phone for an hour.
2. Costco trip.
3. Walmart trip.
4. Paid bills.
5. Went to see "A Cinderella Story" with dh.

1. Packed boxes for move to Moscow, Idaho
2. Took dh to doctor for head injury
3. Made chicken pot pie for dinner
4. Surfed Internet for jobs/apartments in Idaho
5. Filled out this list!

By Lauram on Friday, July 23, 2004 - 10:02 am:

10 Years Ago (Summer of 1994)
1. newly engaged
2. living in NYC
3. working in my dad's office to make extra money for the summer (between the school year- I was teaching)
4. spending a lot of time in Southampton
5. in a car accident that went to court for 1 million dollar claim against me- my lawyer "settled" for 300,000- even though the person who was claiming the injury WASN'T EVEN IN THE CAR!

5 Years Ago (1999)
1. spending time with my son who is my second son's age now
2. lots of beach/digging
3. hurt my neck and was in bed for six weeks
4. my son's Tourette tics started
5. his separation anxiety started

3 Years Ago (2001)
1. pregnant
2. almost lost the baby
3. having a very hard time with my son
4. son having agression/rage
5. attention/hyper issues started for him

Last Year (2003)
1. son went on meds
2. life turned around
3. had an au pair who was awesome for the first half of the year
4. started teaching gifted/ math support
5. youngest son started day care

This Year (2004)
1. things are a bit smoother
2. started to run a support group for Tourette's
3. decided to go back to school to get sixth year degree in adminstration
4. teaching math support full time and doing lots of leadership in the district
5. worried about second son's activity level with family history

1. on the phone with college looking for lost transcripts that the never sent to the state of CT for certification renewal and to the college I am applying to for my sixth year degree
2. on the phone with the mortgage company because they never sent me a statement this month because they were "in transition."
3. received a copy of my recommendation from my principal which was very flattering
4. went to a swim meet
5. went to the town pool

1. picked up son from swim team and helped him find his "lost" goggles
2. called dr to get MMR shot today for the fourth time since my immunization records are lost (so I can go to school)
3. cleaned up bathroom which was flooded with water because youngest son kept water running in the sink and it was stopped up by a flipped over medicine cup- leaked everywhere- including downstairs
4. chased after crazy two year old
5. called personnel office at work because the state is missing my "statement of professional experience" which is needed to renew my certification

By Boxzgrl on Friday, July 23, 2004 - 12:42 pm:

10 Years Ago (Summer of 1994)
1. Attended Talbert MIDDLE School (i'm so young!!)
2. Had my first big "crush"
3. Permed my hair
4. Went to Catalina Island

5 Years Ago (1999)
1. Started dating the "hottest guy" at school LOL!
2. Entering my senior year of high school
3. Got my license

3 Years Ago (2001)
1. Got married to DH!!!!! (10/5)
2. Had my 1st pregnancy and miscarriage
3. Started working as a vet tech (2/01)

Last Year (2003)
1. Had my beautiful DD, Kaitlyn
2. DH was in Iraq for almost 9 months

This Year (2004)
1. Survived marital problems
2. TTC child #2
3. Started school to become a pharmacy tech
4. Moved to Camp Pendleton

1. Took DD to the park
2. Ignored the dirty house
3. DH got me flowers, balloons and a card for no reason!
4. Had a bit too much wine :)

1. Babysitting
2. Slowly picking up the house
3. Craving Starbucks
4. Missing DH

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