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Is it insane that....

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive July 2004: Is it insane that....
By Nicosmom on Thursday, July 15, 2004 - 12:47 am:

I haven't packed a thing yet and I'm leaving for Ohio in two days? I am so overwhelmed. I feel like my house has to be spotless before I leave and that all laundry has to be done for me to start packing clothes. Dh will pack his own stuff but I have to pack a ton of clothes for myself and for ds. I still need to go clothes shopping on top of that. I think the nervousness is just taking over and I'm shutting down or something. Okay, tomorrow (the 15th) I will begin the process. Wish me luck!

By Ladypeacek on Thursday, July 15, 2004 - 01:31 am:

I hope its not insane cuz i do the same thing, lol! I pack the night before usually and i MUST have a spotless house as well. Nothing worse than coming home from a vacation or trip and have a million things to do around the house.

By Tink on Thursday, July 15, 2004 - 01:40 am:

I'm the same way and I think it is a form of insanity! LOL The one thing that helps me is to make several lists. One for things that need to be done before I leave, one for things that need to be packed, one for things that have already been packed. Then I prioritize so that the important things get done for sure. I cross off as I go along and I don't get frozen and in a panic. The next step is right in front of me and I'm motivated by the things I already accomplished. Good luck and have a safe and fun trip!

By Amy~moderator on Thursday, July 15, 2004 - 10:03 am:

I do the same thing that Tink does - Lists, Lists, and more Lists! And everything also has to be clean before I will pack. So, no - you are not alone!

By Babysitbarb on Thursday, July 15, 2004 - 10:28 am:

I also make a list of what needs packed and my girls have learned to check this list and then they will have me go through their bags before we are ready to go. I will make a list also of things that need to be done before we leave. I will pack what I can through the week and finish after laundry is all done up and check things off as they are ready.My DH usually waits until that day to pack. Of course he only has the responsibilty of his clothes and that's it. I have mine, the girls and snacks and etc. Im usually tired before we ever leave. Have fun on your trip!!!!

By Emily7 on Thursday, July 15, 2004 - 11:21 am:

Add me to the list of those that make lists(LOL). I usually pack the night before too.

By Happynerdmom on Thursday, July 15, 2004 - 11:54 am:

Ditto...lists and late packing...I'm leaving for Michigan Sat. morning, and haven't packed a single thing. I'll do it Friday night.

By Boxzgrl on Thursday, July 15, 2004 - 12:34 pm:

I always plan to pack last minute because i'm always afraid i'll leave something behind and if I pack ahead of time I may not remember everything I packed and i'll drive myself crazy wondering... "Did I pack enough diapers?" "Did I bring my toothbrush?" etc... So, no. You're not alone. And theres nothing better than coming home from vacation with no chores to do!! Have Fun! :)

By Nicosmom on Thursday, July 15, 2004 - 12:35 pm:

:) Glad to know that I'm not alone. I had planned on making lists. One for me, one for ds and maybe a general list for everything.

By Bellajoe on Thursday, July 15, 2004 - 12:43 pm:

My dh thinks my lists are silly. I always make a list, or 2 or 3 :) when i am going somewhere. ESPECIALLY when my kids were babies. Knowing me, i would have forgotten something really important, like diapers or formula! So i put everything on the list.
I usually start doing laundry early in the week, start packing on Wednesday. Then Thursday i don't remember what i already packed so i un pack, check what i have and re about stupid! I just get too excited or nervous about the trip i guess!

Speaking of packing. Do you (the wifes/moms i mean) do ALL the packing and just let your dh pack his own stuff? I do, and then my dh get's aggitated if I forget something...duh, YOU can pack some stuff here! LOL

By Dawnk777 on Thursday, July 15, 2004 - 10:37 pm:

Some stuff, my DH packs. I don't know what stuff he needs for his contacts, even after 16 years of marriage, so he is always in charge of that. I pretty much pack everything else, though. My kids are old enough to pack their own stuff, so that is nice!

Oh, he also packs his own cameras. Sometimes he wants to bring his old film cameras, so he is in charge of that, too.

By Mommyathome on Friday, July 16, 2004 - 05:45 pm:

We leave for a 7 day trip to Vegas in two days, and I haven't even began to think about packing! I always pack at the last minute. And, my house also has to be absolutely spotless before I walk out the door.
DH will be here for the week with the two little ones.....he knows that the house has to be in the same condition when I return :) We'll see how he does!

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