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What have you been up to on these summer days?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive July 2004: What have you been up to on these summer days?
By Mommyathome on Friday, July 9, 2004 - 11:25 pm:

There hasn't been a whole lots of posting lately. So, I'm just wondering what everyone is up to?

We've just been doing normal summer things. Swimming, afternoons at the movies. Outside when it's not too hot. DD(6) and I leave in a week for a week-long mommy/daughter vacation! DH is working hard as ever.

So, what's going on in your life?

By Children03 on Friday, July 9, 2004 - 11:49 pm:

I have been spending lots of time with family. I have been busy spending time with my sister and nephews, they are down from Virginia and my niece is also down from Texas. I have been trying to spend a little more time with my own girls too, we have gone to the park a couple of times. I have been doing some yard work & keeping my house clean every day. We are going tomorrow to have our first family picture made since Morgan was born so I am excited about that.

By Trina~moderator on Saturday, July 10, 2004 - 12:33 pm:

Where are you and your DD going on vacation? Hmm, that sounds like a great idea! DD and I love to go to the beach but DH and DS don't. That might be a fun weekend, Mommy/DD bonding trip. :)

We're doing the usual summer stuff. Swimming lessons, pool, park, trips to visit friends and/or go to amusement parks, etc.. A lot of OUTSIDE time, provided there are no bears around. LOL! We're going on vacation next month. We rented a cottage on a lake. Looking forward to it!

By Dawnk777 on Saturday, July 10, 2004 - 03:48 pm:

Working, working working! Actually this next week, I only work at the clinic on Sunday and for 4 hours on Thursday! Yay! It hasn't been warm enough to go swimming anyway.

Walking the dog gets done everyday, since she needs one everyday. My kids went on a bikeride the other day. I haven't had time for much. I worked 8-10 hour days 4 days in a row and then had something every evening to do. I didn't have much time for fun.

Today, I put Miracle Grow on my flowers, updated my blog, took Emily to the library, walked the dog while walking with Sarah to an event about a mile away, so I'm really enjoying my day off!

By Pamt on Saturday, July 10, 2004 - 08:40 pm:

Summer here is chaos!!! Dh is coming and going all summer long on youth trips. My sister and nieces have visited twice (just left today), my mom is coming on Thursday and we are taking the boys to Six Flags in New Orleans on Friday. We had a double-header baseball game today followed by a birthday party. Church and another birthday party tomorrow. We have 2 more weekend trips this summer and my oldest does to a weeklong church camp at the end of July. Ballgames, swimming, and movies have taken a lot of our time and both boys have recently become addicted to card games so we've been playing a lot of rummy, slap jack, war, and spit :) The boys and I are also working on sorting through pictures and memorabilia and scrapbooking together. That's been a lot of fun! I also work 2.5 days a week and have a summer reading group for kids with dyslexia and we started a camp for kindergardners with reading and writing issues, so I've been traveling back and forth between 2 places for work and developing 2 new programs. I'll be glad for school to start back so we can slow down and get back in a routine.

By Pamt on Saturday, July 10, 2004 - 08:40 pm:

Summer here is chaos!!! Dh is coming and going all summer long on youth trips. My sister and nieces have visited twice (just left today), my mom is coming on Thursday and we are taking the boys to Six Flags in New Orleans on Friday. We had a double-header baseball game today followed by a birthday party. Church and another birthday party tomorrow. We have 2 more weekend trips this summer and my oldest does to a weeklong church camp at the end of July. Ballgames, swimming, and movies have taken a lot of our time and both boys have recently become addicted to card games so we've been playing a lot of rummy, slap jack, war, and spit :) The boys and I are also working on sorting through pictures and memorabilia and scrapbooking together. That's been a lot of fun! I also work 2.5 days a week and have a summer reading group for kids with dyslexia and we started a camp for kindergardners with reading and writing issues, so I've been traveling back and forth between 2 places for work and developing 2 new programs. I'll be glad for school to start back so we can slow down and get back in a routine.

By Annie2 on Saturday, July 10, 2004 - 08:41 pm:

Fun days at the beach, some movies, girlfriend and I took our girls horseback riding last Wed, swimming in friends' pools or at the Y, little kids going to VBS next week from 9-noon.
Entertaining friends, dinners out, etc. Trying to keep the house/yard in some kind of order. LOL!

By Kernkate on Sunday, July 11, 2004 - 12:38 pm:

Lots of time outdoors with the kids in their pool.
I also help a friend out at her restaurant 2 nights a week. So we are always busy. Now I am trying to concentrate on getting DS ready for college. Tomorrow he has orientation. Then on August 26th its check in for him. Lots of shopping to get him ready.
Hope everyone is enjoying summer. I know I am :)

By Bea on Sunday, July 11, 2004 - 02:24 pm:

Reading, soaking in the pool, gardening, going to the movies.

By Bellajoe on Sunday, July 11, 2004 - 02:30 pm:

Going to the pool, trying to keep cool inside, letting the kids run through the sprinkler, having playdates, nothing too exciting. We have had several parties to go to where dh and i can leave the kids with grandma and go alone :) We also are gonig to Cedar Point in a few weeks, so that is something to look forward to.

By Debbie on Sunday, July 11, 2004 - 04:32 pm:

We have been playing outside a lot lately. We have a great park a few blocks from our house. We have also been checking out things to do in the area since we are faily new here. We have only been swimming a few times, it has been cool here -in the 70's. I am hoping that it will soon get a little warmer so we can swim some more. My boys have been playing baseball and taking swim lessons. My oldest starts basketball camp next week. He is very excited about this. We are really having a fun summer. My boys have not been fighting at all which makes me very happy. I am just trying to spend as much time with them as possible. I realize they are growing up (they are 6 and 4) and it makes me sad. I don't know what I am going to do when they are both in school full time.

By Mommyathome on Sunday, July 11, 2004 - 04:50 pm:

Sounds like everyones just been doing summer stuff!

Trina- DD and I are off to Las Vegas for an international pageant :) We weren't going to go, but had a bunch of friends talk us into it! Now we are very excited. It's always fun to go when lots of friends will be there. It will be a week of mommy-daughter time.
My other DD (4) and I will take an overnight trip in mid-August. (so she doesn't feel left out) Probably just into the city, and we'll do some shopping or something.

Today has been so hot! Our city pool is closed on Sundays. We could run through the sprinklers I guess!

By Yjja123 on Sunday, July 11, 2004 - 06:44 pm:

So far we have spent our week days:
1/2 day homeschooling/Rest of the day playing.
We have had quite a bit of company here on weekends so have been enjoying the boat and the beach. Early evening my kids are outside jumping on the trampoline or running under the sprinkler.
We go on our vacation this week. We are going to Maryland. We will be visiting my brother. He just got a place on Chesapeke bay so the guys will be boating while I hope to go antique shopping. The kids are looking forward to going to Washington, DC. My parents will be there too so it will be like a family reunion.
We generally vacation in October so it seems strange going on one during the summer.
Enjoy your summer! :)

By Nicosmom on Monday, July 12, 2004 - 12:00 am:

Next week I will be in back east in Ohio and Pennsylvania visiting all of my family. I'm still nervous about the flight, but I think I'm actually more excited.

Pam(Bellajoe) I used to work at Cedar Pointe when I lived in Ohio..I loved it, it was the best summer. I lived in the park in dorms.

Robin, do you and your dd fly to Vegas? Can you tell I'm nervous?

By Bea on Monday, July 12, 2004 - 12:14 am:

Next weekend is the beginning of our annual Beach Week. Our DS, DIL and GD will arrive that night. We'll all head to the General's Cottage at Fort Story on Monday. My friend Bea and her grandson will join us this year. We all love it there. It is such a relaxing week. The cottage practically stands in the shadow of the Cape Henry Lighthouse. It's one of the oldest lighthouses in the United States.


Each day we have breakfast on the screened porch while watching the porpoises leap and play, the sandpipers skittering at the surf line, and the pelicans diving for their morning meal. We then pack a lunch, slather on our sunscreen and head for the swimming beach, a five minute drive down the coast. After a day swimming and sunning, we go back to the cottage to shower, then head to Virginia Beach for dinner. We come back, put the kids in bed, and play some, Clue or Trivial Pursuit. Before turning in, we have a glass of wine on the deck overlooking the beach, and doze with the sound of the surf lulling us to sleep. It's heaven.

By Dawnk777 on Monday, July 12, 2004 - 01:26 am:

Okay, we have a bike trail that is at the end of our block. It goes on for miles and miles and miles. 5.4 miles from our house is a McDonald's, so we would bike to McD's, get ice cream cones and bike home. Last summer, we had a lot of sick staff at the walk-in clinic, so I worked tons of hours all summer and just didn't feel like riding my bike. The rest of the summer, I don't work such crazy hours, so would like to get in some bike-riding time. I don't think I could do the whole 10.8 miles the first time, so it is my goal to bike ride to Kohler, about 3 miles away, with the kids tomorrow. Maybe a couple of times this week. Then we could schedule a trip with my friend and her daughter.

Her daughter is 13 and in gymnastics. She is in good shape! My daughters and I aren't quite in that good of shape. I think J. could show us all up! LOL!

If we go 2 miles farther, we could get to a Dairy Queen! LOL! Even if we are eating a little ice cream, at least we are exercising to get there! The bike trail is fantastic, because there are some small hills on them and you can go as fast as you want, since the roads are about 2 miles apart. There is very little traffic, other than other people on the bike trail.

By Fraggle on Monday, July 12, 2004 - 04:05 pm:

We just got back from a trip to Sturbridge, MA. It is the halfway point from our house to my MIL so they met us there. It turned out to be a good weekend.

Bea, your beach week sounds wonderful!

By Bea on Monday, July 12, 2004 - 04:31 pm:


The sound of lapping waves
That lulls us as we doze,
The sunrise cry of gulls
That pricks at our repose.

The cooling motor drones,
A lullaby it seems.
Surf sound induces sleep,
And gently fills our dreams.

B. V. Dahlen

By Mommyathome on Monday, July 12, 2004 - 05:03 pm:

Dana.....we just drive! I'm nervous about flying too! LOL It's only a 4.5 hour drive for us, and we are riding with friends.

However, they are considering moving the pageant to Texas or Florida next then we will be flying. (if I can get up enough courage!)

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