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Painting is done for me

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive July 2004: Painting is done for me
By Mrse on Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - 09:10 pm:

Well as some of you know I was painting my parents house, I have been going thier for a while now, trying to get it done before the big party dad's 65th birthday on july 17th weekend. Well the house is done except for touch up's which I was doing today, they decided that the fence posts around the yard should be painted so I had my two dd, helping. One dd, was up in the contraption that dad made to get up to the top of the peak of the roof finishing that. Mom and dad had a list of stuff they had to do before the party, and seemed stressed out because of it, and I said well don't worry about it we will come up and help get it done. I have been hearing complains that the girls were getting the trim color white on the black which is what we painted the house, I told them don't worry about it, I will go around when we are done and fix it up. Now I had done 98 % of this house my self coming up to their house every day for a while then taking a break, and just recently got the girls involved in helping. Well I am painting the fence post and dad comes up to me and says, did you hear what mom said? I of course said what? She said she will never paint this house again!! I got instantly pissed off, as she has not picked up a paint brush since it all started. He said that it is just because their just seems to be so much confustion, on what to paint etc.. I said it aint that hard just have to look at it, and you know what needs to be done. In the end I told him they can finish it themselves, I was just trying to help out, and I left in tears, of course with mother running after me saying they do appreciate all the work I have put into the house, it is just that thier has been so many people around latley and they just took on so much, to get done before the party , which I really do understand, but I have been running myself ragged trying to get the house done, working so hard that I hardly knew my name, I really over did it that day 9 hours working on the house. I guess what I am trying to say is that my feelings are hurt, I am exhausted, and I can not stop crying. I am just going to let them finish it themselves now. Sorry I just had to get that off my chest, feeling really crappy right now.

By Tink on Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - 09:33 pm:

I am really sorry that you are feeling this way. I don't know how old your mom is. My mom and stepdad, who is your dad's age, have a hard time when there is a lot of hustle and bustle around them. It's hard to take when you have been working so hard on this project and when you have the pressure of the party coming up. It sounds like your girls are older, can you take some time to yourself and go for a drive or 1/2 an hour in your bedroom with a book to unwind? {{{Mrse}}}

By Bobbie~moderatr on Thursday, July 8, 2004 - 12:03 am:

I agree with Tink. Heck we painted my grandparents house last summer. My sisters and brother inlaws and my dad (their ex son in law) all came up and painted. It took us all day to do it and my grandparents were so stressed out by the end of the day it wasn't even funny. It is hard on a person when they are older to adjust to change. And for you to be there off and on all the time (yes I know you were doing it for them but) it is stressful and over whelming. I really think you shouldn't take this personally. They are old and need the help and some times you just have to take things in to consideration and move on when something like this happens. I am sure they didn't mean any harm. And I bet when it is all done and they have time to sit back and look at it finally finished they will be glad they had you do it. But right now they are probably just never seeing an end to it. Get what I am trying to say?? Don't sweat the small stuff and move on...

I would take a warm bath get a good book and call it a day...

By Mrse on Thursday, July 8, 2004 - 10:14 am:

Mom called last night and asked if I was still mad. I told her I am getting over it, their was some small talk, and she asked me if I would come back and finish up the last of it, I told her their was not that much to finish up, but I would.Yes I do need a break, it has been a long couple of weeks doing this house. I think the part where it went down hill, was the one side of the house where we had to use dad's lift to get up to do the part above this glassed in part over the front door, their is no way of getting up their and mom, was not wanting to take the glass down, but their is no way of really finishing the siding unless you take it down, and she was really upset over that. YOu know I really don't think of my parents as being that old. Dad is turning 65 and mom is 63, they have a business and figure out way more complicated stuff than painting, I told dad that and he said that is because mom and I work as a team, and we know what each other are thinking, we just don't work well when their is alot of people around. Not sure if I am going to go out today, or not, I work untill 2:30 , I might go, but only for two hours at a time now. I really did not want to get so upset about all of this but the tears came before I knew it. I just don't like it when people complain when you have volunteered so much time, to someone else's project. I have been trying to get mom to buy the paint for the last 5 years, and all along I said I would do the house. I can see their point, but I also see mine, going to take the advice and go have a warm bath.

By Bobbie~moderatr on Thursday, July 8, 2004 - 10:30 pm:

Well I suggest you remember this. So that way when you are old, which at that age yes your parents are old, you will remember to be a bit more patient and understanding when someone offers to help you. Other than that, let it go...

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