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Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive July 2004: Bear!
By Trina~moderator on Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - 09:13 am:

AWWWW, a bear is in my front yard eating out of my trash can as I type! DH just took out the trash this morning (trash day) before leaving for work. I looked out the window and was upset to see the trash can had been tipped over and trash all over the yard. I was on my way outside to clean it up when I noticed Yogi. AWWW! I got some pics but haven't downloaded them yet. GOOD thing my kids are inside! I missed a shot of him standing on his hind feet and rubbing his back against a tree. LOL!

By Marg on Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - 09:17 am:

We live in (southern) PA Trina. We had a bear go through our yard about 2 summers ago. Our neighbor lady was following it to take pictures!

We lost our bear last fall when someone shot him:( The guy was fined.

I'm glad you're all inside also:) They do make a great story though!

By Trina~moderator on Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - 09:30 am:

We live in a rural area outside of Hartford and have bear sightingss in our yard every year. One of the reasons why I'm hesitant to let my kids play outside without an adult! I want to clean up the mess before the garbage truck comes, but I want to be sure Yogi is gone first.

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By Colette on Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - 09:36 am:

that bear looks a lot bigger than the one you posted before!

By Janet on Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - 09:38 am:

You guys are so casual about it! I can't imagine looking out and seeing a bear in my yard... I'd freak out if a racoon were in my garbage! LOL We just don't have those critters in Illinois (thank goodness)! (Although there are rumors of cougars in Peoria, LOL)

By Marg on Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - 09:39 am:

He looks to be a pretty good sized bear Trina!

By Brandy on Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - 09:40 am:

scary but he is pretty cute = ) of course i think you can keep him i don't think i could handle that living right outside of my house = )

By Eve on Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - 09:45 am:

That's crazy, Trina! Wow! Nope, I wouldn't let Syd play by herself either! They are beautiful animals, but scary.

I can't get over that you are only 15 min. away from our house, but have bear sightings. We get lots of deer, but that's about it. Cool photos!:)

By Coopaveryben on Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - 09:58 am:

Wow! I told my son you had something in your trash and to guess what it was...he guessed a Raccoon (the big joke in our house is that daddy was getting the trash one night and a raccoon was on it and he came screaming down the drive like a little girl)...he almost died when I showed him the picture. That is really neat!

By Trina~moderator on Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - 10:06 am:

Apparently Yogi likes icecream! LOL! I just cleaned up the mess. YUCK! Last month I bought a package of those cheap icecream cups for a school activity. We didn't end up using them at school so I brought them home and put them in the freezer. My kids don't like them so DH threw them out. The bear cleaned out every single icecream cup (12)! Not a drop of icecream left!

Janet, we've had to learn to be casual about it. What else can we do?! Yes, it unnerves me, especially since we have to be extra cautious when playing in the yard, but there isn't much we can do. I used to call the police and they'd notify the area game warden (or whoever takes care of such things) but there isn't much that can be done.

By Karen~moderator on Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - 10:18 am:

Trina, you live in Wild Kingdom! LOL!

By Janet on Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - 10:43 am:

Do you EVER let your kids outside?? I can't believe how gutsy Yogi is...coming out in broad daylight? But then, I suppose if I were his size, I'd be pretty gutsy, too! Sheesh!

By Mommyathome on Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - 11:10 am:

What a very pretty animal! But, scary too! He does look bigger than the last bear pictures you posted.

By Kittycat_26 on Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - 11:26 am:

Gee..............I sure hope Yogi isn't lactos intolerant!

By Rayanne on Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - 01:07 pm:

smiley Amanda.

OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I saw a bear in front of my house, I think I might freak out. I would be so scared to walk outside.
I love bears, teddy bears, but you can keep Yogi. Is that really his name or is that what you call him?
On our honeymonn, there were warnings on this trail that we were on of bears, I really wanted to turn around right then and there.

By Hol on Friday, July 9, 2004 - 06:36 pm:

I live about an hour from Trina, and we have bears, too. The three hundred acres of wooded land accross from us is Nature Conservancy land, so we get all sorts of things. Two weeks ago, we had a baby deer walk up our driveway.

The bears around here get up on people's porches and eat out of their bird feeders. They PREFER non-meat food. The only time that they could be dangerous is in the Spring when they come out of hibernation.

A couple summers ago, there was a bear that was so bold, that he would rummage through the dumpster at our local ice cream place, while families stood there, eating their ice cream. I guess he was originally from Western Massachusetts, and had been a "problem" (LOL) there, so the Fish and Wildlfe people "relocated" him to the Connecticut/Rhode Island border area. They are tagged and tracked by Fish and Wildlife.

I love his name, "Yogi". Maybe he'll bring "Boo boo", too, one of these days. (LOL)

Out West, in the National Parks, the rangers warn people not to leave food in their cars in the parking lot. Bears will spot cookies or candy in a parked car, and literally tear the car door off!! They are incredibly strong, and apparently have a MAJOR sweet tooth!

By Mrln05 on Friday, July 9, 2004 - 09:37 pm:

Wow this is amazing. The only time I've seen a bear (other than at the zoo) was many years ago when we were driving through Shanendoah (sp?) National Forest.

I'd be scared to death to see a bear in my yard. We get deer and wild turkey and the other usual small animals, but that's about it.

I'd be afraid to go out and clean up the garbage after a bear was around. I would afraid he would come back and eat me or mame me. You are brave, Karen.

By Amecmom on Friday, July 9, 2004 - 11:26 pm:

My husband saw one in our yard this morning!!! There are people who have lived in this area all their lives and have never seen one.
This guy was about 5 feet at head height, on all fours (appx. 7ft if standing).
He just moseyed across our yard and into the neighbor's.

I am reluctant to leave my toddler alone on the deck now, for even a minute.

My husband wasn't scared, but I am.
This, after the manhunt in our yard last week. What will next week bring?


By Kernkate on Friday, July 9, 2004 - 11:46 pm:

I am in NE PA and we see bears all the time. I live on a Main St. constant traffic and we have a bear around in our backyard. Its very scary with kids. I am always checking the wood behind our house when we are out in the yard.
Trina they are great pics...He looks like a big Yogi. Everytime I see one by our house I first yell because its scares the S@#T out of me then I run for the then our Yogi is gone.

By Mrln05 on Saturday, July 10, 2004 - 10:41 am:

I meant to say earlier - Trina, you are brave. Sorry. I mixed up Karen, Moderator, and Trina, Moderator. Forgive me.

By Fraggle on Monday, July 12, 2004 - 04:13 pm:

Wow Trina. It was a good thing you were all inside. We have them in our area, but usually they go for the birdfeeders. I haven't seen one yet in our yard. Right now coyotes are a bigger concern around here.

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