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What are you doing to better yourself?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive March 2004: What are you doing to better yourself?
By Marg on Friday, March 26, 2004 - 02:25 pm:

I don't know if I placed that in correct question form...

For example Dana and Brandy (and others losing weight, wish I had more will power!)

What do you all do to actually better yourself, educate, exercise, etc?

I have been stuck in limbo since mom passed away. Maybe even using it as an excuse. But recently I have decided to take a leap and go in a different direction and I feel really good about it. I found a school and the school interns with a company which eventually might hire me and I could work at home.

I have decided to take some course in a different field and work at home, big and long decision, since I've been in accounting for 18 years.

I have also found a gym that will suit our family's needs, yippee!! with a ridiculous price tag!

I'm excited, and to be honest earlier this week I was in a very low place. This really gives me something (personally) to look forward too. How quickly things can turn around.

Yes, one of those mothers that place everybodies needs first and haven't thought much of myself in recent years...

By Karen~moderator on Friday, March 26, 2004 - 02:38 pm:

This may sound weird, but as painful as it is to let go, I have been making a huge effort to *let go* that I mean, the struggles Jen and I have been having, the head to head battles, etc., I am just letting go, because it was hurting me too much. I realize she is going through her own issues and is caught between childhood and adulthood right now, and I have finally accepted that I have to wait for her to reach her next level of maturity and come around. It is painful for me to not have her living under my roof, but I'm letting go, I'm not arguing with her or fighting with her, even though I KNOW she is making some decisions in her life that aren't right for her in the long haul. It's less painful for me to just let go right now. And in that vein, I've been letting go of other things too that are causing me stress and pain, i.e. the deteriorating relationship with my sisters, who are doing nothing to help take care of my mom right now. Hopefully one day things won't be this way, but I've learned that I cannot survive day to day constantly being upset by all of these things.

I am reaching out to my friends more these days.

I am doing things that *I* enjoy, which used to be considered selfish, but *I* consider it survival.

I have quit putting so much pressure on myself in the way of deadlines, house stuff, etc. Work deadlines are nothing I can change, but personal stuff is.

And......I have my Pilates and treadmill, which makes me feel good about me.

I realize all these things aren't going to get me any further along career-wise, but at this point, I am most concerned with how I FEEL, emotionally and physically, so that's what I'm working on these days.

By Ladypeacek on Friday, March 26, 2004 - 02:38 pm:

Well i have also been in limbo since about 2 years ago. I have always enjoyed murder mystries, book and tv. So i decided to try and write a book. I am really excited about it too. I don't get my hopes up at all that it will be a bestseller or even be published but i am gonna try my best! I figure if i finish it, then thats enough for me! It gives me something to do since i am a sahm and it keeps my brain active!! I went to college for 6 years in psychology (criminal mostly) so hopefully it will now become useful!

Good luck to you!! I hope it all works out, all mothers deserve it!!

By Vicki on Friday, March 26, 2004 - 02:42 pm:

Funny you should post this because within the last month, I have finally decided that I need to do some things for ME!! One thing I have been interested in is scrap booking. I just know that I would drive myself nuts with it, so I was thinking forever about making cards at home using some of the ideas from scrap booking. Just Monday I finally went to the scrap booking store and bought some things to make cards!! They are a new local business and didn't have tons to choose from just yet, so I need to run to Michaels or someplace like that to get some more little things. But it felt good to just stop and get that and actually be doing something that I was interested in. I have also been watching what I have been eating the past couple of weeks and am feeling like that is starting to made a little difference. I am thinking of doing WW to actually have a program to follow.... I have also been doing some cleaning out of thing and have that fresh Spring feeling and have got a few new things for the house to Spring it up a bit. I also went to lunch with an old friend and went to see a movie with her too. It just feels so good to be doing some things for me!!!!!!

By Marg on Friday, March 26, 2004 - 02:44 pm:


I'm really proud of you!

Your relationship with Jen sounds a lot like my mom and sisters. You will be glad in the future you did what you did.

About your mom, btdt (((Karen))) God will bless you for what you are doing. He has blessed me above and beyond.

It is good what you are doing, I think that's what's been holding me back is emotional things that drain me...

Good for you!

By Marg on Friday, March 26, 2004 - 02:45 pm:

Good Luck Kenna! Sounds exciting, you will have to tell us when it goes up for sale! Keep working:)

By Marg on Friday, March 26, 2004 - 02:46 pm:

Good for you Vicki! It's hard to do things for ourselves when we are mothers. It seems like we put ourselves on the back burner to often!

By Brandy on Friday, March 26, 2004 - 02:54 pm:

Great job everyone like Marg said i have been taking time for me and losing this weight at the same time.My kids are both in school and i go to the gym and walking with my sister in law on m,w,and friday now on saturday mornings i'm going to weight watchers = ) i will have the boys with me then but i can still go for me and they will play with each other there instead of at the house or go do something with their grandparents or something.It is very important to do things for ourselves because if we don't we will not be as fresh to take care of our children if we are stressed and such they will detect that and that's not good.

By Yjja123 on Friday, March 26, 2004 - 03:15 pm:

I am on a diet and exercise plan. Trying to get healthy and make healthier choices for both myself and my family.
Our family has a project that we write in a family journal our good deeds. It is our goal to a minimum of one good deed per day. It can be for family but I think it is better when we do one for strangers. I think this is bettering our family because it is opening our eyes to how one person can effect anther persons day.

By Pamt on Friday, March 26, 2004 - 03:36 pm:

Educationally-back in school working on my Ph.D

Physically-trying to exercise 3x/week and lose about 10-15 pounds

Emotionally-starting to journal and take good long bubble baths on a regular basis; Playing with my kids more (water gun fights, flying stuff!)

Spiritually-working on consciously developing an attitude of servanthood; working on intimacy with God through more quiet time with Him; working to improve my marriage by being the best wife I can be

Other-planning to take a cake decorating class soon; keeping to my Flylady routines regularly; improving finances through better budgeting

By Momaroze on Friday, March 26, 2004 - 03:48 pm:

Wow, funny you should post this. I am also exercising and losing weight with the other girls. I am also (only within the last couple of weeks) trying to make my surroundings more beautiful as you know Marg (happier place to be). I've been putting everyone else in front of my own needs and it surely did take it's toll. We all need to take care of ourselves better. Everyone benefits from that. I am still wondering what else I can do with my life besides being a mom??? I just can't seem to find/know what I want to do!!! I don't know why that is? I am also very interested in learning more about herbs, essential oils. I am currently very interested in learning about wild herbs. I am having fun lately!

By Dana on Friday, March 26, 2004 - 04:03 pm:

Great post! And really neat to read everyone's reply.

As mentioned, since Oct I started exercising. I am amazed at how much better I feel in the simple daily stuff. Just "DOING" something, anything, no longer takes so much effort.

Jan I started doing meal plans and eating properly. I have the entire family (well, DH and my mom...DD eats as she pleases) on this meal plan. I don't even want to call it a diet, since the food is so good and filling.

Mom and I go out each Wed for lunch.

I started up Flylady again. And have been really trying hard to keep the house looking nice enough for an unexpected visitor (not that I ever have one)

Ready to offer more time to my new church. Ready to make this new church my church home. That was so difficult to do! But really feeling good about it.

Trying to communicate better with DH. Last month was a very difficult month, and I gave it full effort to speak without judgement, be clear in my needs and needs as a family, and give DH time to come around. (In short, he was spending all his free time building our patio, which is nice, but it really took away from one on one and family time....but it made him feel good to create and see the finished product). Waiting was very difficult for me, but I made it thru without loosing control of my emotions. Hard to explain.

GOT RID OF MY FAT CLOTHES! Took them to the church yard sale today.

Trying to look nice during the day instead of frumpy. Much easier with my "thin" clothes! :)

Letting go of my self image (that naked body, please keep the lights off feeling) and relaxing about myself. DH can't believe how my attitude changed since my shopping spree for the new clothes.

Resting without guilt.

Wed night is my night for church. I love the way I feel in the middle of the week.

By Momaroze on Friday, March 26, 2004 - 04:15 pm:

Oh yes I joined Fly Lady too and have started to declutter my bedroom. The rest of the house is not so bad. It sure makes one feel like a load has been lifted (giving stuff away and throwing junk out). Also, I am cleaning my kitchen every evening before bed, as Flylady would say make sure you shine your sink!

By Dawnk777 on Friday, March 26, 2004 - 04:38 pm:

Just trying to read lots of books. I don't always have time, though.

By Bea on Friday, March 26, 2004 - 11:53 pm:

I'm enrolled at Christopher Newport University with the Life Long Learning Group. I'm trying to clean out our third floor junk collection.

By Boxzgrl on Saturday, March 27, 2004 - 12:10 am:

I've been keeping busy w/ Pilates (as I mention it, i'm sooo sore).

I decided to do at home schooling, since I think DD is too young for daycare, to become a pharmacy technician.

I became a Mom and Wife, a *real* one. You know, the ones that cook and clean and keep order in the house (LOL :) )

...I guess thats about it!

By Palmbchprincess on Saturday, March 27, 2004 - 04:28 am:

I've been in limbo since I split with my Ex, just totally off balance from my usual self. I'm getting that back now. (FINALLY!) As far trying to better myself, I'm going to the gym, and trying to get back into my normal schedule and organization.

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