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I painted the bathroom with oil based paint

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive March 2004: I painted the bathroom with oil based paint
By Feona on Thursday, March 25, 2004 - 06:30 am:

The old paint was latex over oil based paint. so all the latex was peeling.

I scraped half the bathroom paint off the ceiling. What a mess!

Then I painted with the sticky oil based paint.

then I called the nursery school to ask them to keep ds for 2 more hours while I cleaned up the mess at the end for 2 hours. Little flakes of paint. My foot prints. I was covered with oil based paint. I ran out the the garage for the paint remover. Thank god it worked.

5 minutes to spare I to pick up ds.

What a mess. The bathroom is at least clean looking now. What a mess.

I had no idea it was going to be such a mess. I really only go runs on the door because I was rushing at the end. Wish I knew how to spackle.

By Marg on Thursday, March 25, 2004 - 06:34 am:

(((Feona))) I'm glad everything worked out in the end;)

We have an older home (thinking you have an older home) and oh the joys of painting.

What color did you paint the bathroom?

By Feona on Thursday, March 25, 2004 - 07:32 am:

All they had was white. It looks ok. At least the paint isn't peeling.

By Karen~moderator on Thursday, March 25, 2004 - 09:20 am:

Oil based paint is a pain to work with, but you will be glad you used it in the bathroom. I *should* have used that on our ceilings in there.

By Mommyathome on Thursday, March 25, 2004 - 10:22 am:

Sounds like a mess!! Glad you are finished though. Now you can enjoy the new way it looks!

By Ginny~moderator on Friday, March 26, 2004 - 05:56 am:

Spackling is easy, Feona. I'll check for a how-to site this evening. Oil based paint is indeed a pain to work with, but I agree with Karen that it is best for the bathroom, because it dries to a surface which is much more resistant to moisture getting behind it.

You can put latex paint over oil based paint, but you have to wash the oil based paint with a special wash - can't remember the name of it right now but Home Depot could help you. But for bathrooms I prefer oil based paint, and used to use it for door and window frames also as it holds up better when washed.

By Ginny~moderator on Friday, March 26, 2004 - 11:27 pm:

Feona, I've done a goodish amount of spackling for prep before painting.

I always wash the surface first, being sure to go over it with a plain wet sponge afterwards to be sure to get all the cleaning compound off. I don't spackle until the wall is dry.

I always spend the extra money to get the pre-mixed spackle so I'm sure it is the right consistency.

First you use a stiff brush on the place where you are going to have to spackle, to be sure all loose crumbs of plaster are removed from the crack, hole, whatever. Then, using a spackling tool, just put small amounts of spackle in the hole or crack, sort of pressing down to force it in, and then use the edge of the tool to scrape the excess off. After it dries solidly you will see if you need to either add a bit more spackle and let that dry (because the spackle will shrink a bit as it dries), or if you need to do some sanding to get the surface smooth and even with the surrounding wall.

For wallboard/plasterboard, if the area is small enough, I simply use the patches you can buy.

Either way, it is a pain. You will spend at least twice as much time in preparing the surface you are going to paint as you do in actual painting (even when you are using oil based paint).

When I was working on the walls in my old house (really, really old - built in 1902 - and with real, solid plaster walls), I'd do all this prep work, and after I put the primer or first coat of paint on I'd see more areas where I needed to spackle or sand or prep in some other way. I got really frustrated, but when I was done it looked really great.

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