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Anybody have young kids in sports?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive March 2004: Anybody have young kids in sports?
By Jackie on Friday, March 12, 2004 - 07:02 pm:

My daughter is 4 1/2, and this is her first season of soccer. My husband wanted her to start this season, I thought it was best to wait until next year LOL. Anyways, most of the team is 5 yr olds, its for 4-5 yr olds. My daughter is the youngest one so far. There are 2 coaches and they are so darn patient with the kids. I mean the kids get distracted so easily, talking about this that and the other.. The coaches listen to the kids, and then back to soccer.My daughter is actually really good at it, has good coordination. BUT, she is so distracted at the playground right next to the practice field. She doesnt understand why she cant play there. We explain its because shes there to practice and when practice is over she can play. Practice is only 30-40 minutes. She practices awhile, then gets frustrated with something, and sits down and decides not to play anymoe. I get embarassed by this as none of other kids do this. I tell her "Ok if you dont want to play, then we will go home", she cries and sais "No I want to play at the playground.."its so frustrating to me. Another father sitting next to me said its very normal(its his daughters 2nd yr playing)and not to get too upset by it. BUT I I expecting too much from her? Really the coaches are not, they are so easy going...
Am I the only one to experience this problem?

By Tonya on Friday, March 12, 2004 - 07:19 pm:

Timmy has been playing soccer since he was 4 yrs and a few months and he loves it. That is a good age for them to start learning how to play sports with other kids. They are so busy at practice doing so many things that she will really enjoy herself. Good lock!!!

By Trina~moderator on Friday, March 12, 2004 - 07:54 pm:

My DD played soccer this past fall. She had just turned 5 in June. They all kind of did their own thing and the coaches went with flow. It was all fun ball playing, nothing serious. I wouldn't want it any other way at that age. Thankfully the playground wasn't in view! LOL!

By Coopaveryben on Friday, March 12, 2004 - 07:56 pm:

My oldest started at 4 playing soccer and he was HORRIBLE! Everyone else would be chasing the ball and he would be turning summer saults. In the middle of the game he would lay in the field and start making "grass angels", similar to snow angels but without the snow. Everyone would be running around him, he would be standing there looking at a flock of geese flying overhead. When he did decide to play he would push the kids over, when he got in trouble from us for this he said I really wanted to play football. He would whine everytime about going to practice, I kept telling him he had to finish it. Then the next year he wanted to play and he did much better.

When he was 4 I didn't force him to sign up, he asked me. When he came to me I explained it as best I could that if he really wants to do this he is going to have to go to all the practices and games. I know most people think that is to young to make them stay on something they don't like but he choose it and I want him to know without a doubt when you say you are going to do something or be a part of a team you need to do it.

My best advice I can give to you...I've been there. I promise it might not seem funny now but one day it will be, enjoy it, let the coach handle her. If she does it too much go somewhere she can't see you while they practice, 9 out of 10 she won't be like that with the coaches.

By Melanie on Friday, March 12, 2004 - 08:13 pm:

Definitely normal!!! Don't worry about it. Have you ever seen kids playing t-ball? They are usually on the field doing cartwheels or looking for flowers. Soccer is often the same thing, though obviously there is more action in soccer to keep them a bit more interested for a bit longer. LOL. What she is doing is perfectly age appropriate and there is no need whatsoever to worry about it. I just got back from a baseball practice and one of the little girls on the team (age 6)decided she didn't want to play today, just watch. So that's what she did. No big deal.

It's all about having fun. As she gets older she'll get more interest. For now, she's doing exactly what a 4.5 year old is supposed to do. :)

By Sue3 on Friday, March 12, 2004 - 09:38 pm:

I was going to say pretty much what Melanie
did.Also both my Dd`s were in soccer at an early age and my oldest dd (now),at the time she was 5 she used to day dream out in that feild,the coaches didn`t mind at all but it drove us nuts!
The ball would just sail right past her.
She would be twirling her hair around her finger or scratching in the dirt with a stick!
and really the other kids do it to some extent, I think that we just don`t notice
that much because they are not our kids

By Ladypeacek on Saturday, March 13, 2004 - 04:18 am:

My dd plays soccer as well and right in the middle of games she is chasing butterflies or her and another girl are holding hands and doing ring around the rosies, lol. She loves to play soccer and is good WHEN she tries. She started early too and i just let it go, its good exercise, fun and she learns sportsmanship, so i wouldn't worry about it.

By Coopaveryben on Saturday, March 13, 2004 - 08:21 am:

What if you promise to take her to the playground after practice ONLY if she doesn't cry. If she cries you go straight home. What were they thinking putting the 4 year olds next to the playground?

By Karen~moderator on Saturday, March 13, 2004 - 10:35 am:

Ditto Melanie also......BTDT. I have some old home videos of Jeff playing T-ball at age 5 - he was a very *young* age 5 too! He was running around looking at the plane going over and in one video, ALL the kids were more interested in the ambulance and fire truck passing on the street nearby. LOL

They are there to have fun and start getting the feel of being on a one really expects kids that young to fully comprehend the game and adhere to the's all a learning and growing process and this is where it begins.

By Mommyathome on Sunday, March 14, 2004 - 02:02 pm:

My DD started T-Ball at age 3. Technically you aren't suppose to start until you are 5, but I asked and they let her on the team.
She loved it and can't wait till it starts again this summer. She was the youngest one, but played about the same as the others since it was everyones first year. This year she will be the "better" player on the team because they will still be on the youngest team, but it will be her second year.
Both of my girls play. We have about 6 teams in our area. They play each other once a week and practice once a week. It's good exercise. It's mostly just for fun, even though they keep score. Mostly just a learning experience.

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