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Behavior charts?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive March 2004: Behavior charts?
By Vicki on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 - 07:46 am:

Does anyone know of a site that you can print up behavior and chore charts? I am starting to get some unacceptable back talk from my 9 year old dd and am going to try to nip this right from the start. Any suggestions on how you do these would be appreciated!! TIA!!

By Ladypeacek on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 - 08:03 am:

I have those too, I made my own on microsoft spreadsheets. I just made this list of chores that my dd could do and then i used pennies since i had so many, each penny was worth 50 cent. Then i decided how many pennies each chore was worth. When she earns one then she puts it into the allowance jar. When she misbehaves (back talk, acting up in school, ect..) she loses a penny or more depending on the action. It works too cuz she looks forward to the weekend so she can add up her pennies and cash them in for money.

By Bobbie on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 - 08:33 am:

The Action Plan

By Coopaveryben on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 - 11:34 am:

I make my own on word, excel or just draw them out with a marker. The one I have going right now is.."A Night Out with Mommy". My oldest DS has been giving me a lot of trouble lately, I think he needs some attention so I made a chart, in addition to some alone time everday. The night out is going to be just the two of us, we are going for dinner and bowling or whatever he wants. It has a little calendar for the week were he can mark off the days to the count down and then it has 10 empty squares when he gets in trouble he has to get the marker and mark off a square. If he has any squares left at the end of the week, we go, if not we don't.

I make my own all the time and just vary them to match our current need.

I have also done the "button jar". You start out the day with maybe 5 buttons, if you get in trouble you loose a button, at the end of the day you get a reward for every button you have left. Maybe a sticker, a quarter, anything they like. If your child is older you can give them a sticker and have them apply it to a chart and once they get X amount of stickers they get something bigger, Trip to Chuck-E-Cheese, a new video, etc.

I think it is really important to make sure they mark their own charts, remove their own buttons, etc.

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