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I am appalled and horrified

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive March 2004: I am appalled and horrified
By Karen~moderator on Thursday, March 4, 2004 - 06:24 pm:

I was channel surfing the radio on the way to work this morning. I stopped to listen to a call-in to a local morning show. I wasn't sure what the caller was referring to, but she was passionate in her verbal responses and kept saying "you should replay that so the kids that are listening will hear it. They never believe stuff like that when their parents tell them. I've been calling everyone I know to tell them about it."

Well, that obviously got my attention, and the DJ said that due to hers and other phone calls, they would be replaying *it*. *IT* turned out to be a message left for the DJ's which was recorded. The message was from a pedophile. He was going on and on about how he wished people would stop putting down people like him who meet young girls on the internet. He was saying that these young girls were really *young women*, since they could menstruate and bear children, and just because they were minors in the eyes of the law, they were not *children*. He went on to say that HE knows how to treat these *women* and show them a good time, whereas boys their own age did not, and that it was all consentual, so there was nothing wrong with it. He alluded to the fact that he was between 40 and 50 y/o.

He kept saying he wished people would just quit making such a big deal out of it because there was nothing wrong with it.

I have to say, it gave me chills. I have no idea whether or not they can trace that message to the sender, but this man, who is BTW apparently around MY age, was admitting that he prowled the internet in search of young girls to go out with and have *consentual* sex with. It sickens me. I think of my DD, even at age 19, and I just can't begin to picture her with some 45+ y/o man - it would be like being with her father! Actually, I think 19 would be too old for this man, he made it sound like he went for the 13 to 16 y/o age group.

The woman caller who was on when I tuned in was extremely upset since she stated she has a 15 y/o DD and her DD heard that on the radio and was upset by it and was calling all her friends to tell them about it.

I think the whole point of the station replaying it was so that hopefully others would hear it and talk to their kids about the dangers of the internet, or if kids were listening, it would enlighten them.

By Marg on Thursday, March 4, 2004 - 06:39 pm:

Karen, I don't even know what to say.

This is so sick it horrifies me. We have 3 dds and I can't even begin to imagine.

They do not surf the net and are not interested in it yet. However, I do realize these pedophiles are out there and will try anything to be with young girls.

I often tell my children, that I trust them, it's just the people out there I do not trust.

I was at a very large mall on Tuesday, with dh and 3 yo dd. There were two little girls at the food court at the dairy queen stand (yes I was there ordering). They could not have been any older than 7. No parents around, I looked all over. These girls were very small for there age, and I kept looking around for parents (Maryland kids had off Tuesday for election day).

After they got their stuff, they just walked down an empty corridor. It gave me chills, I am sorry but they were way to young to be by themselves in a very empty mall.

It sounds like I'm being overprotective, but just look at that 11 yo girl in Florida during daylight hours.

Once again Karen, it makes me ill............ sorry, I could go on and on it just makes me so angry.

By Palmbchprincess on Thursday, March 4, 2004 - 07:38 pm:

These predators are in every community, and I know I wasn't really concerned with them as a teen online. Only as an adult did I realize how dangerous they are. I agree with the mother who said the kids should hear that. It makes you realize how real this is!! What a sick, demented thinking that man has!!!

By Mommmie on Thursday, March 4, 2004 - 10:50 pm:

A few years back a little girl, 7 or so, was kidnapped from a soccer field in a affluent suburb here. Her sibling was playing soccer and this younger girl had walked about 75 feet away from her folks to play on some playground equipment. She was snatched, abused and killed.

In an effort to figure out who did this, the police made a media plea to all the parents who were at this (huge) public park/playing fields that day to turn in any video tape they had so they could look in the crowd scenes. They wanted to see if any known pedophile was there.

On the tapes, the police saw DOZENS of known pedophiles in the crowds watching kids play. They had to check out every one of them. These guys were just hanging out, pretending to be dads of kids playing. They are EVERYWHERE!

I have a registered sexual offender living behind me. He's 17 and attends the local high school. He's the grandson of the folks who own the house and he and his dad live with them.

I think this caller's viewpoint is enlightening. Horrible and grossly disturbing, but eye-opening!

By Texannie on Thursday, March 4, 2004 - 11:04 pm:

Mommmie, you must live in Dallas. I remember that all too well, we had friends that were there when it happened.
I think playing that call, while horribly disgusting was probably the eye opener that some people need. It's very scary, isn't it?

By Mommmie on Friday, March 5, 2004 - 10:05 am:

Yes! I'm in Dallas, Texannie. You must be, too!! Small internet world!

By Texannie on Friday, March 5, 2004 - 10:56 am:

Actually Houston, but we lived in Dallas from 85-90 and I am SMU graduate.

By Janet on Friday, March 5, 2004 - 11:01 am:

I've got one living behind me, too but he is no longer considered by most in my town to be a "real" predator. Story goes (before I moved here) he got involved with a young girl, I think she was 16 at the time (he was in his 40s), and the girl's mom decided to prosecute. Well, by the time the whole thing was over, and I don't know the whole story, this is just the one in town, the girl was of age, and they are now living together. I've told my girls to avoid their house, but when I mention it to people around here, most just say things like he wasn't a "real" sex offender. Excuse me? Yes he was. Yes he still is.

By Kay on Friday, March 5, 2004 - 11:15 am:

Laura, I'm not in Dallas, but further south, and I remember that incident so well! We traveled to the metroplex area on a weekly basis for soccer games, and it made me so much more aware of the crowd (and of the younger dd I often brought with me).

A few weeks ago, my 13 yr old dd couldn't understand why I wouldn't let her and her best friend wander the local mall by themselves. It was just after the little girl from Florida was kidnapped and killed. We compromised by my not going into every store with them, but waiting for them outside (and watching, I might add:)). I told her (and the friend's mom, with whom I went to high school, and believes as I do) that they are just too precious to me to allow anything to happen to them.

Even over 40 years ago, my mother kept a close watch on me as I played in the yard - a yard in which, I might add, that I didn't feel safe allowing my old dks to play in the late 80's.

By Bellajoe on Friday, March 5, 2004 - 12:48 pm:

That is all so scary. It gives me chills to hear that there were a bunch of known pedophiles in the video tapes you are talking about in Dallas. That's so scary.

By Vbw1978 on Friday, March 5, 2004 - 02:21 pm:

That is soo sick to think that he is right & that other people should accept it. He needs to be in a asylum or prison. There is no help for him.
I do not let my kids listen to the radio (except Disney) unless they are in the car with me and for that reason also. The radios play too much that the kids should not be hearing and they are mainly there for the kids.
Were I am one of the really popular DJ for a popular radio station is or was being charged with rape !
They were trying to defend him on the station & they had the conversations (phone) recorded of what he was doing. Radio stations go a little too far for my taste. Just as bad as letting your kids watch HBO & all them.

By Karen~moderator on Friday, March 5, 2004 - 06:33 pm:

Talking with DH just now, I realized something I left out that this man kept saying. He said that *women his age came with a whole lot of baggage, and young girls didn't*. I'd be willing to bet that *baggage* he's complaining about is the same thing he's going after online. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

By Mommmie on Friday, March 5, 2004 - 08:56 pm:

Wow, so many people remember that Plano incident! It really impacted people, I think.

Our neighbor sex offender was 14 at the time of his incident and his victim was his then 11 year old brother. Don't know any other details about it, except the mom divorced the dad and took the younger child with her and left the dad with the older one. The dad lost his job and he and the son, the reg sex offender, moved in with the dad's parents, my neighbors. The grandparents were not aware their grandson was a reg sex offender until after they moved in bec another neighbor somehow knew and told them. Strange story. I've actually never laid eyes on the kid, but I did look him up on the offender's website to see what he looked like. Nice looking kid.

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