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If you celebrate Easter...a question

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive March 2004: If you celebrate Easter...a question
By Sunny on Tuesday, March 2, 2004 - 01:38 pm:

Do you give your kids gifts at Easter?
When I was growing up, our Easter celebration involved coloring eggs nd having an Easter egg hunt, going to church and getting a basket filled with Easter candy. Once in a while, we got little gifts, but they were more along the lines of trinkets and such. I continue that tradition with my kids, but in years past, they have told me of the gifts their friends have gotten. So, I'm just wondering how prevalent this is among families across the country (and world). I can't see myself changing any time soon, old habits die hard you know , but I'm sure I'll be hearing about it again next month! :)

By Ginny~moderator on Tuesday, March 2, 2004 - 01:40 pm:

In my family it was only the Easter baskets, which were not particularly elaborate, made up of stuff from Woolworths (oh, I miss Woolworths), some candy, and some eggs. But I was always negative about giving expensive gifts, even at Christmas and birthdays.

By Fraggle on Tuesday, March 2, 2004 - 01:43 pm:

We do pretty much the same thing that you do. Since my kids are little I don't put too much candy in their basket-maybe a book, hair things, stickers and stuff. I wouldn't give my kids anything more than that-it kind of seems wrong to me-I mean Easter is really about Jesus-not about the Easter Bunny.

By Vicki on Tuesday, March 2, 2004 - 01:45 pm:

Dd does get a few smaller gifts from the Easter Bunny. They usually include things like a new swimming suit, big bucket of sidewalk chalk, new jump rope...things like that. Summer things!! One year, she did get a new bike from mom and dad for Easter. But that is because her birthday is in December! Not a fun month to get a bike in Ohio!!

By Kate on Tuesday, March 2, 2004 - 01:45 pm:

Just baskets. Now that my girls are a little older, it's heavier on the chocolate and lighter on the small trinket gifts. Sometimes we've put markers, silly putty, sunglasses, tiny animals or dolls, etc. in the baskets. For us it is definitely not a wrapped gift exchange.

By My2girlygirls on Tuesday, March 2, 2004 - 01:45 pm:

My kids get candy in their baskets along with a few little trinkets (bracelet or necklace, child jewelry) and maybe a DVD between the two of them. That is a big maybe, if it happens to be right when a movie they have been asking for comes out then I would probably get it. I maybe spend $20 on each basket.

By Babysitbarb on Tuesday, March 2, 2004 - 02:06 pm:

I have always done easter baskets for my girls and I always will. For the last couple years since they are older they usually get very little candy and usually it's a DVD,CD or VHS tape to share, I usually buy them an new short outfit because they are going to need them for summer anyways. My DH usually mumbles something like are you going to still do this when they are seniors in high school and I usually say Yes. My mom always did this for us and I don't see what the big deal is. I don't think they got baskets when he was a kid because there was 6 of them. One year we got into a big argument over it and he did apoligize later. I just told him one of these days they won't be here so until then he'll have to deal with it.

By Mommyathome on Tuesday, March 2, 2004 - 02:31 pm:

We do Easter baskets and an Easter Egg Hunt. In their baskets they get Easter candy and some summer someone mentioned above...sidewalk chalk, pails and shovels etc. They also get a new short outfit and a new Easter dress/Easter suit. Sometimes we throw in a DVD or CD if there is a new one out that they want.
This year we are thinking of getting my DS a bike. We had one for him for Christmas but ended up returning it for something else. It was just too cold and snowy to enjoy it at all.
DH is pretty open to whatever I want to do/give. He didn't get a whole lot as a kid and he doesn't want that to happen to our kids.
I love Easter time. It always confirms for me that spring is here and summer is on the way!

By Bellajoe on Tuesday, March 2, 2004 - 02:38 pm:

When i was little my parents would fill my Easter basket with candy and chocolates, usually there was a cute stuffed animal included too. Then they hid the Easter basket for me to find in the morning.

I do the same with my kids. Since my kids are little, and i don't really like them to eat to much candy and the candy will end up getting thrown away i fill their basket with trinkets they will use. I get those plastic easter eggs and put a hershey kiss or a sticker in them. i put those in their baskets along with some hair ties, stickers, play doe, little stuff like that. Last year they each got a stuffed animal from the disney store because they were on sale for $5 each. And i think the got a DVD to share also. We also do a little easter egg hunt with their cousins.

They usually get enough candy for the whole family from their grandparents! My mom gets them stuffed animals and coloring books and stuff like that.

I agree with Merideth, it should be about Jesus and not all about the Easter bunny, but it's fun to do this for the kids anyway. It's nice to see them get so excited and reminds me of when i was a kid.

By Dawnk777 on Tuesday, March 2, 2004 - 02:51 pm:

Usually just their easter baskets with candy in them. I'm not organized to think to buy a present, too.

My best friend always got her kids new swimming suits for Easter. Just because suits are available by then, and the kids usually needed them. They would go along and pick them out, since you really need to try a suit on, and then they would get them for Easter.

By Ladypeacek on Tuesday, March 2, 2004 - 03:15 pm:

We do small things too in easter baskets, i tend to stay away from too much candy, simply because they insist on eating it all, lol. My dd is 8 so for her we do books, markers, , craft things mainly, and for my ds who is just one, he gets a new sippy cup and some crackers, maybe a little truck.

By Echo on Tuesday, March 2, 2004 - 03:49 pm:

I think people get a little carried away with the gift-giving thing sometimes. Soon we'll be getting diamond necklace for President's Day. No...I'm exaggerating, but you get the point. Gifts of all kinds are great, but only if you can afford to give them, and your kids will understand that not every family gets the same things as others.

Growing up I had a friend who get extravagant gifts from her family for Easter and while I was mildly jealous, I never expected it from mine. I was just happy to have a suprise basket waiting for me or an egg hunt. It was the fun of it all, not really the specific presents.

By Sunny on Tuesday, March 2, 2004 - 04:21 pm:

It's interesting reading other families' traditions. Thanks for sharing everyone. :)

By Kaye on Tuesday, March 2, 2004 - 04:42 pm:

I try really hard to only do things that have a religous significance at Easter....but I admit I stretch it! I have talked with my kids that society tries to make us forget why we have certain holidays but we can take those same traditions and have fun with them and use them to help us remember. So kids leave out an empty Easter basket at night (like stockings), this is to remind us of the empty tomb, we typically read scriptures that evening. The presents that we get represent all that God gave to us by sacrificing His son. So what do I put in the baskets, depends year to year. I used to just do candy, but you know we still have halloween candy at my house, who needs more? So they get a choc bunny, because I love those! I have done swimsuits before, short sets, I usually get a book for them. Now in Ohio spring break was usually near Easter, so I sometime gave them things to do in the holiday time. They always get a cheapy fun toy and then one of those cute candy things (m&m type or so). I guess it depends on the funds that I have. I also used to buy them Easter clothes each year, but havne't done that in a few. I also used to do photos and haven't done that, but probably will this year.

By Insaneusmcwife on Tuesday, March 2, 2004 - 05:15 pm:

We usually do a basket with a gift. The gift is usually something that the kids really wanted for bday and xmas but didn't get. Last year it was Wiggles & Spy Kids Dvd's. I'm not sure what we are doing this year but the kids do need bedding so maybe E.B. can bring that. Ds was supposed to be getting the new gameboy sp in his basket but dh beat me to it and gave it to him when he got home last week, for being such a big help while dh was away at school. My family isn't really getting along right now so I doubt we will be having a family dinner.

By Conni on Tuesday, March 2, 2004 - 05:25 pm:

When we were growing up it was a tradition to go to my Grandma Zonah's at Easter and have an Easter egg hunt after church. All of our cousins would be there and we would have a huge lunch. There was always a 'prize egg' with MONEY in it. LOL And a prized chocolate rabbit. Ohhh the memories... :)

With my kids we have tried to keep it simple. Church, lunch and an easter egg hunt (eggs have candy or money in them). With the older kids, I have for the last 4 yrs or so been hiding a special large treat for them and handing them a list of clues that they have to follow in order to get to their prize. They have alot of fun just 'hunting' for the prize. Oh and we have been trying to make the Easter Srory Cookies for the last few yrs--but have yet to have them turn out correctly. Oh well, there's always this yr. ; )

For us I guess Easter is more about church, family, food, and an egg hunt. No gifts here.

By Coopaveryben on Tuesday, March 2, 2004 - 05:52 pm:

I put toys in their easter basket...not expensive ones, Just because I don't like them to have all that candy. My cousin buys presents, lots of them for their kids and family.

I think Easter is so great because the focus isn't on what you get in the way of presents but what God has done for us.

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