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My hair is falling out.....I'm devastated

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive February 2004: My hair is falling out.....I'm devastated
By Momaroze on Saturday, February 28, 2004 - 10:47 am:

Hi all, my hair is falling out. I think it might be post pregnancy hair loss. It's really devastating. You can see clear as day the thinning. I know it's supposed to grow back but does it. Has any other mom gone through this? I just need to know. Thanks:(

By Mommyathome on Saturday, February 28, 2004 - 10:56 am:

For about the first 6 weeks after each of my DK's were born my hair would fall out. I would be washing it and my hands would just fill up with hair. I was so worried about it. But, you could never *see* that I was loosing hair, I just knew I was. I talked to my doctor about it and he said it was normal and that it would start to come back once the horomones and everything got back in order. Sure did!
If it's falling out so much that you can actually see that it is thinning, I would probably call your doctor at least.

By Mommyathome on Saturday, February 28, 2004 - 10:57 am:


By Momaroze on Saturday, February 28, 2004 - 11:08 am:

Yes, I'll wait for my thyroid results. Oh, it's awful!!! How long till your hair stopped falling out. Oh I am almost in tears this is awful. What about hormones? Doctor just shrugs it off as postpregnancy stuff...I really think it's something else. Please let me know when your hair stopped falling out, how many months after pregnancy......ohhhhhh. Thanks. Yep, it just keep coming out every time I lightly tug at it!

By Momaroze on Saturday, February 28, 2004 - 12:11 pm:

According to the babywellness site this is very common. It's just different for everyone and just as devastating. This never happened to me with my first 2 children....and who know when it will stop. I just really noticed the thinning this morning. Oh well I'll just have to do the best I can with my hair and carry on.

By Tunnia on Saturday, February 28, 2004 - 12:35 pm:

I lost a lot of hair after both of my dks were born and even though I knew it was "normal" I was still worried about it. I never really saw a thinness in my hair at that time, however, jut hair all over my hands when I washed my hair. Then about eight months ago my hair began falling out for no reason that I could tell and it was get visually thin. I could see my scalp all the way to the back of my head on the top when looking in the bathroom mirror and I became frantic. Turns out I was having a reaction to an oc dietary suppliment I was taking and I quit taking it about three months ago and I noticed that the hairloss has stopped a couple weeks after I stopped taking the suppliment and my hairdresser says that she sees a lot of fine baby hairs on my head now. Your hair loss could be from your pregnancy, but if you are taking any extra suppliments then check those out to see if they could be causing your hair loss. Good luck to you. I know how scary it is to look in the mirror and wonder if you are going bald in your 30s.:(

By Momaroze on Saturday, February 28, 2004 - 01:19 pm:

Oh thankyou. I did recently start taking something called Florasil. Silicon supplement that is supposed to be good for skin, hair and nails. Something for me to check. I am having a very depressing day. Pregnancy weight seemingly almost impossible to lose and now my hair. I'm just going to try to be kind to myself. As my dh says if I'm stressing too much about the problem my hair loss will only get worse. I'm just feeling yucky....I could see if I had PMS or something but I just got over that. I thought I was looking slimmer too, but I guess not my Dh says he doesn't notice any difference, and I have been really exercising alot and eating healthier. I think I would actually be happier if my dh lied. Oh I can just go on and on my day is just getting worse....vent vent vent....

By Mommyathome on Saturday, February 28, 2004 - 01:54 pm:

I worried about it too....even after the doctor said it was OK. I thought for sure I would end up bald. It was just a couple months after my babies were born that it finally stopped falling out.
Something else about my hair was always naturally curly. To the point that I could scrunch it with a blow dryer and it looked like I had a perm. After my first baby was born, the curl just went a way.

By Palmbchprincess on Saturday, February 28, 2004 - 02:01 pm:

I lost a lot of hair right after my kids were born, and when I stopped nursing. It's common. I think you lose less hair than normal DURING pregnancy, and then you start to shed all the excess after, but I might be wrong. It should go back to normal soon. (((Evalyne)))

By Momaroze on Saturday, February 28, 2004 - 03:11 pm:

Thanks girls. I had my shower and did my hair. It looks a little silly but I thought if I clip my bangs back at least you wouldn't be able to see the thinning so much. I still have a bit of hairline in the front....BUT if I lose that I may never leave the house againLOL (just kidding) I'll just have to invest in a wig????? Now I know how my friend feels. I just cannot get over how quickly this happened. I don't have the thickest hair to begin with. Likely the reason.:)

By Fionadeassis on Sunday, February 29, 2004 - 12:16 pm:

I have thin hair to begin with too! After ds was born I lost A LOT of hair! It was pretty freaky! Can't remember when it stopped though....not soon enough!


By Momaroze on Sunday, February 29, 2004 - 01:21 pm:

Thanks all for being there! Yesterday was really tough for me. I worked out alot last week, everyday. I think I over did it. EVERYTHING got to me. I had the best sleep since ds was born, a full 8 hours!! Thanks to my dh. I must say though he could help out a little more than he does. Anyways I'm still bothered by my hair, but today I have better reasoning. At least no one has posted that they have gone bald LOL. Oh my, thanks again all.

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