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What to do....

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive February 2004: What to do....
By Ladypeacek on Thursday, February 19, 2004 - 11:25 am:

Well here it goes, i think i am going crazy sometimes. I had so much go on in the past 2 years, its been like a roller coaster and now i feel like i am getting 10 years older each day. I haven't had my period in 6 months ( I am 27), i have really nasty headaches, mood swings so bad i scare my family at times and my weight gain has been very rapid. The doctor is running tests left and right to figure out what the problem is but nothing so far. I thought it was stress related but she says not for this amount of time and my stress doesn't really seem that bad. Not any more than whats expected when you have kids, lol. I am home all day and bored out of my mind most of the time, i do the cross stitching to keep me busy but its very difficult to do every single day. I would work but its hard to find a job on base and i am not a citizen in england so i can't work off base. Not to mention i don't really drive here yet and even when i do my husband is in the middle of working on one of the cars trying to restore it so he has the other car for work and then there would be the daycare problem for my ds. I have been trying to exercise more and get into shape but the dr wants me to take it easy until she figures out what the problem is. I am going crazy here, i need something to do all day!! Well thanks for reading, lol needed to vent a little!!

By Momaroze on Thursday, February 19, 2004 - 11:59 am:

Hi there,
Oh boy!!!!I can relate to you. Been there done that. It is very difficult to be cooped up in the house, not too mention feeling yucky. I'm sure your doctor has checked your thyroid? That can cause mood swings, difficulty to lose "lbs" etc....just a simple blood test I believe? Your NOT going crazy, it's pretty normal to feel like you are in your circumstance but just remember change is inevitable....I know that doesn't sound like much but things never stay the same....I would first work on getting that car and driving....can you drive your huband to work and pick him up on occasion for the time being? Myself, I would continue to do light exercise can't see how it would hurt....great for stress reducing BUT I'm not a doctor so that's just my opinion. Focus on eating healthy...lots of whole foods....beans, oatmeal etc...forgo the sweets etc....I really hope you are feeling better. Talk to you later and don't hesitate to vent if you need too. Keep it touch. Hope I helped a little in some way. Best wishes.

By Yjja123 on Thursday, February 19, 2004 - 12:25 pm:

You might have Polycystic ovary syndrome

Check out this website

By Ladypeacek on Thursday, February 19, 2004 - 01:13 pm:

yeah i was checked for it but the tests were fine, they have me on female hormones now to try and trigger my period.

By Fionadeassis on Thursday, February 19, 2004 - 03:21 pm: sister has almost the same thing.She used to weigh 99lbs. That was for all her teenage and into her early 30s. Now she weighs about 160! It happened quite fast and same thing-the drs. don't know. They think it has to do with her thyroid. She hasn't had her period in about 6 months but always thinks it is on it's way because she feels like she has pms all the time.

But also,moving to another country can be very traumatic. You probably don't even realize what a strain it can be. When my husband moved from Brasil to Canada, he lost so much weight that he looked like he was dying. We know a Brasilian woman who has been here in Canada for 2 years and she has gained about 30 pounds.

I think it is good to post here and vent as much as you like. It definitely has made ME feel better.


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