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For those that have had surgery, or know anything about it :)

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive February 2004: For those that have had surgery, or know anything about it :)
By Mommyathome on Sunday, February 15, 2004 - 10:52 am:

It is 5 days post op for me, and yesterday we noticed that I have some swelling above my incision. It's a firm swelling and just above the incision. In an inch wide area. Not below or to the sides, just above. Is this a normal thing to happen? I thought that if it was going to swell that it would have done that right away, not so many days later. It's also a bit more tender today than it has been the past several days.
I took it really easy the first few days, and then Friday and yesterday I think I over-did it. I was running around quite a bit. So, I don't know if it's related to that or what.
They told me at the surgical center to watch for swelling since the incision is so close to my airway. The swelling is going away from my airway, not towards it, and I'm breathing fine. There is no redness or rash.
So, I'm just stumped. Today is Sunday so the doctor isn't in. I'm not sure if he'll be in tomorrow since it's a holiday. I don't want to go to the ER if this is "normal". Just wondering if anyone else experienced something similar. TIA.

By Marg on Sunday, February 15, 2004 - 12:33 pm:

I had swelling all around my knee, it looked like a balloon. However, yours is a different story, if it is the same tomorrow I would call the dr. just to be safe:)

By Jodes on Sunday, February 15, 2004 - 12:41 pm:

I had some swelling around my c section incision, as long as there isn't any redness or puss, and you don't have a fever and you feel fine, I think you could wait until tomorrow and give your doctor a call to see what he thinks. Do you have to have stitches removed? often times, when it gets close to the stitches being removed, your skin kind of reacts to the stitches being there and some swelling occurs.

By Bea on Sunday, February 15, 2004 - 02:35 pm:

There are so many staph infections contracted in hospitals today that I wouldn't take any chances. If the swelling is still there in the morning, I would see my doctor. I've had staph infections after my last three operations. Two of them were very severe.

By Mcrosby57 on Sunday, February 15, 2004 - 03:14 pm:

Since it is Sunday, shouldn't your doctor have another doctor "on call"? Don't you have phone number that you can call, even after hours? When I had my hysterectomy, I had a number I could call with questions or concerns. I'd call that number and get some advice, if you have one. You could also call the emergency room and tell them your problem to get advice. Usually, they have a nurse or practicioner who fields phone calls. Please make a phone call and get professional advice. Best be safe, than sorry, as the old saying goes. It is best to get professionally trained advice rather than worry at home.


By Ginny~moderator on Sunday, February 15, 2004 - 03:49 pm:

Check with the doc tomorrow, since you say there is no problem other than your concern over the swelling - not near your airway, no redness and I assume no heat or you would have mentioned it. I would not be surprised if it is just part of the healing process. Your body is rushing all troops to the "trauma" of the incision and surgery, and that will make a lump. But do check with your doc tomorrow just to be sure and get the reassurance. And if you get any tightness of your airway before you talk to the doc, call his service or the ER immediately.

By Mommyathome on Sunday, February 15, 2004 - 04:24 pm:

Thanks everyone :)
They did give us a number to call for problems. We called it, shortly after I posted, and left a message. We haven't heard anything back yet.
There is no heat around the area, nor redness, swelling etc. It is a bit stiff which is new.
My doctor is not in my area. We had to drive up to the city. We don't even have an ENT in our county or the 3 counties that surround us. If I went to the ER it would just be a normal family doctor on call. I'm not sceduled to see the DR that did the surgery till Tuesday. He comes down twice a month.
We just got home from church, so I think we'll feed the kids lunch and then take another look at my neck. DH is concerned that it could be the start of an infection or something. We'll see. Thanks for responding.

By Ginny~moderator on Sunday, February 15, 2004 - 06:08 pm:

I am not surprised about the stiffness - I would expect that to come with the swelling, as the swelling puts pressure on the surrounding tissue and muscles.

I understand that the doc in the ER would be a family type doc, but if you have a real emergency that doc will be able to do things to reduce or remove the risk and would certainly get in touch with surgeon immediately and, unlike us patients, would be able to reach the surgeon.

By Mommyathome on Sunday, February 15, 2004 - 10:37 pm:

Just an update.....
We took the kids to get lunch, and from the time we went in the restaurant to the time that we left, there was quite an increase in swelling. Since we were already in town we decided to go on up to the hospital and get it looked at.
We got all signed in. To make a long story short, the doctor was pretty much an idiot. He was from out of town...just comes in once in awhile to cover the ER. He basically said he didn't know what was causing it. He said it could be anything from the tissues reacting to the surgery to blood pooling. He didn't seem very bright. He didn't give me any suggestions for the swelling and said that if it was bleeding that there was nothing he could do about it anyway. (his words, not mine) He said I would have to go up north and be re-opened and so on. He just kept feeling it and was "stumped" by what it was. He said..."if you start having breathing difficulties, or it starts to feel mushy come right back in ASAP" (duh!)
We came home and I was upset. I thought he would have more answers than that. I don't even want to know how much that visit to the ER will be. It wasn't worth a penney.
DH got on the phone as soon as we got home and tried to call the ENT that did the surgery again. He answered! DH told him the symptoms and right away he said "that sounds like an internal infection" He called the pharmacy and ordered a round of anti-biotics. He said to ice it and that should take the swelling down, and I should be fine until I see him on Tuesday.
So, several hours later, after icing and resting the swelling is down a bit and I feel like I'll be OK.
That DR at the ER just really got under my skin. He was so unconcerned that I wanted to puke.
His last words when I walked out of the ER were "Well, good luck, I hope it doesn't turn out to be anything serious" That is a DIRECT quote. Unbelievable.
DH is going to call the hospital tomorrow to file a complaint. He could have at least suggested icing it to help the swelling. And, if it could have been as serious as a bleed, DH feels like he should have got on the phone and made some calls and got it resolved. Not just a pat on the back and a *maybe you'll be OK, and maybe you won't...but I dunno*
Well that's it. Thanks again for posting to my concern. I always appreciate it.

By Mcrosby57 on Monday, February 16, 2004 - 01:04 am:

Thank goodnes you are alright. I'm glad you called your doctor! I'm sorry about the ER doctor being less than helpful. You are right to have your DH call with a complaint. Mostly, I'm just glad you are OK. Please don't over do with with the kids or housework. Let the antibiotic work and give yourself a rest. Everything will still be there in a couple of days.


By Karen~moderator on Monday, February 16, 2004 - 07:49 am:

Robin, absolutely file a complaint. Your situation could have been serious enough, but I hate to think about the person with a potentially fatal illness or injury, who would end up in this doctor's care.

I'm glad you're doing better. Make sure you get all your questions answered when you see the doctor tomorrow.

By Mommyathome on Monday, February 16, 2004 - 10:23 am:

Thanks....I'm glad I'm OK too. DH has a call in to the hospital already and we're waiting for a return call so we can explain what happened. It's just very frustrating. I'm sure that visit will be at least $400 dollars (our insurance will pay it, but that's not the point). It was worthless.
I am already making a little list of things to ask the doctor at my visit tomorrow!

By Dawnk777 on Monday, February 16, 2004 - 10:33 am:

Yes, that doctor was worthless. I'm glad you got through to an ENT doctor.

By Ginny~moderator on Monday, February 16, 2004 - 07:17 pm:

I would suggest that instead of getting on the phone with the hospital administrator, you write a letter, with a copy to your primary care / family doc. Letters go in the file, phone calls may not. The hospital should be concerned about the risk of a malpractice suit with someone like that in the ER.

Yes, he could have suggested ice. And most certainly he could have called your ENT, which is the least he should have done. He could have had blood drawn to check your white cell count, or had some sort of scan done. For heaven's sake, if the man is not able to at least think of picking up the phone and call the surgeon, he has no business being in the ER at all. If he can't go in and deal with bleeding (according to him) what would he do if someone came in with some sort of serious wound or injury?

So glad your ENT responded and took immediate action. I hope you are feeling better.

By Brianna on Monday, February 16, 2004 - 10:57 pm:

i'm so glad ur ok!
i know EXACTLY what u mean i had two very bad experences in the E.R. with doc's who were morons. (i mean how on earth did they get their degrees?!)
i agree with the other postings ! he should have done more! in the very least he could have made some more phone calls and done a little more research for u ! instead of just patting u on the back and sending u home.
oh i'm just so mad! sorry. i would most deffinately file a complaint. hopefully you can stop that from happening to other people.

By Mommyathome on Tuesday, February 17, 2004 - 10:11 am:

Well the hospital hasn't called back yet. So we will go ahead and write the letter (thanks Ginny for the idea). I guess we'll just explain what happened and how we feel about it.
It still ticks me off when I think about it.
Since starting the anti-biotics the swelling is down considerably. It is still tender, but the ENT said that is because the swelling has stretched the incision out. I go to my follow-up appointment today. I am feeling really good.

By Ginny~moderator on Tuesday, February 17, 2004 - 09:23 pm:

When you write the letter, be sure to show a cc to your primary care doc. You want to write to the hospital administrator and whoever is responsible for oversight of the emergency room - they may be two different people. Either the switchboard or the human resources office can give you those names.

You may get a canned response that says nothing much while apologizing, but it will go in their records and be seen when the hospital is reviewed. And your family doc will see it and may raise dust through his networks which, as a doc, can have more effect.

By Insaneusmcwife on Tuesday, February 17, 2004 - 09:40 pm:

How did your appointment go today? I hope everything is ok.

By Mommyathome on Tuesday, February 17, 2004 - 10:34 pm:

Thanks for thinking of me Kristie :) The appt was great! He said everything looks good and the infection is already going away. He said I won't need to see him again unless I feel like there is a problem. He said not to hesitate to call if I have questions. He is just so nice.

Ginny, I was actually just coming on to post a question to you, but you already answered it! I wasn't sure who to actually address the letter to. Thanks for posting that. The letter is all done, just have to go over it one more time and then get it ready to mail tomorrow. I feel much better after writing the letter.
Thanks everyone!

By Insaneusmcwife on Tuesday, February 17, 2004 - 10:37 pm:

I am so glad to hear that you are doing well. Good luck with the letter, hospitals can be such a pain!

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