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Ringling Brothers Circus

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive February 2004: Ringling Brothers Circus
By Jackie on Tuesday, February 10, 2004 - 05:06 pm:

Does anybody believe the documentaries about them being cruel to the animals? I know for several years they have showed things about that on the news specials.
I know for me, it has really affected me. We went to the circus once about 7 yrs ago, and I havent been back since.
Im bringing this up now as the circus is in town, and most of my playgroup is going. Im not an activist in any sense of the word LOL. But, cruelity to animals just bothers me.

By Bellajoe on Tuesday, February 10, 2004 - 06:10 pm:

i don't know if i beleive it or not. It's very possible though. We took the kids to the circus here in November, they loved it. It was "the Greatest Show on Earth" :) LOL. Actually it was pretty good. Not sure it was worth the price t hough.

I always feel bad for animals being trapped inside cages and all. I feel bad for the animals at the zoo too. The poor Cheetahs and Jaguars are supposed to be really really fast runners, but they are inside a room that is smaller than my living room! It just isn't fair...

By Sue3 on Tuesday, February 10, 2004 - 06:38 pm:

We went once our whole family , quite a while ago.
I personally will never go again.
I felt sick afterwards , felt sorry for the animals especially the Hippo .
Poor thing . They had her running around in a circle with a monkey dancing on her back.
I think they thought people would think that it was a funny act.
It wasn`t. No one laughed.
I have heard of a circus that they have now with no animals.
It is just people doing acrobatics and such.
I would like to see that.

By Melanie on Tuesday, February 10, 2004 - 08:25 pm:

Yes, I do believe it. It's not in the animal's natural nature to perform tricks like that. I will not go to a circus, unless it is one that only involves people.

I'm with you, Jackie. I am not an activist at all, but I can't bring myself to go to a circus.

By Fionadeassis on Tuesday, February 10, 2004 - 11:44 pm:

Cirque Du Soleil is just people. It started in Quebec with someone training street kids. Now it is world famous. It came to Calgary last year and me and dh went. The tickets were $90 EACH !!!!!!!I said no..but dh bought them anyway. He saw them in Montreal the first year they came out,and he has been dying to see them again. It was incredible. But not worth the money we paid. For $90 I would have liked to have been sitting in a more comfortable seat.

By Feona on Wednesday, February 11, 2004 - 06:57 am:

Peta sent me a video about the cruelty to the elephants. I couldn't get myself to watch the video. I think they have the video online.

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