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Does anyone ever feel sick from stress?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive February 2004: Does anyone ever feel sick from stress?
By Mommyathome on Thursday, February 5, 2004 - 12:34 pm:

Lately I've just basically felt like poop. My stomach has been upset for several months. I've never actually gotten *sick*, but I feel like I could sometimes. It always comes on when I'm stressing over something. I have a list of a billion things I need to get done and I'm not feeling like doing any of them.
Does anyone have any relaxation techniques? (besides shopping!!!....I've done enough of that LOL)

By Trisa on Thursday, February 5, 2004 - 12:49 pm:

I have one of those things that plays different
relaxing sounds. I has beach, wind chimes,
birds and stream sounds. It is very relaxing.

By Mrse on Thursday, February 5, 2004 - 12:52 pm:

Yes, when I am stressed out, my body tells me in alot of different ways, my stomache will swell up, because when stressed my stomache produces too much acid, then my stomache throws up, and it burns the lining of my stomache, which causes extreme pain.Their is a name for it, but that is how the doctor explained it to me. I can go from a 36 jeans to 34 in a day, when my stomache swells, the zipper on the 34, are at my hips, and their is no way they are coming together!
You can almost feel like you have the flu, or like me, if i have something important/scary to do, I end up running to the toilet a hundred times before I can get out the door. I think you should try the st. John's wort, it works really good for settling nerves, but check with your pharmacist, to make sure does not interact negativley with anything else you may be taking.

By Bea on Thursday, February 5, 2004 - 01:17 pm:

Stress always upsets my stomach. Your lack of motivation sounds as if depression could be a factor here also. You might want to see a doctor. Antidepressants can relieve your anxiety also.

By Mommmie on Thursday, February 5, 2004 - 01:36 pm:

YES!! When my body and brain start going haywire, that's my sign I'm doing too much.

By Fraggle on Thursday, February 5, 2004 - 01:39 pm:

Robin, I go through times when I just get totally overwhelmed with what I need to get done. Pretty much I just break down and do nothing-it lasts a couple of days or so and then I will wake up one morning and feel really motivated again and will get a million things done. I have always been like that though-just more so since I have been a SAHM. When I talked to my doctor about it she thought it was pretty normal and wasn't concerned as long as I continued to eat well and sleep well.

Stress usually affects my stomach, too. Sometimes at night I can feel nauseaous or I will have these really bad cramping pains. I had them the worst when I was in graduate school-and the doctor felt is was definitely just stress. Usually the thing that helps me the most is taking three deep breaths-if that doesn't work I head to bed-since they usually happen in the evening. I hope you find something that works for you.

By Pamt on Friday, February 6, 2004 - 09:33 am:

I used to. When we had our pre-marriage counseling and were dicussing our family backgrounds the pastor asked me if I ever had stomach problems. I thought that was odd, but told him that yes I did (all through college). He said his wife had a similar family background and lots of stomach problems and they stopped the minute she married and started a new family. Same for me! I used to be a first class worrier, but this past year I have truly learned how to totally surrender my worries over to God and trust in Him. Worry is of no benefit and accomplishes no good, so I have learned to let it go...and I was a former world-class professional worrier :)

Other than the most important tool of prayer, I think making a list and deciding what is truly a priority is of benefit. Shorten your list. Also think of the worst case scenario...if you don't do *X* then what is the worst thing that will happen? Probably nothing too major...and it will help adjust your perspective. Learn to say NO.

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