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Sick 9 month old

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive February 2004: Sick 9 month old
By Emdee on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 03:22 pm:

Hi--I am new here and have a quick question reagarding my 9 month old dd. It seems like she is sick all the time with one thing or another (nothing serious). A few weeks ago it was pink eye, so they put her on antibiotics. Also we saw then that she had lost .5 pound over the month--she is 9 months and weighed 16# 11 oz, which is a little small for her age. Anyway, the pink eye still seems to be there and now she has 102 fever with a yucky cold. But the thing I was wondering about was on two of her diapers this morning (just wet) it looked like her urine was streaked a little pink, like maybe it had some blood in it. Anyone have any insight? I will probably take her back to the dr tomorrow, but I was just curious ahead of time. Thanks

By Tonya on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 04:12 pm:

For something like pink discharge in her diaper there is no probably about it I would for sure call now and take her today not wait until tomorrow. If she is sick that often then they need to do some testing to find out why. It is winter time so sickness is more common rightnow but discharge is not and the pink eye should be gone by now if it has been 2 weeks. Don't wait go now you can never be to safe when it comes to a sick newborn or infant.

By Fraggle on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 04:22 pm:

I don't know whether or not it is blood-but I would be very concerned that she could have a urinary tract infection due to the fact that she has a fever, too. Has she had other fevers before when she was sick or any unexplained fevers? I would definitely bring her to the doctor. My youngest DD had a UTI when she was an infant and she was very lethargic with a fever.

By Emdee on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 05:43 pm:

Thanks--it is too late today to take her, but I have an appt for 8:45 in the am. She started getting lethargic with her fever this afternoon, but this morning she had fever and sounded sick but was still smiling and acting okay. As a first time mom, I never know when to take her and when not to. We have been probably 20 times since she was born (if not more) and none of the visits were wasted. I am concerned as to why she is sick all the time, also. She ended up having tubes put in her ears a month ago because of so many ear infections and I thought she would be much better after that. But it is always something with her. I breastfeed still and 90% on the time she is home with me. She was 5 weeks preemie so maybe she is just sick because she was early?, although she was healthy when she was born. Anyway, thanks for the comments.

By Mrse on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 06:17 pm:

No advice,
Hope baby feels better soon

By Gammiejoan on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 06:32 pm:

I hope you find out something tomorrow morning at her doctor's appointment. My first thought about the pink streaked urine was wondering if it could be a urinary tract infection. Is she still on antibiotics? Also I was wondering how many rounds of antibiotics she has had since she was born.

By Emdee on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 07:16 pm:

I hate it that she has been on this many antibiotics, but it has been 7 or 8 since she was born. All of them were for her ears except this last one which was for the pink eye. I am sure hoping that her pink eye not clearing up is not due to her being resistant to the antibiotics already. I will ask about a UTI at the dr tomorrow. This is her last day of the antibiotics for pink eye.

By Dana on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 08:44 pm:

As for the pink eye, it is possible that she has what they call a "clogged tear duct". Acutally, it is the tear duct has not properly formed by making the complete conection between eye and nose for drainage. The tear duct is not where tears come from, but where they exit. It is a little tube (that tiny dot near your nose on your bottom eyelid) that drains into the nasal cavity. Babies can out grow this and the proper drainage starts to occur. They usually wait about 8 months or more to see if there is a change. Since your baby is a preemy, she is not really considered 9 months in growth. So it is a possibility. Do you notice her eye (or eyes) looking watery all the time? Does she have a tiny puddle of tears forming in the base of her eye (even if they don't drop to form a real tear)? This could be the culprit. My DD had this problem and was always getting pink eye. It was reoccuring. The puddling allowed the bacteria to grow. She had a very simple operation to "pop" a whole at the end of the tube. She was just perfect afterwards.

As for the pink in her diaper, I don't recall, but it is known for babies to have blood as bit of blood from their vaginal canal. A result of the mothers hormones. Not a period, but still blood due to mom. Not sure how young they are when this happens. I would think younger than 9 months. As you have done, I would opt for the drs appt to be safe. Fever is surely an infection. Hopefully, just a cold and not a UTI.

Poor baby. Poor mommy!

Congratulations on your baby! Welcome to mommyhood. You will love this board. Lots of helpful women w/ tons of experience. :)

By Marcia on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 08:51 pm:

Sorry she's feeling so rotten. Some of her symptoms could be rebound effects from all of the drugs. I would put her on some acidophilus, which you can get in a good health food store. They have it powdered, so you can add it to whatever you want. My oldest had a runny nose for her first year, and a yeasty looking diaper rash now and then. It all cleared up within about 3 days of starting acidophilus. Just make sure you don't give it to her at the same time as a dose of meds, or the meds will kill it.
I would also guess she might have a UTI, with the pink in her diaper.
Hope she feels better soon!

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