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Bunion Surgery

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive February 2004: Bunion Surgery
By Beth on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 02:33 pm:

Just wondering if anyone has a bunion on your foot or has had the surgery. I went to the doctor Friday and I have one on my left foot. I have several options. One just cut off the protruding bone and a 3 week recovery. Or they will cut the bone and put a pin in my foot 6-8 week recovery. With the first option I understand it could come back. So my thinking is to the later surgery. The 6-8 week recovery scares me. Luckily it will be on my left foot. So I think I will be able to drive. I know I don't have 6-8 weeks to take off of work. Which I do a lot of sitting at work so that should not be a problem. I am hoping someone else has had this and can give me some advice. TIA

By Cat on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 02:36 pm:

My mom had that surgery about 2 years ago, right before Thanksgiving. I don't live near her, but I do remember her telling me she was off her foot for at least a week. I'll call her or email her later to get some more info for you. Oh, I also remember her saying my nephews loved seeing the pin sticking out of her foot, and they asked if they could keep it when the doc removed it. lol Kids! :)

By Karen~moderator on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 02:44 pm:

I have a really bad one on my right foot - I have trouble getting shoes that fit right because of it and it's been hurting a lot. All that being said, I am putting off having the surgery until I absolutely have to. If you have it, I really want to hear how it goes, how the recovery period is, etc. I can't take off 8 weeks of work, but it will be hard to drive with my left foot! LOL

By Colette on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 02:54 pm:

I need it on both feet and I am totally putting it off until I HAVE to get it done.

By Ginny~moderator on Tuesday, February 3, 2004 - 09:58 am:

First, ladies - please - do not have bunion surgery done by a podiatrist. Before you decide to have such surgery, please see an orthopedic specialist. I work in plaintiff's personal injury, including medical malpractice, and we have represented a number of people who had bunion surgery done by a podiatrist and who developed severe problems, infections, and often had to have part of the foot amputated in the end. I realize we see the exceptions, not the rule, but although I use a podiatrist for foot care much of the time, I would never have him do any surgery but would go to an orthopedic surgeon.

Second, would special shoes help? As I understand it the bunion is a bony protrusion, usually at the outside edge of the base of the big toe, and a lot of the pain is from shoe pressure on the protrusion. Special shoes might help, at least in the short run.

I repeat, talk to an orthopedic surgeon before you decide on bunion surgery.

By Cat on Tuesday, February 3, 2004 - 10:14 am:

I talked to my mom and I don't think her experience will be much help/informitive for you. She also has RA and there was some bone deterioration so the surgeon had to reshape the bone in her foot and it was just very complicated so her recovery was very long. She couldn't even put weight on her foot for about 6 weeks and was off work for 3 months. I'm sure if you have the surgery you'll be a lot better off than she was!

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