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Terrible thing happened at school today

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive August 2007: Terrible thing happened at school today
By Shann on Thursday, August 16, 2007 - 07:20 pm:

My kids have only been in school a few days when dd came home telling me that they had a student beat up a teacher. So I called to find out what happened and I guess is was a 3rd grader was caught trying to kiss a bunch of girls outside who didn't want to be kissed and the teacher touched his shoulder or hand and he turned and bunched the teacher in the face and took off running one of the other teacher caught him and took him to the office as they were walking in the school he started screaming and yelling and took off running down the hall and one of the higher grade teachers had to tackle him to get control of him. Thats all I know now. The teacher that he hit this is her first year teaching and she is new to the school. and her sister works with dh. Dd who is in 3rd also said that she was crying and was really upset. I am curious to know what they are going to do with this boy if he has no respect for his teacher whats not to say he wont so it to a student

By Reds9298 on Thursday, August 16, 2007 - 08:30 pm:

Sounds like my old building! What an unfortunate incident. I was punched in the stomach once by a second grader. It actually hurt, but hurt my feelings more.

That story sounds all too familiar. Here, the student would be arrested and taken to the juvenile delinquent center. It's a bad situation all the way around. You neve know where these kids are coming from, what they see/hear at home on a regular basis, or what they're capable of. It just can't be tolerated but the kids usually need help of some kind also.

I hope things work out for the best.

By Karen~admin on Friday, August 17, 2007 - 08:14 am:

WOW Sounds like the way the middle school near us was for a while, until control was regained. This kind of stuff is happening in younger and younger grades, a sad testament to our society as a whole. :-(

By Bellajoe on Friday, August 17, 2007 - 08:16 am:

That poor teacher. How awful for her.

That kid definitely needs to be dealt with. Who knows what is going on at home that he would do stuff like that.

That reminds me of a 1st grader at my kids' school last year. He was a very angry little boy. He would say some VERY inappropriate things to other children. And he would constantly be looking for a fight to pick. When we would take him to the principals office his explaination would be "my mom always says that if someone hits me than I should hit them too" (the thing is that he was always the one to throw the first punch)
We would just tell him that those are not the rules at our school.
This kid really angers me! I am hoping and praying that he made it to second grade because i do NOT want him in my sensitive little boys first grade class.

By Dawnk777 on Friday, August 17, 2007 - 08:40 am:

Yikes! That's scary!

By Shann on Friday, August 17, 2007 - 09:53 am:

I guess that this kid was new this was his second day from dd said. usually the school is quiet and nothing ever happens this was a first for us. Dd was a little upset this morning and really didn't want to go. but they are going to have an assemble today to go over the rules and what to do if they are bullied and everything they have a no tolerant rule for bullying which I think is good. I was bullied alot as a child and kids can be so mean now days

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