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Early Onset Menopause

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive August 2007: Early Onset Menopause
By Tarable on Wednesday, August 8, 2007 - 04:14 pm:

Does anyone know anything about this? I have a lot of symptoms and my dr originally thought it was probably my thyroid but the tests came back totally normal. He told me to talk to my GYN about it when I went to see her if things didn't get better in a month or so, since he did a total physical (excluding the female part) and he said i am in perfect health. Except the fact I feel like crap all the time.

I have hot flashes like my mom described when she went through menopause about 10 years ago. Sitting there totally comfortable one minute and then soaking wet (clothing and all) the next minute. And sometimes it takes hours or days for me to cool off.

I also have night sweats and trouble sleeping. In fact my dr put me on sleeping pills last time I was in thinking it might help the fatigue.

I am tired all the time.. I dont' know how to explain it except that I want lay down and rest or sleep probably 20 hrs a day.

I don't know what is wrong with me but I can't live like this.

If any of you have any thoughts about what I should ask my dr or anything like that I would greatly appreciate any advice.

By Kym on Wednesday, August 8, 2007 - 04:54 pm:

If I were you I would do some looking online at thryroid and other hormone levels, and take your lab work to other doctors. I began testosterone replacement therapy over a year ago and it made a huge difference in me, and I am most likely going to start thyroid meds soon, even though by most standards my thyroid level is fine. A lot of doctors are treating women now at numbers that would have been considered "totally normal" even 2 years ago.

Bottom line if you don't feel well, just keep searching until an answer and a treatment fit and make you feel better. My doctor beleives we should never feel any worse than we do in our early/mid thirties. I agree:) I had a sudden onset of "hormone" issues right after I quit nursing my 4th child I was 35.

By Sandysmom on Wednesday, August 8, 2007 - 05:11 pm:

Could it be Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Also, did your Dr. do all the tests to detect abnormal thyroid levels? I think there are 3 or 4 tests that need to be done to test thyroid function.

By Tarable on Wednesday, August 8, 2007 - 05:12 pm:

Well right now I am only 32.. which is really early for menopause but my dr says there is nothing else wrong with me.

I am going to ask my GYN to do another thyroid test on me and see what she thinks.. if she will. otherwise I am need to find a second opinion.


By Tarable on Wednesday, August 8, 2007 - 05:13 pm:

I am not sure but he said he checked my thyroid levels and they are all perfectly normal. He doesn't think it is chronic fatigue syndrome but I am not really sure why.

By Sandysmom on Wednesday, August 8, 2007 - 05:53 pm:

Doctors have a tendency to overlook the fact that there are more than one or two blood tests to determine thyroid levels. I'd ask about that. Also, Google type 2 Diabetes, as well as PCOS. Check their sypmtoms and see if any of them fit you. E-mail me if you'd like @ scott dot family 4 at verizon dot net.

PCOS is a disorder that sometimes occurs in women after child-bearing and before menopause, but you can be a lot younger too. (myself, I was diagnosed in my late teens) Lots of times, as in my case, women with PCOS will also have an underactive thyroid and hyperinsulinemia. Researchers are finding that it is a lot more common than we think and is often overlooked by some doctors. Let me know what you think. :)

By Debbie on Wednesday, August 8, 2007 - 06:06 pm:

I had horrible hormone issues after I had my 2nd ds. I was miserable, cranky, fatigued, and just didn't feel right. I was tested by my regular doctor(male), and he said nothing was wrong. He checked my thyroid and a few other things. So, I went to my ob/gyn, and he really listened to me. He then checked my hormones, and found they were all out of wack. Two weeks of taking hormones, and I was my old self again. I would definitley get a 2nd opinion if you aren't feeling well.

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