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A political commentary

Moms View Message Board: The Kitchen Table (Debating Board): A political commentary
By Dana on Sunday, June 8, 2008 - 08:33 am:

The following is copied from an email sent to me by my father. This is a first generation of the email. I am sharing it as he has requested to each who received it. I may not comment on the debate it may cause simply because it's "my dad" and well, it's just personal. But I don't want to have posters censor their thoughts either. It is a hot topic and clearly there will or should be debatable thoughts.

WAKE UP YOU STUPID PEOPLE! YOU ARE LOSING YOUR COUNTRY! Please forgive my blunt words, but that is the least of your worries if you do not heed this message! Like the old farmer with the stubborn mule said, "Sometimes you have to hit them over the head with a 2X4 to get their attention". If you are in the 1/10th of 1% who have already started buying gold, silver and mining stocks because you can see the calamity about to hit us, this message probably isn't for you. But if you believe the talking heads on TV that we have "turned the corner" and everything will be hunky-dory or you think the government figures on inflation, jobs and housing are even close to truthful, or that "your" congressman is the good guy and it's all those others who are the problem, then you had better read every word! Hello. My name is Jack Gargan and I'm just a retired working stiff with a deep sense of love for my country and its traditions. You have been warned time and time again that this nation has lost its way ethically and economically and we are about to implode in the biggest meltdown the world has ever seen. You are blind or stupid if you cannot see the signs all around you: rising unemployment, inflation far higher than the lying government figures, out of control costs of health care, millions of illegal immigrants raising havoc with crime statistics, welfare costs, educational costs, etc., etc. Perhaps we have already passed the tipping point, but I cannot sit idly by without making one final plea to take action to prevent you and your children from a future fraught with misery, poverty and loss of freedom. It has been almost eighteen years to the day since, in a mood of anger and despair, I sat down at my typewriter and poured out my soul in a plea to Americans to take back control of their future and their children's future by voting out all incumbent members of Congress. I started an organization called THRO. That's the acronym for Throw the Hypocritical Rascals Out! It was an all-volunteer effort with no one being paid a penny in salary. I listed the corruption and sins practically all of our elected federal officials were guilty of, starting with going from being the richest nation in the world to the world's biggest debtor nation IN JUST ONE GENERATION! At that time, the "on the books" national debt was over three TRILLION dollars. I blamed the problem on our stupid seniority system of government which invites greed, arrogance, corruption and disdain for our Constitution. The solution I proposed was to vote EVERY incumbent congressman and woman out of office and put term limits on all new members so we don't end up with the same problem which got us in this fix.. Since we did not have an active internet system back then I borrowed $50,000 from my retirement funds to purchase full-page ads in six major newspapers from Maine to California. The headline read. "I'M MAD AS HELL AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!". In the text of my message I asked all who agreed with my proposal to "send me a few bucks and I'll use every penny to buy more full-page ads in more papers around the country". The result was amazing! Before the effort ran its course, the good people of this country sent me several million dollars, enough to buy 633 full-page ads in practically every major newspaper in the least once! Even more important, in the 1992 general elections we saw 124 new faces in Congress! BY FAR the most turnover in over 60 years instead of the usual 10 to 20 new members each election (mostly replacing retired congressmen/women and those who resigned in disgrace for sexual and other misconduct or left to serve time in prison). Political analysts named the THRO campaign as THE catalyst responsible for such an incredible feat!. As a direct result of the THRO campaign over 20 states passed term limit legislation on their own elected officials. Sadly, no term limit laws were passed on members of Congress and in just a few short years, all the good intentions and tough talk were completely forgotten by both the old AND newer members of Congress. Today, with "on the books" debt nearing ten TRILLION dollars (unfunded debt estimated at 53 trillion dollars!),. a housing market in total disarray, 16 to 20 million illegal immigrants burdening our welfare rolls, prisons and hospitals, a war we cannot stay in, but cannot get out of, a dollar so weak it may collapse any day, massive lay-offs in several sectors of our economy with more to come, energy and food prices soaring into the stratosphere, our own government "cooking the books" and outright lying about economic statistics to keep the stupid public from panicking, corporate welfare stealing your hard-earned tax dollars, members of congress selling their vote to special interest groups who literally buy legislation favorable to their cause. Hell, I could go on and on. And you know the cause? YOUR congressman or woman, DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN. NOT "the "other guy's"! After over thirty years of closely examining voting records, sources of campaign money, personal actions vs. lip service statements and constitutional law, I can objectively state that Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) is the ONLY elected or appointed official in Washington DC who has the integrity and common sense to absolutely know that you cannot pick up a turd by the clean end! In spite of a tremendous outpouring of support by knowledgeable voters in the recent presidential primaries, he was treated like an "outcast" by the media and those hordes of non-thinkers who dominate our electoral system. Now, lets cut to the chase: As I mentioned, it may already be too late to keep the collapse of our economy and nation from happening. but this is absolutely your one last chance to try to preserve your lifestyle and the future of your children and grandchildren. How? By doing exactly what I agitated for eighteen years ago: VOTE OUT EVERY SINGLE INCUMBENT MEMBER OF CONGRESS IN THE UPCOMING ELECTIONS (Except Ron Paul, and even him if necessary to make our point). What have you got to lose? You're already going to lose it thanks to the congressman you already have! The only wasted vote is a vote keeping the same thieves in power! We do not even have to have a majority. As the 1992 THRO campaign proved, just getting a large number thrown out puts the fear of God in the remainder (at least for a while, then we pressure them to pass term limits on themselves or get voted out the next time around). ONLY CONGRESSIONAL TERM LIMITS WILL PERMANENTLY SOLVE THE PROBLEM! Eiher your Representative is dumb as a box of rocks or knows full well exactly the harm he/she is causing with their re-election at any price mindset. Ethics and the Constitution be damned! Both types have absolutely no business being (NOT "serving") in public office! Interestingly, in a recent extremely rare (only four in history) closed-door session of Congress it was leaked that a major topic of discussion was how they could protect themselves from the wrath of the people they sold out. History is full of events of an angry public taking the law into their own hands when their national leaders are responsible for their huge personal losses. They had better have a good plan. There is no stopping an angry mob.when the crap hits the fan and millions of people lose everything! As for the presidential nominees, both the Democrat and Republican candidates are so beholden to their party and to the special interests who support them that I can only hope a strong independent or third party candidate will provide us a viable alternative vote. BUT THE REAL POWER IN THIS GOVERNMENT IS IN THE CONGRESS SO WE SHOULD FOCUS OUR ATTENTION THERE The current betting is on a Democrat sweep of the Presidency, the House and the Senate.. At the moment it looks like Obama will be the Democrat's presidential canditate. While he is long on charisma, he is totally lacking in experience. And with loud-mouth "spread the wealth" (read "take from those with money or assets, to give to those without, regardless of citizenship status") advocate Nancy Pelosi as second in command, you better think about retiring to Costa Rica or Panama or somewhere and get the hell out of the country! It will definitely not be your country anymore! REMEMBER: THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE! YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET ANOTHER ONE! One more thing: About the MiddleEast war(s). While its a "damned if you do and damned if you don't situation to cut and run, its about time we get leadership wilh balls enough to say that this is really a Muslim problem, not an oil problem (as bad as THAT is!). We believe the vast majority of Muslims are good, peace-loving people and it is only a tiny minority of radical agitators who are causing all the problems. But as long as the majority of Muslim people and their powerful non-radical leaders quietly accept the radicals destructive methods without protest, we should not allow the radicals to intimidate us and the world thinking we will always play by the rules. Its time we say we are not going to keep taking hits killing thousands of innocent people while we turn the other cheek. Its time we say "If you want a holy war, by God, we'll give you one". Unlike their cowardly unprovoked attacks without warning, for every terrorist act perpetrated on us or our allies we will give one hour's warning for innocent people to evacuate target areas then send in the cruise missles to absolutely destroy the area(s). With enough of those events maybe the good Muslim people will put pressure on the terrorists to back down. (and there is a huge back-log of unanswered attacks we need to make up for). And, its about time we started to use creative thinking to solve our problems. Right after the Spanish-American war when we took over the Phillipines there was a Muslim uprising on one of the Southern islands. The general in command (I believe it was General Douglas Mac Arthur's father) captured 50 of the rebels. He proceeded to arrange a firing squad where all the terrorists were shown the bullets being used were dipped in pig's blood (Muslims believe that eating or touching a pig will condemn you to eternal hell, no virgins, no martyrdom, just hell). He executed 49 of the rebels and let the 50th go back to tell his fellow rebels what happened. RESULT: End of rebellion, and peace from the Muslims ever since! How about having all our bullets, missles, bombs, grenades, etc. dipped in pig's blood when we go into battle? Maybe even dropping pigs on targets instead of bombs (or at least entrails and waste parts of slaughtered pigs). It would be a heck of a lot cheaper and probably more effective than bombs! As for our illegal alien problem, don't blame the poor Mexicans and other aliens. If you were in their shoes you would be doing exactly the same thing! BLAME THE GREEDY EMPLOYERS WHO ARE GETTING RICH BY HIRING LOW-PAID SLAVE LABOR AND YOUR CONGRESSMAN WHO REFUSES TO ENFORCE THE MANY LAWS ALREADY ON THE BOOKS TO DEAL WITH ILLEGALS. Its time we go after the employers with fines and jail time so severe they won't dare hire any illegal. Its as simple as that: no jobs = no illegal aliens! And don't kid yourself. The illegals are not only taking jobs Americans won't do, they are taking millions of jobs away from willing American laborers! (Especially after our economic collapse!) And why not get some relief for our overburdened prison system by sub-contracting confinment of prisoners to Mexican prisons? There's no law against it (in fact there is precedent for it). Mexico can build and maintain prisons for a fraction of what it costs in the US. It would provide thousands of jobs for Mexicans so they don't have to seek work here, and we could get rid of the hundreds of thousands of criminal Mexicans and others we are presently paying billions of dollars to house here in the US And, let's get rid of the Federal Reserve. It is the basic cause of all of our inflationary woes. It is neither federal OR has a reserve! It is a bunch of international bankers making BILLIONS every year because YOUR CONGRESSMAN/ WOMAN has abrogated their constitutional responsibility to be in charge of the monetary system of this country. Let's get back on the gold/silver standard which for a hundred years (1834-1933) fueled the greatest expansionary period in the history of this country with practically ZERO inflation! When we are forced to replace our present imploding montary system let's make sure the new money is TOTALLY backed by gold and silver. This is only the second time in the years I have owned a computer that I am sending a message to every American citizen on my mailing list (the first time was last week when I sent out a message urging everyone to sign a petition for President Bush to veto legislation YOUR CONGRESSMAN proposed to open up Social Security benefits to illegal aliens. Are they crazy! Social Security is going broke as it is, we sure as hell don't need to speed up the process!). DEMOCRAT, REPUBLICAN OR INDEPENDENT, IF YOU LOVE YOUR COUNTRY AND LOVE YOUR CHILDREN, I AM URGING YOU TO FORWARD THIS MESSAGE TO EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN ON YOUR EMAIL LIST. WE CAN REACH EVEN MORE PEOPLE AT NO COST THAN THE MILLIONS I SPENT ON THE WILDLY SUCCESSFUL THRO CAMPAIGN. THEN GO TO THE POLLS IN NOVEMBER AND VOTE AGAINST EVERY INCUMBENT. YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET A SECOND CHANCE AT THIS. THE STAKES ARE TOO HIGH!! PUT ASIDE YOUR PARTY LOYALTY AND SCEPTICISM AND JUST DO IT! IF YOU FAIL THIS TIME I GUARANTEE YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN ARE IN FOR A VERY BLEAK FUTURE!!!

By Ginny~moderator on Sunday, June 8, 2008 - 10:01 am:

Jack Gargan ran for Congress in 2002: campaign ad The email reads much like teh campaign ad.

Here is his campaign bio: bio Mr. Gargan got 3.39% of the vote in his failed campaign.

By Ginny~moderator on Sunday, June 8, 2008 - 10:10 am:

Mr. Gargan says:
"Even more important, in the 1992 general elections we saw 124 new faces in Congress! BY FAR the most turnover in over 60 years instead of the usual 10 to 20 new members each election (mostly replacing retired congressmen/women and those who resigned in disgrace for sexual and other misconduct or left to serve time in prison). Political analysts named the THRO campaign as THE catalyst responsible for such an incredible feat!. "

The 1992 campaign was the year Clinton was elected for the first time, and brought a large part of the Democratic ticket with him. I suspect that Mr. Gargan is taking credit for Mr. Clinton's successful campaign. I'd be interested to know who those "political analysts" are who credited the THRO campaign for the Democrats' success.

By Texannie on Sunday, June 8, 2008 - 12:17 pm:

is Jack Gargan your dad?

By Dana on Sunday, June 8, 2008 - 03:35 pm:

Ginny, Dad was not for Clinton at all. He was an independant and did not vote for or support Clinton, so I doubt he takes any credit for the win. I'll ask him about the "who" on political analysts and let you know.

Yes, Jack Gargan is my dad.

By Ginny~moderator on Sunday, June 8, 2008 - 04:57 pm:

Dana, I understand very clearly that your dad was not for Clinton. Mr. Garner was, as I understand it, a third party candidate for office. My point was about taking credit in the email for the number of new elected members of Congress in 1992. I believe they were elected because there was pretty much a Democratic sweep when Clinton was elected, and that it had very little to do with the THRO campaign for term limits.

I am not a fan of term limits. Yes, 21 states passed laws limiting the terms of state legislators, and in 4 states those laws were overturned by the courts. However, the Supreme Court ruled in the case of U.S. Term Limits, Inc. v. Thornton that states cannot set term limits for members of Congress. I believe that the terms of members of Congress cannot be limited except by a Constitutional Amendment, as was done after FDR was re-elected to his fourth terms as President.

I am opposed to term limits because, as has been often said in the present presidential campaign, to some extent experience matters. And being able to build working relationships with fellow legislators, well enough to be able to work across party lines, matters - and that doesn't happen in short periods of time. When there is a lot of turnover in legislatures, the new members, without much experience, have to rely on lobbyists and the party apparatus to inform and educate them about pending legislation because they don't have the experience to know who to trust and how to find out what they need to know.

Yes, the dollar is weak, unemployment is growing, the price of oil is climbing and affecting every aspect of our lives, and our healthcare insurance systems and healthcare delivery systems (two different things) are a mess in many ways. But I strongly doubt term limits will solve those problems.

As for the charge that there is a bill to open up Social Security to illegal aliens, there is simply no such bill. According to FactCheck: "Current law allows an immigrant to receive credit for future Social Security benefits for work done while they were illegal – so long as they eventually obtain authorization to work and a valid Social Security number. The amendment [the topic of the FactCheck article] was offered by Sen. John Ensign of Nevada and would have prohibited any credit for work done without permission, even if an immigrant later gains legal status or becomes a citizen." FactCheck As it happens, illegal aliens working under false Social Security numbers pay about $13 billion a year into the SS system, and cannot collect on that unless they later become legal; nor can they recover the money paid into the system. Mr. Garner is correct that employers are a big part of the problem. Those employers who hire illegal immigrants without seriously authenticating the social security numbers offered deduct payroll taxes - income tax, Social Security, Medicare - from the paychecks and pay those funds into the system, which tends to keep the employer out of trouble most of the time. When one reads of mass sweeps arresting illegal workers at factories, it is the workers who are arrested, not the employer.

I can't find anything on Google about a muslim uprising in the Phillipines that was put down by U.S. troops. Frankly, that story sounds a lot like the rumors that were circulated in British occupied India in the 1800s. A rumor was circulated that the new bullets provided by the British to native troops (including Muslims), were coated in pig fat. The new bullets required that the soldier bite open the bullet casing to enable pouring the gunpowder into the proper chamber. This and other factors led to a major rebellion by the native troops. I wonder if Mr. Garner can provide any evidence other than a rumor.

To propose sending cruise missles on one hour's notice to sites which we believe to have been the home base of terrorists who committed a terrorist attack is beyond foolish. It is also beyond reason. It is warmongering of the worst kind.

I won't even try to address the rest of the content of the email.

By Dana on Sunday, June 8, 2008 - 06:42 pm:

Who's Mr Garner? Was he mentioned in original email? Do you mean Gargan? Jack Gargan IS my dad. My dad is the author of the email. I'll be forwarding your reply as well. I already sent your question of "who is". I'm sure he will find your feedback worth reading and either correcting his comments or clarifying and supporting.

As for me, I am ignorant on all points. Just no help at all.

By Ginny~moderator on Sunday, June 8, 2008 - 07:30 pm:

Apologies, of course it is Gargan. Slip of the fingers.

I will add that had I known that you would copy posts from this board to forward to your father, I would not have posted at all. The impression I got from your introduction is that you were "sharing" the email, not that you would share responses with your father. Speaking as a member, not as a moderator, I think it is inappropriate for a member to use the board to get feedback for someone else's campaign, political or otherwise.

By Dana on Sunday, June 8, 2008 - 11:00 pm:

Oh, I'm so sorry. I just didn't know the answers to some of your comments, and thought my father would. And if he is printing rumors and not facts he would most difinitely want to correct them. I was not wanting to cause a debate between the two of you.

And I absolutely was not using it to send feedback to him. He did not ask for feedback, he just requested that those receiving the email pass it along. So I posted here rather than email because I hate getting emails like that from other people. Here on the debate board, I am fully aware that many will not agree with what is said. And I also go "huh?" to some of the things he says.

I am very sorry for over stepping on sending the response to my father. I didn't want to take your comments out of context to where they didn't make sense to him. I just wanted your points to be clarified to me as well as you. You ask good questions that require hard support and I was not able to give you that from my knowledge. And I wanted to hear answers

I will not be passing further information or posts to him. I was just wanting the answers to the questions you asked "straight from the horses mouth" so speak. Please except my appologies.

By Luvn29 on Sunday, June 8, 2008 - 11:17 pm:

I'm not sure what the big deal is about sharing posts with him since this is a public message board. He could just as easily come here and see the comments.

I've always believed firmly not to say anything I wouldn't want to say to that person's face...

By Ginny~moderator on Monday, June 9, 2008 - 05:30 am:

Dana and Adena, the point is that no, I did not expect Dana to share my comments with her father. Dana posted an email, saying it was to share the email with us, not that she would share comments with her father. Yes, it is a public board and open to public viewing. But that's not how it happened. I would have preferred to be asked.

I would say the same thing to Mr. Gargan's face, or to his email box. But then I would have known my comments were going to Mr. Gargan and that would have been my choice.

By Dana on Monday, June 9, 2008 - 08:38 am:

Again Ginny, I am very sorry. I was not thinking "this is a public board, so what's the difference" I simply thought you asked very important questions and points. I wanted to see what the answers are. And I didn't want to take comments out of context. And I also thought it was important for your extent of knowledge on what you talk about be evident....not just someone wanting to disagree or cause controversy. A person with real questions, doubts and is knowledgable. It was MY oversight in not seeing how my wanting to know the answers to your questions would effect you. And I thought you would also appreciate answers.

So with this, I'll let this issue of what I have done end here. I am sorry, I understand what you are saying. And bring this thread back to the original post. Rest assured all comments will stay only here. This is not a thread to debate how my actions should or should not be taken by others. So I ask that others do not add additional comments on that single topic.

By Kate on Monday, June 9, 2008 - 08:41 am:

Dana, tell him to put some PARAGRAPHS in that thing! Yikes!!! I can't bear to read it as it is one huge, overwhelming mass of words with no breaks, no place to visually catch your breath or keep your spot! I don't know how many people have the patience to read it as it is.

By Dana on Monday, June 9, 2008 - 11:31 am:

It has paragraphs in the email. For some reason the copy past didn't work, and it didn't show without them until I hit post.

By Dawnk777 on Monday, June 9, 2008 - 12:02 pm:

WAKE UP YOU STUPID PEOPLE! YOU ARE LOSING YOUR COUNTRY! Please forgive my blunt words, but that is the least of your worries if you do not heed this message! Like the old farmer with the stubborn mule said, "Sometimes you have to hit them over the head with a 2X4 to get their attention". If you are in the 1/10th of 1% who have already started buying gold, silver and mining stocks because you can see the calamity about to hit us, this message probably isn't for you. But if you believe the talking heads on TV that we have "turned the corner" and everything will be hunky-dory or you think the government figures on inflation, jobs and housing are even close to truthful, or that "your" congressman is the good guy and it's all those others who are the problem, then you had better read every word!

Hello. My name is Jack Gargan and I'm just a retired working stiff with a deep sense of love for my country and its traditions. You have been warned time and time again that this nation has lost its way ethically and economically and we are about to implode in the biggest meltdown the world has ever seen. You are blind or stupid if you cannot see the signs all around you: rising unemployment, inflation far higher than the lying government figures, out of control costs of health care, millions of illegal immigrants raising havoc with crime statistics, welfare costs, educational costs, etc., etc. Perhaps we have already passed the tipping point, but I cannot sit idly by without making one final plea to take action to prevent you and your children from a future fraught with misery, poverty and loss of freedom. It has been almost eighteen years to the day since, in a mood of anger and despair, I sat down at my typewriter and poured out my soul in a plea to Americans to take back control of their future and their children's future by voting out all incumbent members of Congress.

I started an organization called THRO. That's the acronym for Throw the Hypocritical Rascals Out! It was an all-volunteer effort with no one being paid a penny in salary. I listed the corruption and sins practically all of our elected federal officials were guilty of, starting with going from being the richest nation in the world to the world's biggest debtor nation IN JUST ONE GENERATION! At that time, the "on the books" national debt was over three TRILLION dollars. I blamed the problem on our stupid seniority system of government, which invites greed, arrogance, corruption and disdain for our Constitution.

The solution I proposed was to vote EVERY incumbent congressman and woman out of office and put term limits on all new members so we don't end up with the same problem which got us in this fix.. Since we did not have an active Internet system back then, I borrowed $50,000 from my retirement funds to purchase full-page ads in six major newspapers from Maine to California. The headline read. "I'M MAD AS HELL AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!".

In the text of my message I asked all who agreed with my proposal to "send me a few bucks and I'll use every penny to buy more full-page ads in more papers around the country". The result was amazing! Before the effort ran its course, the good people of this country sent me several million dollars, enough to buy 633 full-page ads in practically every major newspaper in the U.S., at least once! Even more important, in the 1992 general elections we saw 124 new faces in Congress, BY FAR the most turnover in over 60 years, instead of the usual 10 to 20 new members each election (mostly replacing retired congressmen/women and those who resigned in disgrace for sexual and other misconduct or left to serve time in prison). Political analysts named the THRO campaign as THE catalyst responsible for such an incredible feat! As a direct result of the THRO campaign over 20 states passed term limit legislation on their own elected officials.

Sadly, no term limit laws were passed on members of Congress and in just a few short years, all the good intentions and tough talk were completely forgotten by both the old AND newer members of Congress. Today, with "on the books" debt nearing ten TRILLION dollars (unfunded debt estimated at 53 trillion dollars!), a housing market in total disarray, 16 to 20 million illegal immigrants burdening our welfare rolls, prisons and hospitals, a war we cannot stay in, but cannot get out of, a dollar so weak it may collapse any day, massive lay-offs in several sectors of our economy with more to come, energy and food prices soaring into the stratosphere, our own government "cooking the books" and outright lying about economic statistics to keep the stupid public from panicking, corporate welfare stealing your hard-earned tax dollars, members of congress selling their vote to special interest groups who literally buy legislation favorable to their cause. Hell, I could go on and on. And you know the cause? YOUR congressman or woman, DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN. NOT "the "other guy's"!

After over thirty years of closely examining voting records, sources of campaign money, personal actions vs. lip service statements and constitutional law, I can objectively state that Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) is the ONLY elected or appointed official in Washington DC who has the integrity and common sense to absolutely know that you cannot pick up a turd by the clean end! In spite of a tremendous outpouring of support by knowledgeable voters in the recent presidential primaries, he was treated like an "outcast" by the media and those hordes of non-thinkers who dominate our electoral system.

Now, lets cut to the chase: As I mentioned, it may already be too late to keep the collapse of our economy and nation from happening. but this is absolutely your one last chance to try to preserve your lifestyle and the future of your children and grandchildren. How? By doing exactly what I agitated for eighteen years ago: VOTE OUT EVERY SINGLE INCUMBENT MEMBER OF CONGRESS IN THE UPCOMING ELECTIONS (Except Ron Paul, and even him if necessary to make our point). What have you got to lose? You're already going to lose it thanks to the congressman you already have! The only wasted vote is a vote keeping the same thieves in power! We do not even have to have a majority. As the 1992 THRO campaign proved, just getting a large number thrown out puts the fear of God in the remainder (at least for a while, then we pressure them to pass term limits on themselves or get voted out the next time around). ONLY CONGRESSIONAL TERM LIMITS WILL PERMANENTLY SOLVE THE PROBLEM!

Either your Representative is dumb as a box of rocks or knows full well exactly the harm he/she is causing with their re-election at any price mindset. Ethics and the Constitution be damned! Both types have absolutely no business being (NOT "serving") in public office! Interestingly, in a recent extremely rare (only four in history) closed-door session of Congress it was leaked that a major topic of discussion was how they could protect themselves from the wrath of the people they sold out. History is full of events of an angry public taking the law into their own hands when their national leaders are responsible for their huge personal losses. They had better have a good plan. There is no stopping an angry mob when the crap hits the fan and millions of people lose everything! As for the presidential nominees, both the Democrat and Republican candidates are so beholden to their party and to the special interests who support them that I can only hope a strong independent or third party candidate will provide us a viable alternative vote. BUT THE REAL POWER IN THIS GOVERNMENT IS IN THE CONGRESS SO WE SHOULD FOCUS OUR ATTENTION THERE.

The current betting is on a Democrat sweep of the Presidency, the House and the Senate. At the moment it looks like Obama will be the Democrat's presidential candidate. While he is long on charisma, he is totally lacking in experience. And with loud-mouth "spread the wealth" (read "take from those with money or assets, to give to those without, regardless of citizenship status") advocate Nancy Pelosi as second in command, you better think about retiring to Costa Rica or Panama or somewhere and get the hell out of the country! It will definitely not be your country anymore! REMEMBER: THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE! YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET ANOTHER ONE!

One more thing: About the Middle East war(s). While its a "damned if you do and damned if you don't situation to cut and run, its about time we get leadership with balls enough to say that this is really a Muslim problem, not an oil problem (as bad as THAT is!). We believe the vast majority of Muslims are good, peace-loving people and it is only a tiny minority of radical agitators who are causing all the problems. But as long as the majority of Muslim people and their powerful non-radical leaders quietly accept the radicals destructive methods without protest, we should not allow the radicals to intimidate us and the world thinking we will always play by the rules. Its time we say we are not going to keep taking hits killing thousands of innocent people while we turn the other cheek. Its time we say "If you want a holy war, by God, we'll give you one". Unlike their cowardly unprovoked attacks without warning, for every terrorist act perpetrated on us or our allies we will give one hour's warning for innocent people to evacuate target areas then send in the cruise missles to absolutely destroy the area(s). With enough of those events maybe the good Muslim people will put pressure on the terrorists to back down. (and there is a huge back-log of unanswered attacks we need to make up for).

And, its about time we started to use creative thinking to solve our problems. Right after the Spanish-American war when we took over the Phillipines there was a Muslim uprising on one of the Southern islands. The general in command (I believe it was General Douglas Mac Arthur's father) captured 50 of the rebels. He proceeded to arrange a firing squad where all the terrorists were shown the bullets being used were dipped in pig's blood (Muslims believe that eating or touching a pig will condemn you to eternal hell, no virgins, no martyrdom, just hell). He executed 49 of the rebels and let the 50th go back to tell his fellow rebels what happened. RESULT: End of rebellion, and peace from the Muslims ever since! How about having all our bullets, missles, bombs, grenades, etc. dipped in pig's blood when we go into battle? Maybe even dropping pigs on targets instead of bombs (or at least entrails and waste parts of slaughtered pigs). It would be a heck of a lot cheaper and probably more effective than bombs!

As for our illegal alien problem, don't blame the poor Mexicans and other aliens. If you were in their shoes you would be doing exactly the same thing! BLAME THE GREEDY EMPLOYERS WHO ARE GETTING RICH BY HIRING LOW-PAID SLAVE LABOR AND YOUR CONGRESSMAN WHO REFUSES TO ENFORCE THE MANY LAWS ALREADY ON THE BOOKS TO DEAL WITH ILLEGALS. Its time we go after the employers with fines and jail time so severe they won't dare hire any illegal. Its as simple as that: no jobs = no illegal aliens! And don't kid yourself. The illegals are not only taking jobs Americans won't do, they are taking millions of jobs away from willing American laborers! (Especially after our economic collapse!) And why not get some relief for our overburdened prison system by sub-contracting confinment of prisoners to Mexican prisons? There's no law against it (in fact there is precedent for it). Mexico can build and maintain prisons for a fraction of what it costs in the US. It would provide thousands of jobs for Mexicans so they don't have to seek work here, and we could get rid of the hundreds of thousands of criminal Mexicans and others we are presently paying billions of dollars to house here in the US.

And, let's get rid of the Federal Reserve. It is the basic cause of all of our inflationary woes. It is neither federal OR has a reserve! It is a bunch of international bankers making BILLIONS every year because YOUR CONGRESSMAN/ WOMAN has abrogated their constitutional responsibility to be in charge of the monetary system of this country. Let's get back on the gold/silver standard which for a hundred years (1834-1933) fueled the greatest expansionary period in the history of this country with practically ZERO inflation! When we are forced to replace our present imploding monetary system let's make sure the new money is TOTALLY backed by gold and silver.

This is only the second time in the years I have owned a computer that I am sending a message to every American citizen on my mailing list (the first time was last week when I sent out a message urging everyone to sign a petition for President Bush to veto legislation YOUR CONGRESSMAN proposed to open up Social Security benefits to illegal aliens. Are they crazy! Social Security is going broke as it is, we sure as hell don't need to speed up the process!). DEMOCRAT, REPUBLICAN OR INDEPENDENT, IF YOU LOVE YOUR COUNTRY AND LOVE YOUR CHILDREN, I AM URGING YOU TO FORWARD THIS MESSAGE TO EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN ON YOUR EMAIL LIST. WE CAN REACH EVEN MORE PEOPLE AT NO COST THAN THE MILLIONS I SPENT ON THE WILDLY SUCCESSFUL THRO CAMPAIGN. THEN GO TO THE POLLS IN NOVEMBER AND VOTE AGAINST EVERY INCUMBENT. YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET A SECOND CHANCE AT THIS. THE STAKES ARE TOO HIGH!! PUT ASIDE YOUR PARTY LOYALTY AND SCEPTICISM AND JUST DO IT! IF YOU FAIL THIS TIME I GUARANTEE YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN ARE IN FOR A VERY BLEAK FUTURE!!!

By Kaye on Wednesday, June 11, 2008 - 08:18 am: offensive, but your dad sounds crazy :) I agree our country is screwed up, but not sure term limits are the answer. People really being informed is the answer.

I am really so frustrated with people forwarded emails (not you dana) just because when they read them they sounded true! I urge people to research before you send. The harmless missing child, found money, etc, no big deal. But the political emails (mostly centered around obama) just screw up our country!

Anyway, the internet is one of those strange things, rumors get spread so much faster. So with the above email, If i saw your dad at a party and he got on his rant about ron paul, we would have a face to face discussion. And it would end there. But now we email, people cut and paste, add their two cents and then viola we have ron paul running for president. I am from tx, he is worthless imho. Anything goes in tx, kinky had a shot at governor here!

By Dana on Wednesday, June 11, 2008 - 03:19 pm:

ROFLOL, he can be at times. But he is a good person thru and thru. When Dad started THRO, I think I actually was quoted on TV or in the news saying something about how my dad does crazy things, but that we often said that about a lot of things he did during our dinner time conversations. My dad is very passionate about many things and very colorful in the manner he presents it. And often I find myself eating crow when all is said and done.

I will contact him often to get his view on things from finance to personal, and always on the big choices. I sometimes agree with his opinions and other times I say "huh?", but he has never steered me wrong yet.

So TX is "kinky" now? :)

By Kaye on Wednesday, June 11, 2008 - 03:34 pm:

i'm glad you took that like I intended it. My dad is very similar to yours. He thinks what he thinks and is passionate.

My prime example. We are car hunting. I currently drive a 2000 honda odyssey with 150k miles. Good van. So we of course have looked at a new one, but we are also exploring our other options. We have it narrowed down to 3. I was telling dad, he called back, told me he researched my choices and the van wins, go buy it. Well, first duh, it has the best gas milage, cost the least. But vanity has me pulled in a different direction. He got so upset with me, the quote of, "why would you love your current van so much and then not go buy the next new one, which you know is the better choice." How cute..huh? But that is part of why we love him, you always know where you stand!

Kinky didn't make it as gov. But geesh...he was going to appoint willie nelson be the commisioner of education. REALLY? Perry won, due to kinky pulling some of the dem votes though. Really sad, perry is a very shrew business man and we have a pretty corrupt system in texas right now.

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