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Feeling strange about moving

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive January 2006: Feeling strange about moving
By Anonymous on Monday, January 30, 2006 - 11:31 am:

After months of waiting for an answer. We finally got an unofficial one last week. I am glad because it was starting to really get to me not knowing. My dh is being sent to work somewhere else for 2 yrs. We are moving in July. I am going anon because it hasnt been officially announced at his work. It may be 6 more weeks before they officially announce it. I also dont want to mention where we are moving too just yet.

Anyway, he unofficially found out last week and now that it looks definite, what I thought was exciting and interesting doesnt seem so much that way. lol!! Now, I may be fixing to start my time of month too. That could be altering my thinking. :) I have been so emotional all weekend. Suddenly I feel nervous. I feel sad about leaving our home. We will be selling it. My youngest has never lived in another house. I feel sad about leaving all the trees we planted. (isnt that pathetic? i never thought I would feel sad about that!) I was just driving down the road feeling sad looking at my surroundings. I didnt realize how much I really do love it here. I moved here as a child when I was in 2nd gr, moved away when I was in 4th gr, moved back when I was 15yo and have been here since then. I am almost 34yo. All of my children were born here. My family lives here (or atleast close by). I hope that we only stay 2 yrs or less and come back here.

This is a good career move we think for dh. I am trying to look at it like that. The comp is offering a fair pkg, etc...

It is going to alot harder on me than I thought it was going to be I am afraid. lol Maybe I am dwelling too much on it. We have never even been to the place they are moving us. Well, dh has!! He will start traveling back and forth next month he thinks. They will send me with dh too look around once and if I hate it I can choose to stay here and travel back and forth to visit him I guess. lol OR dh could turn the position down. He is pretty excited about it. He thinks I will love it when I get there. It's going to be hard to leave everyone and everything behind.

Ok, I just needed to whine a little this morning.

By Cat on Monday, January 30, 2006 - 11:40 am:

{{{{{Hugs}}}}} It's scary. I know. :) I've btdt SOOOO many times! I think once you get used to the idea it will be exciting. I was wondering when you'd find out. (yes, I know who you are *g*) I've got to get going soon, but I'll try to email you later tonight. More hugs... :)

By Tink on Monday, January 30, 2006 - 11:45 am:

Yikes, I'd be scared too. I've lived in the same town most of my life and have all of my family nearby. Honestly, I'd like to move away for a year or two, just to see what else is out there. I hope you're able to find a way to enjoy this and see it as an adventure. Two years isn't forever and it may be a time for all of you to grow closer, since you'll have to rely on each other more. I hope it's better than you expect it to be and that you're able to be happy with it. I'll be thinking of you.

By Crystal915 on Monday, January 30, 2006 - 01:42 pm:

(((Anon))) Moving isn't as scary as it seems. Honestly, I miss my hometown (I spent most of my life there!) and DH misses his, but we both agree we wouldn't want to move back there anymore. We found a "home" in Texas, and can't wait to go back! One thing I learned was mindset REALLY affects your move. I had the "I'm going to HATE it here" mindset when we moved to TX. It took a lot longer for me to get adjusted than it should have. When we found out we were moving to KS, I said "It may not be where I WANT to go, but we'll make the best of our time there!!" I really don't like living here, for various reasons, but I try to focus on the good things. The kids got to experience snow for the first time, there are beautiful sunsets, new things to see, interesting places to go, etc. It's been a lot easier focusing on the positives here. Good luck!

By Anonymous on Monday, January 30, 2006 - 02:18 pm:

Thanks ladies. And I am sure you all 3 know who I am. :)

Cat, I knew you would relate as you have lived very close to where we are moving, at one time. It's not like we can jump in the car and go visit mema from there. lol Well, unless we'd like to drive for 2 weeks and be shot at along the way. rofl We have not told the kids what we found out. I am not telling them until they announce it at dh's work. My luck something strange will happen and the whole thing wont happen for whatever reason and I will have had the kids stirred up for no reason.

Cori, we are definitely looking at it as an adventure!! :) I was very excited about going. But now that it's *really* happening I am surprised at how emotional I feel about leaving. It was *my* idea to sell the house as opposed to leasing it out. I am sure I will get over it! I really think I am about to have a visit from AF. Oh goodie, I cant wait to see her again!! :) I am also feeling a bit overwhelmed as we have *alot* to do between now and July.

Crystal, good to hear that your move to Kansas is going well!! I hadn't thought of asking how you were liking it there. sorry! I can see why you would look forward to moving back to Texas. Having lived there before, I agree its a wonderful place to live. :)

Dh thinks the kids and I will stay so busy experiencing new things that the 2 yrs will fly by. We'll see...

By Dawnk777 on Monday, January 30, 2006 - 03:10 pm:

We lived in our last house only 4 years. We planted trees and stuff in that time, and then had to leave. I always felt bad about leaving my trees, too.

This past year, we got to back to our old community and drove past our house and the trees are so big now! It made very happy to see that!

It's hard to leave a place you have lived for a while, but think of all the new friends you have yet to meet, in a new place. We have lived where are now, for almost 13 years, and it would be hard to leave from Sheboygan now!

I cried, though, when I said goodbye to my old neighbor 13 years ago. I went over to her house to say it was all locked up and I was leaving. That baby she was feeding, at the time, is almost a teenager now! LOL!

By Deek on Monday, January 30, 2006 - 05:28 pm:

We just left our home of 15 years and moved to another state. our house was the last place we lived with our children before they grew up and married.We remodeled it extensively and actually were in the middle of building a new home on the next lot over. We had trees and plants and lots of memories. I also left a job I loved, but saw this as a great opportunity for my husband. It was hard to think about all the changes and yet I am finding the move has been a great words of wisdom..just acknowledging that I know how you feel and that I hope your move is as positive as ours has been..and we moved to NEW JERSEY!! LOL..I am a NJ native so I really cant knock my birth state ..we are very happy here..

By Dawnk777 on Monday, January 30, 2006 - 06:45 pm:

Here's a pic of the front maple tree, from last summer, when were up there getting new birth certificates for the kids, prior to going to Niagara Falls. That tree was fairly big, but was still just a stick, when we left! Isn't it gorgeous now?

Marshfield, WI house

By Nicki on Monday, January 30, 2006 - 07:23 pm:

I have felt many of the same feelings you are having when facing a move. Even missing the trees! Our last house had nothing but lawn when we moved in. Over eight years, we added so much. Our last morning there before leaving I went out in the yard and cried. We had experience a lot at that house and put our hearts into improving things. I understand.

Now that the move is behind us and we've settled in another state in another home, I can see things more clearly. I feel we are in the right place to raise our daughter, and slowly it is feeling more and more like home. And I realize I had some great experiences when living in another state in our old home. I'm grateful for the time I had there, but also aware this new home has much to offer. But I know how hard it is to see all this when the emotions of a big move are so strong.
Moving is stressful! My heart goes out to you.

By Debbie on Monday, January 30, 2006 - 07:55 pm:

I think I know who you are(if I remember right from a long ago post)

You know, moving is hard. I am not going to lie. But, it can also be fun! I really enjoyed our first two moves. Now, this last one has been a disaster from the beginning, but there are a lot of other factors involved.

Just try to remember, that it takes time to settle. You will be emotional, but that is okay.
It will be stessful, so just take care of yourself.

And, if it makes you feel any better, I will be right there with you. Even though I don't know where we are going, we will be moving too this summer.

By Reds9298 on Monday, January 30, 2006 - 08:51 pm:

My DH has just started a job search which will likely take us pretty far from family. We live in our hometown and although it's exciting to think about moving away, I'm starting to also feel overwhelmed. Just the magnitude of moving ALL OUR STUFF, getting settled into a new place and learning it's nooks and crannies, getting familiar with a strange city. I'm getting paranoid and we're not even sure where we will end up yet.

I know how you feel. I've never lived anywhere else than my hometown. I've traveled extensively and love to, but I guess I always know that I'm coming back home.

Ditto Debbie...I'm with you, too, and we don't know where we're going either!!! :)

By Anonymous on Tuesday, January 31, 2006 - 10:33 am:

Thanks ladies!! Its nice to hear the positive stories. :)

Dawn, that tree is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing. :)

I sent youngest ds registration info for K, back to the school this morning blank with a note attached saying we are moving. That was a wierd feeling. lol They need to know they can fill his spot though. :( He knows we are moving, his Dad told him last night. He is very excited. (so much for not telling them until later.) Middle ds does not know. Oldest ds was told so he can be making some decisions about what he really wants to do. He doesnt really want to go and I can't say I blame him. He will be in his first yr of high school next yr and he loves playing football. They dont have football where we are moving, just soccer. So, he is considering staying here with his Dad (my ex), but coming for long visits with us. We'll see what *really* happens by July I guess. I dont like that idea, but I do want him to be happy and I dont want to screw up his high school years. (i moved 3 times in high school and it STUNK! I went to school in Oklahoma in 9th grade, Texas in 10th grade and moved here for 11th and 12th grade) We have an appt with his counselor on Thursday to map out his 9th grade yr. I may mention to her what is going on and see what she thinks. The thought of missing his football games next fall is a little hard to take. I wish he would just go with us. But that's me being selfish.

I have so many decisions to make and things to do. Can't take *all* of our animals :(, can't take our vehicles. Have 3 and have to decide what to sell and get them sold and leave one in storage i guess. Can't take all of our belongings (havent been told how much we can take yet. will have to sell some things and put alot in storage here.) Have to sell boat. Dh said his friend wants to buy the boat. So I guess that isn't an issue. lol I feel sick about selling it to be honest. It's really nice and we had planned to keep it forever. It's paid for. And youngest ds *just* got new ski's last summer. :( He still hasnt learned to use them.

Atleast I know we will be coming back here eventually.

Thanks for listening!

Debbie and Deanna, I will say a prayer that your dh's find great jobs in a place you will be happy to move too. :)

By Dawnk777 on Tuesday, January 31, 2006 - 06:55 pm:

I moved, when I was in 8th grade. That was a perfect time, because we were all settled in our new house, by the time I was in high school. I went to a middle school, but then when I went to high school, it was different kids, but I'm good at making friends, and neither time was friendless for long. My high school was new, so we had to spend the first semester in a different building, while they finished the high school, so it was weird for everyone.

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