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Cat question...

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive January 2006: Cat question...
By Christylee on Sunday, January 29, 2006 - 09:24 pm:

I have a cat who was born in 1994, she is a long haired cat that has always shed alot. Recently (like today and yesterday) mom and I have been finding clumps of hair. They are still matted at the bottom but they aren't hairballs (she has gotten these in the past and I know this is not it), it almost looks like someone is taking scissors and cutting out spots of hair. Now I've held her and felt all over and there isn't any bald spots but I'm sure it's coming from her.

We did recently get a kitten she was born in October of last year and she is a fiesty little thing, she will jump on Peanut and they rough house and play. Occasaionally they will spat at each other and Peanut will knock her in her place. lol... Peanut doesn't have front claws and is an ONLY indoor cat as is Peaches but she still has claws.

Is it possible that they are just fighting/playing and it's coming off? Or is this something medical? I've never had a cat that grew up to be as old as Peanut and I'm not even sure how old they live to be? HELP!!!

By Trina~moderator on Monday, January 30, 2006 - 06:23 am:

They're probably just playing. I have two long haired cats and find fur all over the place. They lose it when they shed, groom and play. BTW, both my cats are considered elderly. One is 14 and the other is 11. I *think*. I'd have to look up their birth dates to be sure. LOL! As long as they're not losing weight and are eating and acting normally I wouldn't be too concerned.

Cat Age Calculator

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