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Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive January 2006: Parents
By Emily7 on Monday, January 23, 2006 - 04:10 pm:

My cousin was beaten up pretty bad in school last week. One 13 year old came into the class room & told the teacher she was wanted at the office when she left a second 13 year old jumped my cousin. Both the kids were ticketed & suspended. The thing that REALLY gets me is that neither of the boys parents have tried to contact my uncle to see if my cousin is okay or to apologize. He was kicked repeatedly in the head & suffered a major concussion as well as lacerations to the face.
If this was one of my children, not only would they be grounded from everything, but I would see if there was anything I could do for the child that was hurt.
I just don't get how you teach your child to be responsible for their actions if you ignore the actions yourself.
My uncle went down today & filed charges against the boys.

By Colette on Monday, January 23, 2006 - 04:13 pm:

That's disgusting. I am glad your uncle is filing charges.

By Amecmom on Monday, January 23, 2006 - 05:18 pm:

If these boys could do something so horrible, their parents are probably not the caring and concerned type. They just don't care, I'm sure. Filing charges is a good idea. The boys should actually be expelled from school for that kind of violence.
I'm sorry about your cousin and I hope he's on the mend.

By Ginny~moderator on Monday, January 23, 2006 - 06:54 pm:

Your uncle should not only file charges, he should get a lawyer and sue the parents, to collect money from their homeowners insurance policies or even take their cars. That is sometimes the only thing that hits home with some people. Those boys didn't get to be like they are at age 13 if they didn't feel that they could get away with because their parents didn't care and didn't discipline them.

By Dawnk777 on Monday, January 23, 2006 - 07:30 pm:

That's horrible!

By Mommmie on Monday, January 23, 2006 - 08:26 pm:

Do you know if the other parents were told who the other party is? Privacy laws may have prevented the schools from telling them. Also, for legal reasons, an apology isn't often advised.

By Emily7 on Monday, January 23, 2006 - 08:59 pm:

The kid knows who he beat up, so I guess if the parents were concerned they could have gotten it from him. Not to mention the parents have the right to get the police report & it has his name on it.

As far as it not being advised for legal reasons, I guess as a parent if my kid did this I would be at the parents door. My child did it, I am responsible for medical bills. What are you teaching your child to not make them accountable for what they have done. Let's not apologize because it may make them sue us...

By Luvn29 on Monday, January 23, 2006 - 09:21 pm:

Of course an apology isn't advised. But that is what is wrong with this country today. No one stands up and takes responsibility. How about just doing what is morally right? Forget all the legalese.

I'll tell you what else bothers me. The fact that none of the other 15 or 20 students had enough values instilled in them to go to the next door down and get help right away.

I would sue the parents without hesitation. Let them take responsibility for raising children like this. Maybe then they won't think it's okay. More than likely the parents are bragging and laughing about it. That's how it typically goes. I know people like that and it disgusts me. If these kids are doing this at age 13 just think what they will do when they are a few years older, with transportation, money, and a bigger size.

By Mommmie on Monday, January 23, 2006 - 10:36 pm:

Or the parents could be mortified at their child's behavior.

By Crystal915 on Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 01:59 am:

I'm glad he's filing charges. My kids aren't school age, but I know I apologize if one of them hurts another child, so I'm pretty sure I'd be calling if they did get into a fight. I'm really surprised at the school, I'm not sure the punishment was appropriate.

By Karen~moderator on Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 07:44 am:

Ditto Colette, Ame & Ginny!

By Insaneusmcwife on Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - 11:37 am:

I'm sorry for you nephews pain. Has anyone asked him what he wants done about the situation? I'm in no way shape or form saying that he deserved what happened but does anyone know what brought on the beating? Was it a hate crime? Was it over a girl? Depending on the problem I don't know if I would allow my child to return to that school. Is the problem going to continue? And...I wasn't aware that teachers are allowed to leave kids in a classroom unattended. What state is he in?

By Insaneusmcwife on Wednesday, January 25, 2006 - 11:28 am:

How is you nephew doing?

By Insaneusmcwife on Sunday, January 29, 2006 - 09:47 am:


By Emily7 on Sunday, January 29, 2006 - 09:59 am:

He is doing okay. They go to court on the 7th & my uncle was told the kid would probably just have to pay restitution. There is a rumor that as soon as the court case is over the kid & his friends are going to bat him up again. My uncle let the police & school know & they are keeping an eye & ear out about this.
The reason it happened was the kid wanted money, that is what my cousin says anyway.
We live in a town of 27,000 in WY. This year has been bad for things like this, we have a bad meth problem here. I remember when you didn't have to lock you house or car up & now you are stupid if you don't.

By Amecmom on Sunday, January 29, 2006 - 10:08 am:

Emily, I just re read your post more carefully. Are you saying the teacher LEFT THE CLASSROOM UNSUPERVISED? The attack happened in the classroom? That is probably illegal!

I thought you meant that a boy came into the room and said your cousin was wanted in the office and he was then jumped in the hallway.

If this happened in the classroom because a teacher was not smart enough to know her business, the school is at fault.

They need to change their practices so that their security is tighter. Your Uncle may have a case against the school. Regardless, the teacher needs to be reprimanded.

I'm glad he's doing better.

By Karen~moderator on Sunday, January 29, 2006 - 10:09 am:

Is there a possibility of transferring him to another school?

I know things like that are out of control in many areas. It's a sad statement about our society as a whole.

By Insaneusmcwife on Sunday, January 29, 2006 - 03:12 pm:

It doesn't seem right that they would only get a fine and suspension and I too think that the school needs to be held responsible for this. The teacher never should have left the class unattended. I would definatly pull my child out of that school. Please keep us updated. I hope those kids get a tough judge.

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