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Playstation 2-Eyetoy Play2

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive January 2006: Playstation 2-Eyetoy Play2
By Brandy on Friday, January 20, 2006 - 10:10 pm:

How do you play the bubble game on there or does anyone know?Thanks Brandy

By Jewlz on Friday, January 20, 2006 - 10:16 pm:

Peripheral-based games have classically been a mixed bag -- usually the lack of third-party support and the limited catalog dooms most peripherals to the most niche of markets. Thankfully, Sony's EyeToy catalog gets a much-needed shot in the arm with the release of Play2. Provided you don't mind being caught flailing around in front of your television, Play2 has a wide variety of games for both single- and multiplayer.

There is a catch, though. Despite the helpful instructions at the beginning of the game, the EyeToy itself can be exceedingly picky about lighting and contrast. If you're playing in a small room where you're just standing in front of a blank wall immediately behind you, the game will work flawlessly. However, in less than ideal conditions -- being in a long, cluttered room or against multicolored wallpaper -- the contrast sensors will start to get finicky. In one setup, for instance, I wound up having to change my clothes, re-arrange my lighting, and perform a series of voodoo rituals in order for the EyeToy to adequately recognize me and my hands.

Once it does work, however, the experience is all uphill from there. From the very start, Play2 offers a jovial sense of humor in everything it does. Your little digital helper, aside from explaining the basics of EyeToy navigation, will pantomime various facets of each game as he's explaining the rules; he can even be silenced by a quick bop on the head.

The games themselves are a mix of old and new. Some, like "Bubble Popper," are thematic rehashes of games from the original Play like "Wishi Washi" while others, such as "Kung2," are direct sequels. Then there's games like "Mr. Chef" and "Secret Agent" that are all-new applications for the EyeToy hardware.

In each game, you use your hands, head, elbows, and any other available body parts to stack, swat, shake, or slide the various on-screen elements to whatever objective each game sets before you. For most of the games, the rules are fairly straightforward -- the purpose of table tennis is hard to confuse -- but some games, like the soccer goalie game, suffer from a lack of control. These issues even extend into multiplayer, with actions from one player frequently being counted on another player's side, especially with three or more players.

Multiplayer, as a whole, however, is a blast. While the standard version of multiplayer involves trading off turns on a single-player game for a high score, the multiplayer face-offs are the real draw of the mode. Whether it's running down a track, or waving your hands over a cloud to make it rain on a sunflower, there's a kind of undeniably low-tech thrill that comes from flailing around with a few friends, shouting, laughing, and pushing your competitors off-camera in an attempt to gain what little lead you can. Play2 is, as far as peripheral games go, a pretty safe bet. It's not perfect, but if you've already got an EyeToy, there's no reason not to add Play2 to your collection. And if you don't, it's enough to warrant consideration.

ihope this is what ur looking for

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