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Talkers with no kids!!!

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive January 2006: Talkers with no kids!!!
By Luvn29 on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 12:43 pm:

Okay, decided to open a new thread so as not to hijack the "Secrets" thread!

I am so with you on those talkers without children! My sister is the worst! She has no children (she and her husband have the mentality of children themselves... that's a whole different story though!!!) and she will call right when I am trying to wind things down in the evening with getting last snacks, bookbags ready, kids bathed, clothes laid out, stories read... You know, all of that right before bedtime stuff!

I like to spend a little time with my kids right before they go to bed, rocking them, reading a story, etc. because I know the next morning they are getting up for school. And she will talk for 2 HOURS if she can! My kids are older, 6 and 9, but still constantly need something, and I have a cordless phone, so I can move around, but it is awful! I'll try to hang up and she'll start talking about something else. It's a vicious cycle! LOL!

My sil is another problem. She has a ds the same age as mine, but she lives in Utah, so she is three hours behind us. She calls me while he is still at school, but mine are home already. She is bad for calling and not having anything to say. Don't you hate that!!! So she calls when my kids are just getting home from school, and need a snack, and they have so much to tell me about their day, and this and that, or she'll end up calling right when it is time for hubby to walk in the door from work.

It drives me insane!!!

By Mommmie on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 01:25 pm:

I have caller ID and if I don't want to talk I don't pick up. If I do pick up I have no trouble saying, I have to go now.

By Kaye on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 02:19 pm:

I am a talker, but I have kiddos. When they were little and I could manage to pull everyone out of the house, my solice was my phone. I have other friends who are talkers..LOL. I never get offended when a friend says, okay gotta go, really, catch ya later :)

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