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Calling all Dog Experts!!!!

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive January 2006: Calling all Dog Experts!!!!
By Karen~moderator on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 07:59 am:

I've already emailed Shelly about this, but would like her, and all of your opinions. Long story short, we found a chocolate lab Friday evening. Still a puppy, has collar, no tags, healthy, but had not eaten in a couple days, playful, partially trained, GREAT with kids. Needless to say, we fell in love. Tied her up in the front with food, blankets, water and toys, left all the outside lights on, Saturday morning came, no one appeared to claim the dog. Since then, no signs posted for a lost dog. It's starting to look like the dog was just dumped.

Saturday morning, called our vet, brought her over, they scanned her, no microchip, they will keep her till tomorrow, then she goes to the shelter. . DH spoke with our vet personally last night about the possibility of our bringing her home to stay. The problem is our present dog, Kali. We are afraid she will go after her. We brought the Lab into the yard for just a couple of minutes on Saturday morning, and after sniffing, Kali started barking at her and going for her.

Now, the thing is, we did not raise Kali from a puppy, we got her when she was a couple years old, from Jules. Our yard is fenced, when she is out of the yard, she is leashed and we are walking her. We never take the leash off when we aren't at home because we're afraid she will run away or get hit. So she's had very limited contact with other dogs. Though, my sister used to bring the Spice Girls (her 2 dogs, Ginger and Nutmeg) to visit occasionally. So basically, we aren't sure how to tell if it's just normal behavior, or if she really doesn't like other dogs.

Anyway, our vet said that if we felt Kali doesn't like dogs and would attack her, he didn't think we'd be able to integrate the Lab into our household. The thing is, we just don't KNOW!

Kali is a chow/samoyed (or husky) mix. She's 7 years old, spayed female, 70 lbs. The lab is a female, not sure if it's spayed (yet!), not fully grown.

Do ANY of you have any experience bringing another dog into a home where there has only been ONE dog for a number of years/the alpha dog is older/2 female dogs in the same house - basically anything that can enlighten us here??

We *really* want to take this dog, but not if it means our dog will be unhappy, or will possibly harm her.

This is the dog:


By Jackie on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 08:19 am:

Oh Karen, she is beautiful. You know me, Im a dog lover, and its not unusual for me to have 5 or 6 or 7 dogs around my house. But, you are in a difficult situation with Kali being the alpha dog. Ive never had that problem with any of my dogs. Our new dog Tulsa "tries" to be the alpha dog, and tries to be the boss of the new dogs who come, but she quickly gets over that LOL..
Im sorry I have no advice for you. Im glad you are willing to try and get some answers, and who knows you may end up with a new dog.
But to be perfectly honest, Id hate for the new dog to be an outside dog for the rest of her life. Im not trying to start a debate, but simply do not understand the point of outside dogs. I think if you cant get the new dog and your dog to adjust to living in the house peacefully, I would find another family for the new dog.

By Conni on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 08:47 am:

Oh gosh, dont show me pic's of any lab, I'll be running down to take her in myself. lol I am a SUCKER for lab's as you know we have 3 already... :)

You really need to research the breed first and make sure this is the type of dog you want to have, if you have never owned a lab... They can be trying during the puppy yrs, then they grow into these awesome awesome loyal loving laid back companions... They will chew up anything in sight as a puppy, they shed like MAD (i dont care what anyone tells you)... They LOVE water and they are full of energy- I would never keep one on a chain. Keep them inside with you or let them run in a dog run or fenced backyard...

Ok obviously I could talk about lab's all day so let me stop rambling and answer your question.

Yes we brought a yellow lab puppy home last Christmas (just happened to be ready to pick up around Christmas time, since hse was born in October)... We already had 2 7 yo labs male and female. They are labs so they LOVE anything that we love pretty much. lol So at first they were kind of *put off* by this annoying little puppy. But they grew to love her very quickly. Now Sunni and Moka are the best of friends (females). The male (polo) really couldnt care less if Sunni stays or goes. lol He is old,, has arthritis and just wants to be fed, watered and loved. He doesnt want to wrestle with sunni and will let her know immediately that she needs to back off of him... And Sunni does as she is asked and leaves him alone and goes and finds Moka to pick on. lol

As for Kali and this new dog... I'd recommend not asking the vet, but asking the local dog trainers in your area what techniques they would suggest. Or look up online some techniques. My guess is that its possible if done over time.

Good luck with your new water rat... Better go get it a baby pool and a yrs supply of tennis balls. :) Oh and a 20 yr supply of treats... lol Labs are PIGS.

By Karen~moderator on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 09:11 am:

Conni, both DH and I have owned black labs before - though my lab experience is almost 45 years ago. DH was looking at this dog like a father looking at his first born son! ROFL You should have seen the look in his eyes! He owned a black lab when he lived in MD, and he has told me endless stories of things that Blue chewed up (*real* name Reed's Moody Blue), including a leather briefcase, and the sheetrock in a bathroom!

The only reason we kept her on the lead Friday night, was that we were hoping her owner would be driving around looking for her, and would see her and get her. I've never left, and never would leave a dog chained up anywhere.

We WANT our dogs to be inside dogs, we love playing with them, and yes, letting them sleep with us. So Kali pretty much has the run of the household, as would any other dog we'd have.

The issue would be whether or not Kali could accept her. And she wouldn't an outside dog. The only way we'd keep her is if both dogs could live together. She certainly wouldn't receive less attention. The thing is to determine if Kali will accept her, and that is THE hardest thing to do right now!

By Ginny~moderator on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 10:11 am:

Karen, I've asked Scott for advice. And, if you decide you can't take the lab, please try to notify the Labrador Retreiver rescue groups in your area (though, given you are in New Orleans, I suspect all of the rescue groups have their hands overfull).

By Truestori on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 10:20 am:

i haven't read everyones response above, but I do know that Kali should be introduced in a territory that isn't her own. That is her yard, her space, the puppy is just invading at this point! Try introducing them at the park or on a trail, somewhere they can run and sniff and such. goodluck, very cute puppy!

By Karen~moderator on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 10:44 am:

Stori, they've already met. That's how we found the dog - she was at my fence, *talking* to my dog. And she's already been taken into the back yard. Someone else suggested the same thing to me last night though, about getting them together in a neutral place.

Still hoping for more opinions and information today, before we call the vet back later this afternoon.........

Thanks everyone!

By Conni on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 10:47 am:

I always like to tell people all the negatives about lab's. Because I love them so much and dont want someone to not be able to handle one and then get rid of it. Since you have already owned one and are willing to have another, then ya'll are hooked, like me. lol

When I was taking Sunni to class (we should still be going, but it just hasnt worked out in awhile ugh!)... They were helping people with all kinds of issues Karen!! Like, digging, jumping up on people, chewing, barking, etc... :) I really think its possible to introduce dogs to each other slowly- i just think its a matter of training and the proper techniques.

Of course, I am not an expert, that is jmo.

My lab digs, but it's because she is catching and killing moles in my backyard. I am not about to stop her from doing that!! ROFL At first we were really upset with her and then she started leaving dead moles at the door for us. My dh was inlove after that. :) He has been trying to get rid of the moles for quite some time now.

I stand corrected on my first post... Polo must be having a good day. He was playing with Sunni this morning. lol It's like having 3 big furry babies... They all have their own distinct personalities.

That lab is beautiful in the pic, btw!! :) Thats funny about your dh!!! My dh is as bad as I am about our lab's. He is always bringing them treats, new balls, cleaning their pool, letting them in by the fire, cutting steak up into little bites for them... It's ridiculous. He and Blake both keep the puppy all riled up and they will play hide and seek with her, keep away, chase, fetch, etc... it's nonstop.

We have started to buy Lab decor. for our house.

By Karen~moderator on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 10:50 am:

Conni, Kali is a digger, so that will be nothing new!!! LOL She buries pig ears and stuff in the yard all the time, there are holes everywhere! She's also *rude* - she's a jumper and a barker. But we love her!

By Shellyg on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 11:07 am:

I can "talk" you thru introducing the dogs. I am at the animal shelter most of the day today. I am going to e-mail you my phone number.

By Imamommyx4 on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 11:15 am:

I think labs are beautiful and would love to have one someday when/if we had more land. But I don't know anything about them.

But we have an old dog (12 yo Heinz 57) that we love. Her name is Ginger and she's great. But dd wanted a puppy. The one we got was a yorky, maltese, poodle mix. Looks like a little mop, cute and cuddly as it can be. When we brought it home, Ginger was not to happy about it at first. She sniffed and growled at it. I didn't trust Ginger to leave her alone with it for awhile. Puppy, Beau, was so bouncy and playful and Ginger is old and has arthritis. But after a little while Ginger went from being sulled, to tolerating him, to playing with him and protecting him (although Beau doesn't think he needs protecting).

I just always give both treats at the same time, pet and play with Ginger if I'm playing with Beau. Tell Ginger she's a good puppy. Just like kids. If I'm doing something with the puppy, Ginger sits there looking kind of left out. I just make sure that I do for her like the puppy. Ginger has let Beau know that she is the boss. So it all working out.

By Luvn29 on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 11:19 am:

Oh, I hope Shelly can help you. I really think that this can be done since the new one is a puppy.

We have a cocker spaniel in the house who is queen and a couple of years ago, I found an overweight chihauha walking down the middle of the road trying to get into moving cars. I pulled over, and the dog ran to me, and jumped in my car and laid down in the passenger seat. It was clear that this was a well-loved pet.

I couldn't leave him there, because he was going to get run over. So I went up and down the road looking for some sign of life, but found none. I posted signs all over that I had found the dog, with my number. I called animal shelters and vet and left the info in case someone called. No one ever claimed this animal. There had been a lot of elderly die in that area the past few months before I found him.

Anyhow, he was old, full grown, had health problems, and Jazzy was not thrilled about another dog being brought in. But she adjusted very well, especially once she saw she was still our baby, too, and got the same amount of attention as before. And these were two adult dogs.

Let us know how it goes with Shelly.

By Karen~moderator on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 11:50 am:

Thanks Shelly!!!!!!

By Yjja123 on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 11:53 am:

We bought a lab puppy in October. He is now going on 6 months in age and is 70+ pounds. He does chew a lot. We keep him well supplied with chews and toys. When we cannot watch him he is in a crate. Eventually the crate will be eliminated as we do not want it long term.
We have 2 other dogs. Chowdo (YES-SHE IS STILL HANGING IN!)is a chow doberman mix that is 16 years old. Brandy is a yellow lab mix and she is 10 years old. They both accepted Cosmo. We just let them get to know eachother a little each day. Now they hang out together no problem. Now, the vet told us to get a male lab. He said our female dogs would accept a male better. I do not know if that is true but Chow and Brandy will fight every now and then.
Good luck!
Oh yeah---we can't keep Cosmo out of the pool. He jumps in several times a day and goes swimming. So the wet dog thing is a reality. We have towels by the doggy door ready to dry him off before he comes in. Shedding has not been a problem at all.

By Karen~moderator on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 12:01 pm:

Update: Just called the vet and they still have the dog. I told them I would be speaking with someone who could give me some insight (Shelly ) and asked them to please please keep her there. They did say they had a customer who does lab rescue who was willing to take her if we didn't, so at least if it doesn't work out for *us*, I now know the dog will not end up at the animal shelter!!!

I'll be calling Shelly in a while.

By Karen~moderator on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 03:58 pm:

We've decided to give her a try!!!!! I'm so excited! My friend called me at work and I said *I'm going to be a mom again!* ROFL

Shelly was great!!! So informative and knowledgeable. Made me see things from a really *common sense* approach. I took lots of notes like a good student. LOL I told DH everything she said, and we decided we would try to integrate the dog into our household. I called the vet, told them I would be willing to pay the boarding fee for the week if they will keep her until Saturday morning, then we will pick her up @ 8 AM and begin our *journey*!!

I have some things to do and buy before then, like puppy food, and a baby gate - I forgot I gave mine away!

Wish us luck!!!!

And if anyone needs any dog advice, Shelly's our girl! That's not said to belittle any advice anyone else has given so please don't take offense - I truly do appreciate everything all of you have said. But since she works with pet rescue she seems to know quite a lot about disciplining animals, their behavior, traits and bringing them into strange households with an alpha dog already in residence.

Thanks again, Shelly!!!

By Karen~moderator on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 04:00 pm:

OH - And Conni, in particular, *if* this adoption works out, the only new trait you mentioned above that we don't already have with Kali is the chewing, and we will *chew-proof* as much as possible.!

By Jackie on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 05:01 pm:

Karen,Im excited for you. Im glad Shelly helped you out. She is a very smart lady when it comes to this dog business. Ive e-mailed her my share of questions when it comes to foster dogs and such.
So what will you name your new baby?

By Karen~moderator on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 08:17 pm:

Jackie, we are already calling her Koko. LOL

By Shellyg on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 09:43 pm:

Karen, you sound like an amazing dog owner. I think things will be fine. Thanks for the kind words, you too Jackie!

By Conni on Wednesday, January 18, 2006 - 07:42 am:

Woohoo!! Very happy for you! Welcome to the family 'Koko'. :)

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