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Friend Moving..sad!!!!

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive January 2006: Friend Moving..sad!!!!
By Klwm on Monday, January 16, 2006 - 03:07 pm:

It has happened before and will happen again but every time it makes me incredibly sad. A gal I met when middle dd was in preschool almost 8 years ago is moving to Florida in two weeks. Even though the girls were not in the same elementary school we got them together every couple of months or when we could. A super, genuine friend and someone I am sad to see go. I know it is the best for her family....she gets to be a SAHM now but I will miss her. Makes me realize we have to make time for the folks we care about because we never know when our time with them will come to an end. I wish I had made more of an effort this last year or two even though it was harder because of our and the kids schedules. However, I do have great memories of swinging the kids at the preschool playground, going to the pool and grabbing a chat whenever we could. I know we will remain in touch....thank you Julie for being a great friend!

By Bea on Monday, January 16, 2006 - 03:15 pm:

You can tell you're not a military wife. I have close friends in several states and countries. Distance doesn't stop our friendship. We may see each other once every 5 years, but we chat on the phone and email each other often. We never say goodbye...only...'Til we meet again. I'm sorry your friend is moving away, but if her friendship matters that much, put the effort into keeping it.

By Nicki on Monday, January 16, 2006 - 04:10 pm:

I have moved away from some good friends, recently. I went through a grieving period of sorts, mostly grieving the fact that things were changing and our relationship would not be the same. But I am happy to say the pain lessened after awhile, especially when I discovered our friendship could continue in a different way. I remember the first letter I received from my dear friend, Sue. It made me feel SO much better. And the first phone call from another. Writing and talking on the phone, sending lots of photos, little gifts to let them know I am thinking of them. Surprise calls and maybe if I'm lucky I will return for a visit or they will come my way. Our friendships changed, and I miss what we had, but I am so happy to have found a new dimension to our relationship. Now that we live in different places I have a lot to share with them, and they keep me up with everything I'm missing!

I sure understand your feelings.

By Conni on Monday, January 16, 2006 - 04:17 pm:

I am sorry to hear she will be moving. But atleast now you can go visit her in FLORIDA!! :) One of my favorite places to visit. It does sound like a positive move for her family.

One of my friends moved last year and she still emails and calls from time to time. She loves where they are living now (Wisconsin) and she is glad they moved. :) So that makes it easier on me knowing that they are happy and doing well. I do miss seeing them and would like to go visit her sometime.

By Karen~moderator on Monday, January 16, 2006 - 04:23 pm:

Sorry she's moving, but that doesn't have to be the end of your friendship. One of my best friends is from high school, lives in Atlanta, and we have seen each other only twice in the last 20 or so years. But we speak on the phone every few weeks and email regularly. Make the effort to stay in touch, you'll be glad you did.

By Reds9298 on Monday, January 16, 2006 - 04:58 pm:

I'm sorry you're friend is moving...I'm sure it will be sad for you! Regardless of keeping in touch through email, phone, or letters, it's STILL not the same as having her close. Once you get adjusted to it though, you'll look forward to the calls and emails. {{hugs}}

By Dawnk777 on Monday, January 16, 2006 - 07:45 pm:

I would hate to move away from my friend, Edie! We have been friends since we waitressed at the IHOP in college (1979!). We live in the same town now, but for nearly 10 years, we lived 200 miles apart. We wrote letters, talked on the phone, or visited every few months! Our friendship didn't lose a beat, when we were apart from each other! Now, with email and instant messaging, it could be easier to stay in touch! I still have some of the letters Edie wrote to me, during that time! They are like historical documents!

By Klwm on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 08:08 am:

Thanks for all the positive thoughts....I know we will stay in touch..while other friends sometimes have fallen to the wayside we've made the effort to touch base every couple of weeks so I know, with effort, we will remain friends. I still feel badly we didn't get together more often....dd said yesterday as we were driving Julie's daugher home from their "last" sleepover..."mommy she didn't live that far away." And, she didn't...I just let life get in the way of making the effort more often. Don't we all do that? It won't be the same as having her just across town. I think part of my feelings have to do with having SO many friends moving in the last couple of months and the fact that we might have to relocate ourselves if Dh's employment picture does not change. Nevertheless, I agree with Nicki, I think I am grieving this loss (and I HATE change) but we are lucky to live in a time when calls and the internet make keeping in touch possible. I think my going away present is going to be phone card! I am also going to make more of an effort with all the folks who are still near and dear.

By Jackie on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 08:24 am:

Yes, Ive experienced alot of this as well. Living in a military town stinks. Ive had some good friends come and go. I hate it. But like everybody stated, its easy to stay in touch and remind friends.

By Momofmax on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 08:38 am:

Actually, I'm going through the same thing also. I met one of my very good friends three years ago when she moved here. She is the only other SAHM on my block and her son is my son's age so they are very close also. We used to sit outside or in each other's house almost everyday when the kids were younger to watch them while they play. Now, the kids just run over to each other's house and we meet up sometimes and sometimes just chat on the phone. We really understand each other and support each other. Our families have taken short trips together. Now they are moving to Austin, TX. We'll sure miss them!

By Karen~moderator on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 09:20 am:

Kathy, it's a natural thing to grieve the loss of your friend, even if the loss is only a geographical thing. I think the phone card idea is just great!

And you will find, the older you get, the more important your close friendships become to you. For some reason, I find it harder to make good friends as I get older. I am thankful the internet and this board in particular have allowed me the opportunity to form what I feel are some great, REAL friendships with people I would have never met otherwise. I cherish my friendships, so I know how you feel.

Look at it this way - you guys will have SO much fun visiting when you CAN get together!!!

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