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Gift Card blues

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive January 2006: Gift Card blues
By Dawnk777 on Thursday, January 5, 2006 - 07:00 pm:

We got a package in the mail today, from my aunt. Inside is a wrapped gift for Sarah (black isotoner gloves) and a gift card (unwrapped) for Emily. Emily is already upset, when she sees Sarah opening a present and that her gift card is naked!

Then it's a GAP gift card. We don't have a GAP store in Sheboygan. The closest one is about 40 minutes away. We go online to see if we can find anything on the website, but Emily doesn't like ANYTHING!

The kid's stuff is too young for someone almost 14, although it might fit her because she's on the little side. The adult stuff looks like something a mom would wear. They don't have junior sizes.

We are going to go to the GAP store on the weekend and see if there is anything in the store, that she might want. She is not a clothes horse and is picky about what she wears.

If she doesn't find anything, how do we handle a gift card no one wants? Sarah's gloves came with a gift receipt, so she could return hers if she wanted, but Emily seems rather stuck.

Michael's, Hobby Lobby, Barnes and Noble, Target, or Kohls would all work out much better for her.


By Crystal915 on Thursday, January 5, 2006 - 07:12 pm:

You can use the GAP card at Old Navy. GAP is their parent company. HTH!

By Dawnk777 on Thursday, January 5, 2006 - 07:24 pm:

I didn't know that! They are the ones with the cooler clothes! I'd like to know where all these GAP cards were, when my kids were younger. I thought BabyGAP stuff was the cutest, but soooo expensive and I never bought any!

I'll have to let Emily know! I just opened up Old Navy in another window! (before I read this!)

By Dawnk777 on Thursday, January 5, 2006 - 08:15 pm:

The gift card did not work, on We called the nearest Old Navy store and she said we can't use the Gap card there, either, unless it had an Old Navy logo on the back, but ours doesn't. So, we are back to square one, now.

By Kate on Thursday, January 5, 2006 - 08:23 pm:

Dawn, do you or Sarah see anything you like at Gap, and you could just pay Emily the cash? I'm surprised she doesn't at least see some shirts or even socks or hats she'd like! Or even your husband might see some jeans or shirts he'd like. You just need to use it up and pay her back. Or save it....a style she likes might come in.

By Reds9298 on Thursday, January 5, 2006 - 08:43 pm:

Kate- That's what I was thinking.

By Groovepickle on Thursday, January 5, 2006 - 08:46 pm:

I'd just give her the cash and spend the GAP one on myself for boring things like socks or other boring necessities or even to buy some things for others next Christmas like Hats/Gloves/socks etc... You'll figure it out. Everyone gets gift cards they don't really like. I understand how your daughter feels however this might be a good time to bring up getting gifts you don't really like and the appropriate way to act if you get one. Probably her whole life she will recieve things she doesn't necessarily love and unless you're rich and want to waste a lot of time, you are not always going to replace them for her. I'd bring up white elephant partys just to make her understand that EVERYONE gets things they don't like and she's not being singled out or anything. This year we got a Barnes and Noble gift card. The sad thing, we already had one from last year we didn't spend yet. Both my husband and I feel like books are kind of a waste of time to buy from a place like that when you can just go to the library and then not have some book laying around and taking up shelf space for nothing. Last year I got a coffee gift card. I don't even drink coffee and have no interest in buying a $4 cookie from a coffee shop when I can make much better ones at home. I regifted the gift card to someone who did. That's another idea for you. Maybe you know someone who would like the GAP card who has a birthday coming up. If your daughter is really picky you can explain to her that people often give gift cards to people who already have a lot of things or people who are very particular about things they want. Then she may come to the conclusion on her own that your aunt isn't just being mean to her. Just a couple ideas.

By Annie2 on Thursday, January 5, 2006 - 09:06 pm:

Buy the gift card from her then save it for when she has a gift to buy for a gift for one of her friends. :)

By Luvn29 on Thursday, January 5, 2006 - 09:33 pm:

My dd would be more thrilled with a gift card from a clothing store than with gloves! My kids, including my six year old boy, ask for gift cards from us for their birthdays. They love gift cards.

Hope she finds something she likes, but I do agree with all the advice given above. My extended family sucks at giving my dd gifts. Last year when she was eight, she was given that play jewelry that is plastic and gaudy, and plastic make-up. Not the fake play make-up that you can actually put on, but the fake plastic cheap make-up that you pretend you put on. She just smiles and acts thrilled with it, and we all have a big laugh about it at home. She's the only girl besides one other who is three years younger. No one realizes how mature a nine year old is, I guess.

By Crystal915 on Thursday, January 5, 2006 - 09:42 pm:

Well, that really bites!! I could have sworn you could use the card at either! If all else fails, there are sites where you can swap gift cards, for a small fee (a couple of dollars).

By Luvn29 on Thursday, January 5, 2006 - 09:53 pm:

Wow, I just went on the Gap site and saw so much cute stuff... Did she look at the pj's and robes and slippers?

They also had a faux fur blanket and pillow.

And I saw some really cute handbags, hats, gloves, scarves, things like that.

I liked a lot of the capris and skirts they had, and saw several that weren't babyish looking. Did she look at the things like that?

Hope she can find something she likes...

By Dawnk777 on Friday, January 6, 2006 - 12:18 am:

Where did you see the blanket? I can't find it. She's not much into skirts. She does have one that she wears once in a while.

I just saw a striped long-sleeve shirt. I will show it to her in the morning.

By Marcia on Friday, January 6, 2006 - 12:43 am:

We just went to spend a gift card that was given to all of the girls, and got lots of stuff! Nicole is 12, but wears a ladies small or medium. She was still able to get a GAP sweatshirt in a girls XXL, and it's so nice!! You might find more in the store than you're finding online.

By Dawnk777 on Friday, January 6, 2006 - 07:35 am:

Yeah, we'll either go their tonight or tomorrow! They seem to have limited stock, in their online store.

By Karen~moderator on Friday, January 6, 2006 - 08:01 am:

I LOVE GAP! I buy *most* of my clothes from GAP online sales. Our GAP stores in both local malls have not yet reopened from hurricane Katrina, so I have no choice but to shop online. Dawn, between GAP kids and GAP she should be able to find something. And if not, then try Kate's idea.

By Insaneusmcwife on Friday, January 6, 2006 - 08:40 am:

If it were me I would buy clothes for someone else in the house and give her cash to spend somewhere else or regift the card. Good Luck!

By Dana on Friday, January 6, 2006 - 09:01 am:

Maybe you can do a switch with someone? I got a few gift cards this year. While talking to a friend who also got cards, we compared our list and we both had something the other wanted. There was a 5$ difference, so I offered give her my card and add $5 so the amount was the same. She loved the idea and we swapped cards.

Do you have a friend who would like to purchase your card or swap a card with you? Maybe even one of your online friends would like to trade. It is a simple enough thing to pop in the mail.

By Luvn29 on Friday, January 6, 2006 - 09:15 am:

Here's the link to the blanket. In case it doesn't work, I went to Gap. Then Kids. Then girls. Then sleepwear. It was on the second page of sleepwear.

GAP blanket

By the way, I wasn't sure if you realized it, but the things you see come in different patterns and colors.Once you click on an item, you can roll over the different options and it shows you that one...

By Dawnk777 on Friday, January 6, 2006 - 11:44 am:

That blanket is cute, but she got a throw for Christmas, that has horses on it, so I don't think she will want another one. I have some more stuff to show her after school and if that doesn't work out, I think we will drive to the Gap store over the weekend, and buy something for somebody and then maybe let her spend the money on something else.

By Bellajoe on Friday, January 6, 2006 - 02:30 pm:

Crystal, you can use the Gap credit card at Old Navy. Maybe that is what you were thinking.

That stinks that her sister got a gift and she got a giftcard. I'm sure the person sending it to you didn't realize it would be such a pain for you/her. They do have socks, scarves, perfumes, purses and accessories like that at the store. Maybe she will like one of those, if you take the trip to the store. If not, save it. Spring stuff will come in soon. She might end up liking the spring clothes.

By Dawnk777 on Friday, January 6, 2006 - 02:53 pm:

Sarah's gloves came in a wrapped box. In the envelope we got in the mail, her gift card, was just in there loose. I think if it had even been in some kind of envelope, she would have been happier. She was sad that she didn't get to "open" something.

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