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Do you baby your husbands when they are sick?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive December 2005 : Do you baby your husbands when they are sick?
By Jackie on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 11:54 am:

I know there is a whole bunch of illness going around the country, it seems nobody is immune to it. I will tell you though, my husband gets sick more then me and the kid put together, and that is no lie. He works with one other man in an office.My son has had this viral thing for 10 days now, fever on and off everyday. I took him to the dr, they ran a strep test and a blood test, everything was normal. Myself and the baby have had colds. Faiths cold is better, I still have this nasty cough, but otherwise feel really good.
My husband has some sort of stomach bug. Ive been spraying everything behind him, wiping down, and all that jazz. I can handle a cold,but dont need the whole house puking LOL.
I cant stand to listen to people throw up, it just grosses me out.LOL..
With my other kids being sick, and me hacking all day, I do not baby my husband. Ive gone out to the grocery store, getting him what he wants, some sprite, some saltines, some gatorade. Other than that, I dont have time to baby him.I know, Im a bad wife. With 3 kids, and 7 dogs here(5 customers)theres alot going on here.
My husband is still going to work, although he could take time off if he wanted.
Last night he had the nerve to tell me, I was coughing too much and to cover my mouth. I was coughing on an off for an hr, and just couldnt stop. I was pretty •••••• off. I mean I had to listen to him puke on and off the night before which grosses me out, as well as smell that nasty smell. All the while I didnt say a word, and he had the nerve to tell me my coughing was bothering him...
hmmm....Do you all baby your husbands while they are sick?
I run around here like a chicken with my head cut off when the kids are sick.
And, after that comment on the coughing, Im not very happy right now.

By Pamt on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 12:01 pm:

Nope! But my DH doesn't want to be babied---just left alone to sleep when he is really sick. I will buy orange juice or make homemade chicken noodle soup, etc. but I don't run around doing stuff for him either. My main job is to keep the house running and keep the kids and pets from bothering him. I'm the same way when I'm sick. I just want to be left alone!

I would thump him on the head for his coughing comment. GRRR! That would make me mad too!

By Boxzgrl on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 12:11 pm:

No way! He's a baby enough when he's not sick.

By Dawnk777 on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 12:49 pm:

I pretty much leave him alone. I do get him stuff if he asks, but otherwise leave him alone.

By Kernkate on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 01:42 pm:

No I don't baby him, if he needs something or wants something to eat I will get it other then that he just lays around when he is sick, which isn't to often.
LOL Pam, I think at that point I would have gave him a good thump too:)

By Dana on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 02:19 pm:

Yes, I baby anyone who gets sick in my house. You get to stay in bed (if you are puking you are not allowed anywhere else in the house). I bring in foods that make you feel better. I will cook home made soup, crush ice to sip on, check your temp and make sure you take your pills on time. I will offer cool damp wash clothes when needed, I will make hot tea for the chills. I will make sure you have the TV on whatever station you want. And I even sleep on the couch when DH is sick. I also sleep on the couch if I am sick, just easier for me.

The one thing I won't do for DH is clean up any vomit that missed. That is a rare occasion and only happens when you are at you worst and just couldn't get their fast enough.

I do all the nuturing with kids and expect my DH to pretty much stay out of the house (the garage is his castle w/ movie theater, bathroom, fridge and phone). Depending on how bad things are, I don't cook during the illness.

When DH is not sick he is still one lucky fellow. I do it because I choose to, not because I have to. Also, when I am sick I expect the same pampering. DH was so good to me during this past pregnancy...for a full 9 months and then some.

I do get bothered when he (or daughter) expects the royal treatment. I like giving it, not having it taken from me.

By Karen~moderator on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 03:10 pm:

I will purchase any necessary meds, or *comfort* foods, and ask if he needs me to do anythng, and if he does, I will gladly do it, but it's pretty much the same way as Pamt described - when DH is sick, he just wants to be left alone. Period. The kids, on the other hand, are/were different. Even at age 21, when Jen is sick, she just wants her MOMMY! And she wants MOM to do everything for her. I think I babied her a lot a couple years ago when she had those two hand surgeries. But if you'd seen her, she NEEDED some babying. And when the kids were young, I was pretty much hovering over them when they were sick, doing everything I possibly could.

But I have to say, when I had both of my back surgeries, the kids were pretty good to me too, especially the last one, 5 years ago. DH was here for the last one and he was pretty freaked out - he'd get things for me if I needed them, but I honestly think he was afraid to touch me, and what I *really* needed help with was turning over and getting out of the bed, which required him to actually TOUCH me. LOL

I don't think I baby anyone at this point, and no one babies me, but I think all of my family pretty much will go the extra mile if necessary when one of us is sick.

By Janet on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 03:19 pm:

I would baby my dh if he'd let me, but he doesn't want to be spoken to or bothered; he even hates it when I ask how he's feeling. I do baby my girls, and my girls baby me, too! (Dh leaves me alone, which I hate) The worst part of being sick, to me, is to be isolated, up in my bedroom, while "life" goes on without me. So I love it when one of my girls comes up to visit, to read me a book, to bring me ice...
I'm really a baby when I'm sick. I've been known to call my own mommy, just to tell her I feel bad (and I'm 43!) LOL

By Dawnk777 on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 04:26 pm:

If Gary is coughing, he usually sleeps on the couch in the basement. He snores more, if he has a cold and it's not a good thing for me. We both sleep better, if we don't sleep together. Right now, we are both coughing, but neither one of us is really that sick. Probably just a garden-variety virus.

By Emily7 on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 05:32 pm:

I don't get a choice, my dh is the biggest baby in the house when he is sick.

By Beth on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 06:47 pm:

I do the normal things like get what he needs at the store ect... Take care of the house and kids. But I don't do anything over the top. You know what I hate is that no one can ever be sick with out dh saying he doesn't feel well either. My dh thinks he is going to have surgery on every bone in his body. I shouldn't make fun of him. But seriously he was in the Army and played a lot of sports and I think injuries through the years has done something to him or at least according to him. He complains about his knees, ankles, back, neck ect.... The good one awhile back was he was certain he had a bug in his ear from 2 months ago. I won't laugh. I won't laugh.

By Dawnk777 on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 07:15 pm:

Sometimes people really do have bugs in their ears!

By Jackie on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 07:46 pm:

Oh my goodness Beth, your husband sounds like my husband. My husband ALWAYS thinks there is something wrong with him. If one of the kids has the sniffles, he sais his throat hurts and feels a cold coming on. Hes always complaining that he has these "Allergies", and I just dont understand etc.. LOL I always say the same thing, nobody in the house can be sick without my husband being sick.

By Tink on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 11:22 pm:

I'm with Beth. My dh is a huge baby when he's sick, moaning and groaning and NO ONE is ever as sick as he is. If one of the kids is sick, he's going to have the same thing, just worse, within hours and the world ends if I'm sick. If I can barely walk from one room to another, he'll lay on the couch and insist he can't even stand. The sound of him vomiting can be heard from one end of the house to the other. SO gross! I will get the necessary items from the store and take care of the house but I do NOT cater to him. I think I'd be more sympathetic if he didn't make such a big deal out of everything. I can't imagine him pregnant! The world would revolve around him for nine months, 24-7. Beth and Jackie, it sounds like our men are peas in a pod.

By Brandy on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 11:23 pm:

nope and he doesn't me either although i try to get him to lol = )

By Insaneusmcwife on Saturday, December 31, 2005 - 07:14 am:

I do but he does for me too when I am sick and even when I am not.

By Karen~moderator on Saturday, December 31, 2005 - 07:31 am:

Beth, it's possible, if he's complaining about all those joints, that there is a real problem going on. Just a thought from someone who's BTDT.

On the other hand, men ARE babies, and no one is EVER as sick as they are, when they ARE sick. Fortunately, mine doesn't want to be fussed over.

By Beth on Saturday, December 31, 2005 - 08:45 am:

I have thought of that Karen. I shouldn't make light of it. But I try and tell him that it is a part of growning older. I am guessing he is expereincing arthritis. I guess I get frustrated because he has spent money on x-rays on this and that and they never find anything. He will assure me that he is going to have to have surgery and they never find anything. I don't want to make it sound like he dwells on this or doesn't miss work ect... I guess I have been just been frustrated this week because I have been sick off and on all week. First a stomach thing and now a cold. So of course so has dh. I admit I tolerate pain well and honestly it just doesn't seem like some men do. I guess I vented here instead of to dh. I wouldn't want to hurt his feelings.

By Kiki on Saturday, December 31, 2005 - 11:30 am:

When my hubby gets sick the whole world comes to an end! Thankfully, he rarely gets sick! :)

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