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Ahh... peace and quiet.

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive December 2005 : Ahh... peace and quiet.
By Boxzgrl on Monday, December 26, 2005 - 11:09 pm:

DH quit his second job and with the holiday season he hasn't been working with the Marines. It's been GREAT having him home but also a bit more of an adjustment to seeing him around so much. I felt like I needed a hubby break so I was bad and sent him out gambling with his friends. The house feels so calm. I've lost my "shadow", lol. He works a half day tomorrow and then has off until the 9th so i'm sure i'll see MUCH more of him. If I weren't pregnant i'd be sipping a nice glass of wine embracing this moment of peace and quiet! :) On the other hand, he's taken a load off of me with DD since having more time off. She's turning into quite the tomboy, quite the opposite of what I wanted. She has her own quad she does full 360 degree turns in, goes down hills and races DH on his. Whatever gives them bonding time I suppose, right? :) It gives me more book reading time anyhow. Anyone elses DH been around a lot more than usual for the holidays? I think my DH is running out of busy work because he's looking for me to entertain him.

By Dawnk777 on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 12:10 am:

DH had a 3-day weekend, but went back to work today. He will be home around midnight.

He took a week of vacation recently, and while he may not have followed me around the house, he kept wanting me to go with him, on his errands. I felt like I never got to just stay home. I was so glad when he went back to work.

By Tink on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 12:33 am:

While this has been a busy time of year for my dh, I know exactly what you mean about needing a break and some time to yourself! Once a month or so, dh will have a Friday and Saturday off from one week and Sunday and Monday off from the next and I'm really ready for him to head back to work by the time it's all over. Have a great evening and do something that you'll really enjoy!

By Missbookworm on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 02:37 am:

Well not being married I can't say yes to the DH thing, but my boyfriend says "I'm on holidays until the 5th, so expect to see a lot of me" LOL I'm not sure yet how I'll deal with it but I think it will be nice to see him a lot. He's coming over tomorrow with his son to spend the day with us. It should be fun.

We're tentatively planning a day away "fishing" together (he'll fish I'll probably take my chair, warm clothes and a book lol) I only fish in the summer when it's warm.

By Karen~moderator on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 07:37 am:

DH had a 4-day weekend, spent part of Christmas morning working on the computer, and actually went in to work yesterday morning. I *would* be upset, but I think it's his way of coping this year. He wasn't happy at ALL on Christmas day.

I think at this point, if he was off until 1/9/06, it would drive me nuts! LOL

Melissa, DD can be a girly girl AND a tomboy too. In fact, be glad she's acting like a tomboy, as you said, she is bonding with your DH, she's not acting like a prissy diva, and this way, once your DS is old enough, your DH can take BOTH of them to do something they will all enjoy, and give you what I imagine will be some much needed ME time at that point.

By Reds9298 on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 07:41 am:

My DH is off for 2 weeks every year at Christmas, so we always look forward to it. We just do a lot of family things together and dread him going back to work. I love it when he's home a lot!

By Dawnk777 on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 09:32 am:

DH fell asleep on the couch last night, watching the National Geographic channel. I got to sleep for 3.5 hours by myself. Then he came up to bed, fell asleep immediately and started snoring really loud. I ended up on the couch for 2 hours and now I'm down on the computer, enjoying peace and quiet, while everyone else still sleeps!

Sometimes I think separate bedrooms would be a wonderful thing!

By Luvn29 on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 09:47 am:

My dh just went back to work this morning after being off Friday-Monday... I was so sad to see him go back.

I'm lucky, he knows how to take care of me from when I was so sick I couldn't take care of myself, so it's always good to have him around. He helped me with Christmad dinner-a lot, cleaned up the kitchen afterwards, not mentioning all the cleaning he helped me do before... He helps me with the kids... It's always nice to have another set of hands to help me with all the Mommy stuff. I don't get so worn down when he's around!!!

But I'm looking forward to another three day weekend coming up for New Year's!

By Bellajoe on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 09:00 pm:

Mine is off all week. So far so good! It's so nice to have him home to help take care of the kids and to spend time together. I'm sure i will be looking forward to him going back to work by Monday though. :)

By Conni on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 06:10 am:

Mine was gone all last week and then had Fri-Mon off. As soon as he hit the door I had him cleaning and watching kids so I could get my shopping finished. We had 18 people at our house on Sunday and he did exactly what I asked him to do fri-sun...Thank goodness or we would have never pulled off the party. Mon he did whatever he wanted all day (played on the computer) and then he went to dinner with his older ds... He went back to work yesterday.

If my bil is feeling better- I leave tonight with him and my sis to go to Dallas for 4 days. :) 2 of those days with no kids and no dh. Then dh is going to drive down with kids for the weekend to meet us.

Melissa, I am a tomboy?! Is there something wrong with them? LOL

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