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Rude last minute shoppers grrr

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive December 2005 : Rude last minute shoppers grrr
By Shann on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 09:50 pm:

Dh kids and I went to Walmart to do some last minute shopping. Well Walmart is the only store where we live. Well Dd and I were standing at the jewelry counter looking at the silver earrings this group of girls came up and said look silver jewelry. As we were spinning the case this girl stops this case and starts moving it the other direction. well I moved it back so dh and I could pick out the set that we wanted then this girl goes around us and moves my dd and basket so she could get on the other side of me. I then ask excuse me do you think you can wait til I am done looking she just stared at me and I said can please let me pick what I want and I'll leave she then starts yelling at me calling me a Bi?ch and I was pretty mad I then tell her that its going to look kinda funny her eating this jewelry she then says go ahead and make me I am only 16 and you can go to jail and then calls me a bit?h again. I said thats what wrong with kids today there parents are poor excuses for humans when they cant teach there kids manners. She then turns around to leave and not only to call me a bit?h one more time and I just ignored her and appologized to my kiddo's and the lady who was standing in front of us. she said if it was her she would of whipped her butt and sent her home. So I am now never going to any store until after the holidays. Its not worth it.

By Bobbie~moderatr on Saturday, December 24, 2005 - 01:10 am:

Unfortunately I think that is common place any more. I am very involved in DD's school and the behaviors these kids exhibit are really concerning. An example. I swore as a teen, but never in front of adults. I knew how to present myself in the presence of adults. The kids in DD's school swear like it is common English.. It rolls off their tongues like they are saying sun shine. I also have noticed that they are rude.. Like as in, they will walk past me open a door and let it shut. Or they will be in a hall headed to wards me and they will keep walking at me expecting me (an elder) to move out of their way. It is disheartening. My children actually sit around talking about how rude the kids they go to school with are.. And the potty mouths they have in inappropriate moments. Like causing out a teacher...

Oh there is a story for you... this girl shows herself in class, ends up cussing out the teacher. Real drama queen. All clearly her fault from the view of the other children.. She proceeds to call the teacher every name in the book, he tells her to leave his class. She goes to the bathroom uses her cell to call her mom. Mom shows up and precedes to cuss out the teacher in front of the kids in the class. Throwing a huge stinking fit. He ends up having to call the on duty police officer to get her out of his class room. The girl is completely out of hand now.. After all mom came in throwing a fit and she got her way.. The whole time the girl has been in the wrong.. But she is vindicated in her actions.. Such a good mom, teacher her daughter how to respect authority and how to conduct herself in a public setting... Oh and she is a Senior in high school... She will be out in the work force in a few months, potentially the mother of a child she will rear in a similar manner...

Disclaimer here... I am not referring to all children... My kids would never act in a manner like the girls described did. They know what is expected of them and they know how to conduct themselves like respectable young adults.. The girls (8) still slip up but they are a work in progress.. LOL

By Insaneusmcwife on Saturday, December 24, 2005 - 07:14 am:

You should see the kids that come up to our cake counter. Touching, tossing the cakes from side to side, dumping our cup cakes upside down. And the parents stand there and watch and do nothing. I told one mom as she was walking away, "you forgot your cup cakes you daughter left here upside down!" She turned bright red, grabbed the cup cakes and left.
We also get the kids that come up and demand "give me a free sample" or "give me a cookie" I simply ignore them until they remember their manners. Or I will say "excuse me, I'm sorry, did you say something?" "I'm having trouble hearing you, what was that?"
9 times out of 10 they will correct what they say, or their parents will correct them. For the few kids that come up with really good manners, I put frosting and sprinkles on for them, :) tee hee!

By Karen~moderator on Saturday, December 24, 2005 - 08:30 am:

Funny, I was just griping at DH yesterday about this same thing! I was in the mall, at Dillards, and though it shouldn't have, the behavior and attitudes of some of these women and kids, and some of these people are older than I am, just appalled me. Then later on the same thing in WalMart.

I guess people just aren't raised to have manners or give a darn about anyone but themselves anymore. And like Bobbie, my kids were all raised to behave properly, as was I. It was like being in a zoo yesterday.

And I'm leaving in 5 minutes to do it again. UGH!

By Luvn29 on Saturday, December 24, 2005 - 09:25 am:

It is absolutely insane. And the really bad thing is, these kids are starting with their attitudes at younger and younger ages.

I had the most pleasant experience, though, on Thursday evening. We went to the game section in Wal-mart while my husband checked out our groceries (I had a couple of stocking stuffers I didn't want the kids to see) and my daughter won a game, but the prize got stuck. Well, the teens in there, a group of five, came over and kept telling my daugther how great she did, and that they had been trying to win on that game, and couldn't. Then they proceeded (which I did not ask them or condone) to shake the machine a little and got her necklace unstuck for her.

We were still in there waiting for my hubby to finish, and the teens played another game. One of those crane games. Well, they won a barbie doll, but when it dropped into the prize area, the box wouldn't bend and come through the door. So they spent several minutes opening the box to get the doll to come out so they could get it all out. After all the time and effort they spent on this, they then walked over and gave it to my daughter, smiling at her. What a breath of fresh air!

If only all of the teens could still be this way...

By Dawnk777 on Saturday, December 24, 2005 - 09:45 am:

Shann, what a rude girl! My 16yo and her friends, would never act like that!

Luvn, what a sweet story!

Bobbie, what a diva! I have gotten compliments on how my children behave in the presence of other adults! So, even if they are snotty at home, they know how to behave in public, or in the presence of other adults. My kids would never cuss out a teacher! Good grief!

By Sunny on Saturday, December 24, 2005 - 10:11 am:

I try to respond with rudeness by being very kind and calm. Doesn't always work, mind you, but a lot of the time it catches people off guard and they stutter and turn away. Or, my personal favorite and I've had this happen, they will make a snide remark and walk away. I've learned to not let it bother me because I achieved what I wanted - they leave! :)

I don't think age or time of year matters much where manners are concerned. I was taught that people will judge you on how you talk and conduct yourself and I've instilled that into my kids. I just wish more people realized that and acted accordingly.

By Dawnk777 on Saturday, December 24, 2005 - 03:36 pm:

Sarah said most of the kids she knows and hangs out with, wouldn't be as rude as that young woman. I asked her if there was SOMEONE at school, who would talk like that and she said yes, but they are the ones who don't do their homework and wouldn't be people she would want to hang around with, in the first place.

By Bobbie~moderatr on Sunday, December 25, 2005 - 07:51 am:

Dawn that is like Callie's group of friends. They all sit around complaining about the parenting skills of some of the people that raised the kids they go to school with. They are a very observant bunch of kids.. Callie attends a very large school, large student body. The actions of that girl are common place at Callie's school. Last year, her English teacher was walking up and down the rows giving her dictation. A boy stuck out his foot and tripped her, she fell flat on her chest. The bad kids busted out in laughter and the good kids freaked out.. It ended up in a huge argument between the students and the principle and police officer were called to the class by one of the students. The little punk was out of her room for three days (in school suspension) and then right back in class, tormenting the teacher.. Nice huh?? Callie was appalled. They loose respect for authority more and more every day. Just disheartening...

By Dawnk777 on Sunday, December 25, 2005 - 08:31 am:

That is so sad, Bobbie! Most of the kids I know, would never even think about tripping the teacher.

By Crystal915 on Sunday, December 25, 2005 - 09:46 am:

That's AWFUL! We went to Walmart on the 23rd, and while it wasn't rudeness, people were INSANE! I ended up having a panic attack because people were just blocking aisles and stepping all over us, we got what we needed (not even gift stuff!!) and scurried out.

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