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OMG...freecycle people

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive December 2005 : OMG...freecycle people
By Jackie on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 06:13 pm:

Ok, Im just a bit irritated right now from a freecycle person. Im giving away a treatmill. Granted it is 15 yrs old. It was bought at Sears, and was one of the top of line at the time. Its big and sturdy, and it would be great for a jogger(though I was never a jogger/runner). So I post that I have a treadmill, that I wasnt going pick the first response(which sometimes I think is fair)and that people should tell me what they want it. Its not like its a million dollars. But, Ive been dealing with some rude freecycle people for a long time. Most are nice people and very sweet. But, then Ive gotten e-mails about stuff Im giving away that simply state "Want it, can come now"..or the ones that say "On my way, whats your address.."
Or the very ever popular the "no shows"...
So this lady e-mailed me saying she thought my post was rude and she wasnt going to beg, and asked if I expected other people beg for it.
OH MY GOODNESS... I was mad. I wrote her back telling her I thought her e-mail was rude, and explained my reasons, that Ive listed here that Im looking for serious replies, not half assed ones etc..

By Jackie on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 06:14 pm:

oops that meant to say treadmill

By Mrsheidi on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 06:49 pm:

People always have "email muscles". I usually ignore people like that. They should be understanding if you care that it goes to a person who had diabetes and is motivated to workout vs. someone who is "trigger happy" and just thought it would be neat to have one.
That was rude of her...

By Crystal915 on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 07:53 pm:

I ALWAYS ignore someone who is rude, especially when they say "When can I pick this up?" or something to the effect, without knowing if it was available. My standard reply when I'm interested in something is "Hi!! I'm interested in this if it's not spoken for. I can pick up on X day, if it's available. Thank you!!" I am not fond of the "s ob story" responses, like "Oh, my grandma died, and she had ALWAYS wanted me to have a bottle of pink nailpolish to pass on to my daughter, who is disabled and has 6 months to live". **sigh** People kill me.

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