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Too much Juice....

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive December 2005 : Too much Juice....
By Jackie on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 05:47 pm:

That is what happened at my daughters school today. I dont get it. My daughter is 6 and in the first grade. They did not have a big holiday party, but they did have a small party. They got to decorate sugar cookies, and have a juice box/juice bag. The party started at 11:15, I got there around 11:30. When I got there, I was talking with the teacher. Then I heard that Elizabeth was on her 4th juice box...WHAT??? one of the mothers who was also at the party proudly told me how many my daughter drank. I was actually really mad, nobody had the thoughts to tell her to stop. The teacher, as well as the other mother are mothers, and nobody thought to tell my daughter that this was too many. Granted, 2 kids didnt like the flavor and gave it to my daughter(they were unopened). When I got there she was on her 4th and I took it away from her. I explained to her that was way too much sugar for her and she is NEVER to have more then 2. On a normal day she drinks one with her lunch and that is. Before we left, my daughter had to run to the bathroom because she had a bad tummy ache from all that juice. I felt bad for my daughter as she is ONLY 6 yrs old, and I expect some adult guidance when Im not around and she is in school.

By Karen~moderator on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 07:14 pm:

You are right and I agree with you 100% on this one. Funny thing too, the one year I was able to volunteer at my kids' school, when I helped with the class parties, the teachers specificically told us to limit *sweet* drinks to one per child, and to bring bottled water as *extra* drinks. And their reasoning was twofold - a) more drinks meant more trips to the bathrooms, and b)the kids get too hyped up with all that sugar.

I think the teacher/moms should have paid a bit more attention to that.

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