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Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive December 2005 : Migraines
By Jackie on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 08:10 am:

How many of you get them, and what do you take? Do you take prescription or over the counter stuff. I do get mild migraines, Ive never been formally diagnosed. My mom and brother get them severely, and both have prescriptions for them. I read somewhere they are hereiditary. Anyways, I get all the classic symptoms. Though it is painful at times, not enough to cause me to lay in bed all day and I do not throw up from them, like some people. This week I have gotten 3 of them. Sometimes I can go for weeks without getting any. I know certain foods trigger them as well as stress. Ive done tons of research on this. I think once Im done breastfeeding Faith I will go to the dr and get a prescription for some medicine. Right now I take 2 motrin and 1 Excedrin migraine pill when I get them, sometimes it works, sometimes it takes hrs and hrs for it to go away. I also try to drink a cup of tea with caffeine in it, sometimes that does the trick. Normally I do not drink stuff with caffeine.
The worst is when I wake up with them from a deep sleep.
So how do you all deal with your migraines, how often do you get them, what do you do for them?

By Karen~moderator on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 09:17 am:

I've gotten them since I was a child. I saw so many docs for them, including a neurologist. I was in my 20's before I finally figured out what my triggers were. Back in the 70's the neurologist put me on some meds to help prevent them, but I reacted badly to the meds. I know now there are many more newer meds that are supposed to be pretty effective for them.

Often caffeine will help a migraine. For me, cheeses, red wine, nuts and chocolate were huge triggers. Even now, if I eat too much cheese or chocolate, I'll end up with a migraine. Also, stress, and lack of sleep seem to trigger them in people who are pre-disposed to them. I woke up with one 2 days ago around 4 AM, I HAD to go to work (NO way would I call in sick after last week!), so I took a load of drugs, drank some strong, black coffee, put ice on the back of my neck and on my temples and after about 2.5 hours, I was feeling well enough to go on in to work. I've also found that tying a bandana really tight around your head helps relieve the pounding and pressure.

Jackie, I used to get them 2 or 3 times a week 25-30 years ago. It was tough, I was working a fairly high stress job and I had to just forge ahead despite the migraines. I remember on a number of occasions, my boss letting me take the work home with me - he understood that at that point, nothing but lying in a dark, quiet room was going to help, and I'd work later in the day or in the evening to get the work done. I was working at the La. Superdome, doing payroll, and it was all manual payroll, not computer then. We had three payroll days weekly, due to our union contract obligations. So you can see where a lot of the stress came from.

Also, hormones tend to play a part in them. After I had my babies, I'd get migraines EVERY month during the week before my period. I had the classic migraines, with the aura/disturbed vision and nausea/vomiting and excruciating pain in my head. Totally miserable.

I was still getting them frequently when I started working here. My boss is, shall we say, less than sympathetic - as in, if it hasn't happened to him, it doesn't exist, and he told me years ago it was all in my head. DUH!

There are also different types of migraines, and cluster headaches. Bubbels (Pam) always takes No-doze, sinus meds, tylenol and caffeine for hers and swears by it.

Whatever symptoms you get, you need to be aware of your triggers and try to avoid the things that cause them, and try to find a way to treat them.

I really sympathize with you, I know how miserable they are.

By Kittycat_26 on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 09:18 am:

Ohhhh Jackie! I could have written this post about me. I take the same thing as you and sometimes it works and sometimes it just takes time. I've found that often times with a migraine, my sinuses are involved. So I combine a steamy shower and some sinus pills with the Excederin.

I've had one that sent me to the ER after that my doctor gave me some samples of Imetrix to keep on hand. Maybe my head knows that I have something stronger as I've not had one since.

By Kaye on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 09:19 am:

I get migraines, but not often. My understanding to be medicated they have to be severe and often. So you may not be a candidate for prescription meds :)

What do I do? Well if I clue in before it gets bad (i feel funky usually for several hours before), I drink a big coke and take a couple of advil. If I don't do that prior to the migraine I do the same, but I have to go cover my head. I literally cannot stand the light on the VCR when I have one.

I do hope you go see the doc when you get a chance. In general waking up with headaches something worth checking out. I wonder if you have something else going on besides migraines :)

By Karen~moderator on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 09:41 am:

I had to go to the ER many times for mine. I actually had some that lasted days, and ended up in the ER for those.

By Dawnk777 on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 11:25 am:

I have been spared migraine headaches, but my youngest sister has bad ones, that occasionally force her to go to the ER to get a pain shot. Ouch. I know they make her miserable and I can always tell, when I call her, if she has one.

By Babysitbarb on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 02:51 pm:

I get them and had a bad one this weekend. I was diagnoised with them by my doctor when I kept calling him and telling him how bad I was feeling. The allergist I go to gives me Imitex for them. I now take the nose spray because it works faster then the pills. Also since I have a tendancy to have problems with my stomach the pills make me sick to my stomach.
Usually Im in bed and the littlest of noise or light makes it hurt worse. This weekend was the wrose one I ahve had for a while. I do think stress brings them on and I feel that's what brought this one on.

By Pamt on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 04:58 pm:

I had them from the time I was 2 until about 18. I definitely agree with the hormonal connection, but for me apparently starting my period, having kids, etc. was good. I worry that when I go through menopause that they will come back with a vengeance. My mom said that as I preschooler I would be sitting on the floor playing, then suddenly grab at my right eye and fall over screaming.

Mine were always on my right side and I had visual problems (twinkling lights and auras) and nausea with them, usually with vomiting. I was incapacitated. I can't imagine being a mom or employee and having them now. My last one was my freshman year in college when I was a summer missionary in California. I started getting one, but tried to work my way through it. I was teaching at a Vacation Bible School and I remember that the director asked me to say the closing prayer. I burst into tears and told him I couldn't, then promptly went straight to the bathroom and puked--LOL. I ended up in the ER. :(

When I had them it was before the days of Imitrex, Caffergot, and all of the other great migraine meds. Initially, I had to take this horrible little green pill that dissolved under the tongue, but it tasted so bad that I usually threw up just from the taste. Then we went to phenobarbital suppositories and that worked best and fastest. I had to go in a quiet, dark, cold room and just sleep them off---usually about 4-5 hours of sleep. When I got them I'd get a migraine about once a month. Lack of sleep was my primary trigger. As a kid, if I went to a sleepover, we could pretty much count on me having a migraine the next day. My mom gets migraines (several times a week) and my youngest son gets them every few months. He's been to the ped. about them and had an MRI, but so far we can just treat his with OTC meds. My mom is on all kinds of prescriptions, but hers have lessened in frequency and intensity since she quit smoking.

By Jackie on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 05:19 pm:

Thanks for everybodys input. I do notice that I get some pretty bad ones right before my period starts, like 1-2 days before. Ive seem to get alot more since Faith has been born as well. That would chalk it up to lack of sleep. It seems as Ive gotten older, I have got more of them.

By Groovepickle on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 05:47 pm:

I treated numerous patients with Acupuncture for Migraines with great success. I'd be happy to help you but I'm so far away. Look for a good acupuncturist in your area. And my advice is stay away from hokey new agey ones:). I'm currently treating a patient for Migraines. She came to me 3 years ago and I worked with her for a few months. After that her headaches were completely gone. She recently got in a car accident and they came back. I've been treating her for 1 month now and she has greatly improved. Only one migraine since I started.
I hope this helps you out.

By Karen~moderator on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 06:13 pm:

Pam, would that med have been Ergostat???

By Pamt on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 06:54 pm:

Just did an internet search. Just from the description (green pill in foil packets dissolved under the tongue) that HAS to be it. Makes me nauseaous to think about it.

By Karen~moderator on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 06:59 pm:

It was some nasty stuff! You put it under your tongue as soon as you feel one coming on? That was the stuff I reacted badly to. I couldn't breathe and ended up in the ER for that. I think the *active* med was ergotamine.

By Luvn29 on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 10:28 pm:

No joke, my friend has awful migraines. She was told by her doctor friend that as soon as she feels one starting to come on to drink a Mountain Dew right after taking a packet of Goody's Headache Powder. She said it works for her every time. Worth a shot...

I'd do it, but I can't take the Goody's...

By Kym on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 11:12 pm:

To prevent migraines, drink lots of water and make sure hormone levels are in check. Migraines, all headaches for that matter is due to a high level of toxins for whatever reason, in your body. Usually associated with menstral cycles. so make sure your water intake is high in weeks 2-3 of your cycle.

If you feel one coming on, try to sit in a dark quiet room for 10 minutes and sniff peppermint, menthol and rosemary, this reduces stress and soothes hormone rushes. there are some reflexology points that really put the stops to a migraine as well.

By Karen~moderator on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 08:00 am:

Kym, I have to disagree slightly - my neurologist said they are vascular headaches.

Whatever the reason though, we can all agree they are absolutely miserable!

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