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Dog Trouble

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive December 2005 : Dog Trouble
By Tink on Friday, December 16, 2005 - 05:17 pm:

We've had our dog for about 9 months and every once in a while, she'd run out the front door when it was left open. Lately (the last two months), she's doing it every time it's open, even if someone is just trying to come in or out of the house. She runs all over the neighborhood, maybe two or three blocks, barking as loud as she can and trying to find other dogs to harass through the fence. We can usually catch her when she stops to bark at another dog but sometimes she's out for 15 or 20 minutes. I'm worried about her getting hit by a car or not finding her way home, plus there is the irritation to the neighbors. I don't know what to do with her, short of crating her all the time, which isn't fair to her and isn't fun for us. Any suggestions from all the dog people here?

By Kaye on Friday, December 16, 2005 - 05:24 pm:

I guess you have to figure out how to break her of the habit all together. So NO outdoor time not started by a leash. Maybe put a gate up in the front door way. Or some how gate off the entry, so people can walk in, you close the door, then move the "Fence". Also maybe you could put some sort of noisy mat that would be a deterent, as she runs off would you be able to blow a horn or something to catch her attention. They also make shock collars that you could set up for the door way.

By Heaventree on Friday, December 16, 2005 - 06:03 pm:

Our trainer talked about this problem. His suggestion, put your dog on a long lead and let her go, she'll hit the end and well she will stop. According to him, do this a few times and she'll get the message.

Kind of a tough love approach, but may be necessary.

You could also try training her for the front door. Have someone knock, you go to the door, she will follow, teach her down at the front door everytime. This way she understands that when she is at the front door she must lay down. Don't teach her sit because it's too easy to get into a running position from sit rather than down.

Good luck.

By Mrsheidi on Friday, December 16, 2005 - 09:14 pm:

I guess make sure people don't leave the front door open? Humans are easier to train.

We hold Barley by the collar when we open the door to let someone in.
I would practice going in and out of the house only with a leash. Some dogs think they need them, after a while, to go outside.

Is she a "puppy"? If so, what breed?

By Reds9298 on Friday, December 16, 2005 - 09:38 pm:

Riff, my older Jack Russell Terrier (a nut by nature!) had this problem when he was younger. Does your dog have basic commands yet, like sit,stay, lie down, etc.? Does she have a bed or a spot that you can tell her to go to? When the doorbell rings/knock on the door, before you answer it say,"Riff, go to your bed/couch/chair" whatever. Wait for her to go, praise, treat, love, "stay",answer the door. Repeat this lots of times with practice of people coming in. Even ask your neighbors to drop by just for this reason. Rewards, rewards, rewards with puppers and they'll perform! Once she knows she'll get a reward for doing that, she'll be much more motivated. Once she's mastered it with reward, then you can slowly phase out the treat...every other time, then every couple of times, until the treat is gone completely.
I also wondered how old she is and what breed?
Hope that helps!

By Tink on Friday, December 16, 2005 - 10:34 pm:

Unfortunately, with three kids and their active social life within the neighborhood, we've got kids coming in and out all afternoon and evening. They aren't leaving the door open, she's running as soon as it opens and she's small so she can slip past someone's ankles pretty easily. She only has outdoor time on a leash but I can't imagine keeping her on a lead all the time. I wouldn't ever get anything done! She's an 18 month old Glen terrier mix and does know sit and lie down, although she isn't consistent if she's tempted. Stay is something we haven't been able to get through to her. If she sees something she wants, she breaks for it, regardless of the reward we're giving her.


Deanna, I'll try to set up the situation for her during the day, in hopes of it working eventually. She does have her bed and she knows to go to it when we tell her to. I just think she's got the opportunity to run so often with the kids coming in and out that she knows she'll get out if she just bides her time.

Thank you for the advice. Heidi, I wish it was as simple as just training the humans. Until we learn to teleport through doors, I think she's always going to have the opportunity.

By Mrsheidi on Friday, December 16, 2005 - 10:57 pm:

I hear ya, girl...
she is so CUTE!!! :)

I agree with Deanna though. It's a lot of tough work to train a dog. We should have trained ours better. We spoil her rotten. It just takes practice. Can the kids help with the practice?

Again, she is a d o r a b l e !! I would be worried sick if she ran from our house!! Barley used to do the same thing, but I think she just "outgrew" it. After 3 years of being a "puppy", she thinks that she needs the leash to go outside. It's so funny. :)
Keep us up to date on how it's going.

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