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What are you getting your DH for Christmas

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive December 2005 : What are you getting your DH for Christmas
By Heaventree on Sunday, December 11, 2005 - 09:39 pm:

I need some ideas!

The only thing DH likes to do is to shop, it's an obession with him. I have banned him from shopping because he is so compulsive. I swear he must have 300 ties. He can only window shop or grocery shop which he loves to do. Says it relaxes him. Wierd.

He loves clothing but is picky, he plays hockey but I can't buy him anyting because I won't get the right thing, he loves golf but same as hockey. I don't want to do gift certificates.

The only other thing I can think of is a spa treatment like a facial or massage, in fact he loves both. He's stressed out so maybe that's it.

Any other suggestions?

By Jewlz on Sunday, December 11, 2005 - 11:52 pm:

lol im mad at him ... hes getting a nice patio set ...the one I wanted for along time.

By Anonymous on Monday, December 12, 2005 - 03:03 am:

Mine is getting a game called strip chocolate.

By Karen~moderator on Monday, December 12, 2005 - 07:45 am:

Anon, where did you find that?? Mine just had a cruise - LOL - but that sounds like fun!

By Happynerdmom on Monday, December 12, 2005 - 08:13 am:

Heaventree, the spa treatment is a good idea! We have a spa around here that caters to men only. I'll have to check it out.

By Lorebunde on Monday, December 12, 2005 - 08:57 am:

we don't exchange gift at christmas time. Are we the only ones? I've been married for 24 years, with 2 kids, 15 and 8. I always buy pretty much what I want, he has no problem with that. I love to shop at neimans and spend $$$ there, love designer stuff! My mom just asked the other day what we were doing as far as gifts and seemed to think it was awful we don't exchange. I just feel like its for kids and we c oncentrate on them. How many other couples do n't exchange?

By Bobbie~moderatr on Monday, December 12, 2005 - 09:14 am:

No Lorebunde, My husband and I do not exchange gifts. We did our first couple of years. But once we started having kids, we made it all about them. Our kids buy/make us gifts but we do not buy for each other. If we want, need or could use something we buy all year long. He gives me special gifts every day and I don't need to be reminded with something under the tree to know he loves or appreciates me.

I have a question, I know people that have to write out a list for DH to buy things. The guys go and get everything or almost everything on the list. This has always made me curious... What is the point in this? If you want a new robe, why write it on a list? Just buy it is my logic. I don't know that I would have much fun opening things I knew I was getting.. The point is for it to be a surprise, am I wrong? So when you are handed a big package, you know it is the robe.. Often the specific robe you told him to get.. What is the point in that? Because he put the effort out and went and picked up and wrapped it?? That has always confused me... If I get a present I want it to be something he thought of and went out and bought. Not something I circled in an add or pointed out in the store...

By Mommybug77 on Monday, December 12, 2005 - 10:12 am:

I do the list thing for DH. I write down what I want to a T. I rarely if ever go out & buy myself something because i want it. That is the way I am. I give him a large enough list that there is still some surprise left for me. I do not want my DH to go out & buy me just anything. If he does then i will end up with things I don't want/need. He has no clue what I already own even movies/cd wise.

By Debbie on Monday, December 12, 2005 - 10:22 am:

We don't really exchange gifts either. We do get stuff for each other in a round about sort of way. For example this year I am hopefully taking a girl's weekend trip with some friends in the Spring. I told dh to make that my present. Dh needs new suits, so we went out this past weekend and he got 2 new ones. Sometimes, we will just go shopping together and get something we want, like 2 yrs. ago we got a digital camera and last year we got a laptop computer. So, we do end up getting something, but we don't really exchange gifts on Christmas morning.

By Luvn29 on Monday, December 12, 2005 - 11:21 am:

Well, for the first time, this year, we are going to spend a certain amount on each other so we have a few things to open. For our enjoyment, but mostly for the kids because they would be so upset if we didn't have surprises to open up. Also, it is a tradition that my husband has to take my children to Hallmark to buy me one or two Precious Moments figurines to add to my collection. They go every year together to pick out the perfect one. I never buy my own PM's so it is so special to get to add one to my collection.

But this year instead of spending a bundle on each other, we are going to go out together and buy things that we really want or need, or whatever with the rest of the money we would be using. There are certain things my husband really wants, new work boots (he has to wear steel toed) that I can't buy for him, so this will work out great. I'm actually pretty excited about it.

But things I am buying: Probably the Dukes of Hazzard Movie. He loves the original Dukes and the movie. I'd like to buy the first series of Andy Griffith for him. He is an Andy freak! I've already bought him a nice leather Dale Jr. wallet...

By Vicki on Monday, December 12, 2005 - 12:34 pm:

Dh and I make lists for each other, but there are always surprises that we pick up that the other has no idea about. One thing on my list this year is a slide for my omega. I have no idea if he will get me one, or if he does, what it will look like. So I am not THAT specific on everything that I want. Excpet when it comes to Bath and Body Works things, that I am exact on! LOL

By Happynerdmom on Monday, December 12, 2005 - 02:22 pm:

Well, we have been married 18 years, and many of those we have not exchanged gifts. It all depends on the financial situation that year, and if we had recent large purchases, etc. DH and I don't make lists for each other. I enjoy not having any idea what I'm going to get!:)

By Anonymous on Monday, December 12, 2005 - 03:10 pm:

I dont want to post it under my name in case he reads the board... So going anon...

a new set of luggage



new hat (all his caps are dirty)

a pretty globe to set on his desk at work, from the kids...

By Andi on Monday, December 12, 2005 - 03:16 pm:

I bought Dh a new Race Bike! He is going to be soooooooo excited! I can't wait to give it to him, it's just killing me. :) Not sure how I am going to get it to our house without him seeing. I think I will get it Christmas Eve from my friends house and put it n the Mini Van and give him a few clues in his stocking.

He never buys himself anything. I had to beg him to buy himself a new drill this weekend when we went to Cost-Co. He has wanted one nicer one forever but has a hard time buying himself things.

By Bellajoe on Monday, December 12, 2005 - 03:59 pm:

I have no idea what to get Dh. The things he wants are too expensive and just unrealistic like : the New IPod and an Audi ...Yeah RIGHT!

We got a new laptop computer a few months ago, and just finished our basement, and have some other big purchases to make, like four new tires on his truck. Not exciting, but it is expensive.

So i will probably get him new pants and a shirt. It's not much, but at least he will have something to open on Christmas morning.
He will probably get me some new clothes too. It's funny but he picks out better clothes than I do!

By Mrse on Monday, December 12, 2005 - 06:36 pm:

THe girls and I got my dh, a stanfeild shirt, and a texas hold'm poker set, and a beard trimming set.

By Imamommyx4 on Monday, December 12, 2005 - 11:13 pm:


It drives me nuts.

By Conni on Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 10:35 am:

Jewlz, I just caught your post... Very clever. ROFL Why didnt I think of getting my dh the jewelry armoire I have been wanting?? LOL!! You crack me up!

By Jewlz on Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 10:48 am:

LOL well it was either that or a huge chunk of coal. Santa isnt happy with him for the things he done this year.( got caught cheatin on me) so this is just a small token of his appreciation for me. ok a small way to show he is sorry? lol ok so a way to kiss up to me.

By Alberobello on Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 06:30 pm:

We don't exchange gifts for each other either. If i want something i can buy it and he just bought himself a musical instrument so that's his Christmas present. I don't see the point of getting each other's presents when the money is all the same anyway. We rather go away for a few days and that's our Christmas.

I'm glad it is this way, otherwise i'd go mad at figuring out what to get him!

By Missbookworm on Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 07:42 pm:

I go mad trying to figure out what to get my bf that's for sure!

I wonder if we end up married if we'll change the buying each other Christmas and B'day present things. *will have to talk to him about it* lol

By Yjja123 on Saturday, December 17, 2005 - 12:24 pm:

Lazer tag (I always buy a few toys) :)
Atari plug in TV game
Skyscan Atomic clock--very cool I think
Earnhardt Jr. sweatshirt
Earnhardt Jr. jersey
Earnhardt Jr. leather jacket
Rechargeable spotlight

Our gift to each-other The Sony Handycam

My gifts from hubby (he already gave them to me LOL):
Sterling silver lapis watch (Ecclissi)
Band saw
Kitchen-Aid chopper

By Maryg on Monday, December 19, 2005 - 06:43 pm:

I was just reading this and trying to get ideas for my DH. I am amazed at how many couples don't get gifts for each other. I'm happy about that though, because as my kids get older, it seems as though the gifts for them are getting more expensive. Therefore, gifts between the spouses may have to take the backseat.

I just assumed that buying presents between spouses is a given. However, now I can see that it may be one less way of removing some stress out of Christmas.

My husband works umpteen billion hours a week, and a great gift for him would be to not have to scour the mall on his spare time looking for my presents. He hates the mall!

Thanks girls. Your comments are always a delight to read on this board. I cannot tell you how much you have inspired me. I wish you all the Happiest of Holidays.

By Mrsheidi on Monday, December 19, 2005 - 07:21 pm:

I bought Scott an airline ticket to go see his buddies back in Colorado. With our sad news lately, I'm glad I did. :) Sometimes guys just need to be with DH doesn't have enough of that. But, I guess, now he will over in Iraq.

By Insaneusmcwife on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - 07:10 am:

I bought him some DVD's,a coffee pot, a leather riding jacket, 2 pairs of leather gloves, a full helmet and a 1/2 helmet, and oh ya and the motorcycle to go with it all. Unfortunately the shipping company that I was going with didn't work out. They had too many hidden fees that they kept thowing in and the cost went from $300 to well over $600 so luckily I discovered USHIP (from EBAY). And now I have a retired Army vet and a semi retired Air Force Vet delivering it for $315.00 but not until after Christmas.

By Insaneusmcwife on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - 07:33 am:

Karen, I don't know where Anon found the game but I just saw it in the
new ABC catalog.

By Insaneusmcwife on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - 07:37 am:

I just discovered if you click on next item they have a sweet tarts bra as well. I didn't know that ABC carried stuff like that.

By Luvn29 on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - 07:59 am:

Well, kids and I went out yesterday and ds found the perfect gift for dad! A 1:10 scale remote control Dukes of Hazzard Charger! It even has the horn on it! It is a big car. The smaller the scale model, the bigger the car...

Hubby will love it, he has been a huge Dukes fan since he was a child! I didn't know what to get him this year, so it was so nice to find an "oh yes!" present! We also got him a tv hook-up game with Texas Hold'em on it, but it also has slots, craps, blackjack, and something else I can't remember, so it seems like it will be fun...

Got him a robe, he's never had one before, and he's mentioned that he'd probably wear one if he had one...

And his first season of Andy Griffith is supposed to arrive in time for Christmas.

Still have a bit of shopping to do for him, but everything else is completely finished and wrapped! Yippee!!!

By Amecmom on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - 08:48 am:

We don't really exchange gifts either, just little token gifts and cards.

If he really likes to shope, why not give him an Amex gift card so he can indulge in his shopping fun guilt free?

I know he brings home the money anyway, but by giving it to him in a gift card, you are kind of giving him your blessing to go out and spend some money and have fun.

Just a thought ...


By Heaventree on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - 09:41 am:

Thanks Ame, I did end up getting him one of those multiple use tools. I am out of time for shopping.

I've kind of lost the spirit of Christmas this year. Our tree has been up for a week now and it's still not decorated.

By Karen~moderator on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - 10:38 am:

Thanks Kristie!

By Claire on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - 11:00 am:

Starbucks gift card, and a coffee grinder :)

By Shellyg on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - 12:22 pm:

Jewlz, you CRACK ME UP!

By Alberobello on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - 04:50 pm:

Well, actually i bought dh a present. It just came my way, i wasn't looking for it. I went to to the bookshop to get my son some books and i found Jamie Oliver's new cookbook. Do you know him in the US? Here he is really big. He did a cookbook about Italian food so i thought it would be nice for dh. Plus it had a 30% discount :).

By Tink on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - 05:18 pm:

Maria, Jamie Oliver is MUCH bigger in the UK than he is here but I think he's making his way here now. I heard a lot about him while I was over there and found a cookbook here that I think I'll pick up after Christmas.

By Alberobello on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - 05:50 pm:

You're proably right Cori. I like him, he did a programme on national television about school dinners on state schools and showed the government how bad are the eating habits of British children and how little was the government doing to redress the problem, it was quite shameful.

I just thought it's funny to get my dh a cookbook about Italian food written by an Englishman! (i think it is actually quite handy for me as it means i can actually get the ingredients in London! my dh's favourite cookbook is a really old one written by a lady who died many years ago! and it's in Italian so sometimes even dh wonders where to find the ingredients).

By Insaneusmcwife on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 - 05:53 pm:

No Problem :)

By Pamt on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 05:09 pm:

DH is getting a special tripod for his camera and some medium format professional film that I special ordered. DH and I never spend more that about $50 on each other, but we do work hard to get each other really special things that show that we know each other well. I found out about this film from someone who made a comment of DH's Flickr photos and I emailed one of DH's Flickr contacts to ask about other photo stuff.

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