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How is the shopping going??

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive December 2005 : How is the shopping going??
By Vicki on Friday, December 2, 2005 - 11:16 am:

Things are kind of slow here today, so lets chat about shopping!!

How is your holiday shopping going? Do you go out and shop or shop online? Did you get any gifts for people that you know they are going to LOVE and you can't wait to give them??? Have you gotten your cards made out yet??

By Vicki on Friday, December 2, 2005 - 11:20 am:

oops...forgot to answer my own questions!! LOL

My shopping is about 90% done. I still have to get a few more things for dh and maybe one or two more things for dd. Her birthday is this month also, so it seems like I am buying her tons of stuff!! I wouldn't say that I think dh will love this, but I did find him a neat clock that has poker chips for the numbers! He has the guys over for Texas Hold Em and I thought it would be neat to have down by the poker table in the game room!! I did way more shopping online that I have ever done in the past and I must say that I love it. So easy and many places offer free shipping! Can't beat that!! I have my cards bought, but not made out yet. Hope to get to that this weekend!! Nothing is wrapped yet though....

By Boxzgrl on Friday, December 2, 2005 - 11:56 am:

I have 2 more gifts to get, both for DH. I have the holidays cards addressed just not written on inside with holiday messages. Not sure if we're adding a family photo but if we don't do it by next week i'll finish them up and send them out. Other than that, I am pretty much finished.

By Yjja123 on Friday, December 2, 2005 - 12:11 pm:

How is your holiday shopping going?
I am 100% done!

Do you go out and shop or shop online?
Combination. Bought from ebay, Amazon, Target and made some gifts.

Did you get any gifts for people that you know they are going to LOVE and you can't wait to give them???
Yes--I bought Hubby a leather Earnhardt Jr. jacket I know he will love. I found a locket that holds 4 pictures that my MIL loved. I made my dad a stained glass panel that he wanted. I *think* I did well with everyones gifts.

Have you gotten your cards made out yet??
My cards were finished in October and I mailed them on Monday.

By Mommybug77 on Friday, December 2, 2005 - 12:18 pm:

I am done except I need to order a gift card.
99.9% of my shopping was done in the stores this year.
I got the girls each a new giggling Cabbage patch kid. I can't wait to see their faces, esp. Catie's.
I am in the middle of my cards.


By Pamt on Friday, December 2, 2005 - 01:17 pm:

I have completed shopping for my 2 nieces---that's it. Haven't bought the first stocking stuffer or gift for anyone else nor have I put up the first Christmas decoration. Too busy focused on finals for me and 2 big projects that my kids have to do for school. Hopefully tomorrow I will decorate except for the tree. I'm doing most of my shopping online and am waiting for DS2 to complete his list. Ugh!! I know what I am getting people. I just need to buckle down and do it. I haven't even thought about cards yet. With 4 family birthdays in December (inc. DS and me!), plus wrapping up a semester at school, plus planning a Christmas trip to CO, the gift buying has gone waaaay back on the back burner. Guess I need to get busy!

By Rayanne on Friday, December 2, 2005 - 02:22 pm:

How is your holiday shopping going? It's slowly but surely coming along.

Do you go out and shop or shop online? Both. I bought 2 of DH's gifts online, and one for Rylee, and one for my neighbor's DD.

Did you get any gifts for people that you know they are going to LOVE and you can't wait to give them??? Yes. I got DH a Tornado for his truck. It's a FuelSaver KI-80 Air Fuel Saver. It's actually for his birthday, which is on the 11th of this month. He thinks that my parents are getting it for him.

Have you gotten your cards made out yet?? No. I am going to send a picture of Rylee with Santa this year, so we are going to see him next week.

By Breann on Friday, December 2, 2005 - 02:39 pm:

I haven't started yet! Not even a stocking stuffer has been purchased. So far I have nothing.

I always wait till the last minute. I'm planning to go shopping NEXT weekend and get the majority of it purchased.

I usually shop in stores, but I think we are ordering a wooden Barbie house online this year.

Haven't done Christmas cards yet. I usually only send a handful, so it's not a big deal.

I love December :) My favorite month of the year, actually!

By Babysitbarb on Friday, December 2, 2005 - 03:20 pm:

Im probably 50% done. I have decided to go with more gift Certifcates again and then it takes less stress off me.
I have never bought anything on line but, would like to.My sister-in-law does most of her shopping online.

I have my cards done but, won't send them for a week or so yet.

By Reds9298 on Friday, December 2, 2005 - 03:36 pm:

I'm about 95% done with shopping, and what I have is wrapped and under the tree! Still have to get stocking stuffers for my dh and a card. Christmas cards are addressed (I use labels) and ready to mail, although I won't send them until next week late. I shop as much as possible online. Didn't buy anything this year that I can't wait to give...just not one of those years I guess.

By Conni on Friday, December 2, 2005 - 03:43 pm:

I am so behind... This is my worst yr ever as far as getting things done. lol

Have bought the stocking stuffers for 1 of my ds and thats it!

I just got the tree up and house decorated this week. I had big plans for Christmas lights outside- but have decided to nix the idea and make it easier on me.

One of my good friends had a bday today so we got together most of today since her dh is still working in New Orleans. Took the kids to see Santa Claus (so thats marked off my list now! yeah!)...

Have to give an Aunt our firewood- so instead of shopping this weekend we get to go cut more wood for us to use. Dh's bday is next week so need to shop for that. X bday is next week so need to take kids shopping for that.

At somepoint I am HOPING to get some Christmas shopping done. I wonder if its too late too just shop online?

You ladies have done well!! I'm impressed alot of you are so far along. :)

By Missbookworm on Friday, December 2, 2005 - 10:04 pm:

Well...I've barely done anything. I have one thing for each of my children. I bought a gingerbread house kit yesterday. That's it! LOL

I haven't even unpacked the ornaments or anything. I buy a real tree every year and need to figure out where in my neighbourhood they'll be for sale this year. My best friend offered to pick us up one in his neighbourhood but I declined. I started the tradition of going out with my children every year to buy a real tree after we left their dad sooo I said nope you can't do that It's tradition!

We don't decorate until after my birthday has passed anyway.

By Kaye on Saturday, December 3, 2005 - 10:46 am:

I have bought only a few gifts. I started this week. I made my list, so really it is only a matter of picking stuff up. Nothing should be hard to find (okay one gift, but it i can't find it I will wait till feb birthday). My son wants a doodle monster.

By Unschoolmom on Saturday, December 3, 2005 - 11:02 am:

The kids are done! Finished them in mid-November because I bought some 'hot' toys (Roboraptor!) and things on sale that I thought I couldn't get if I waited. Plus I did most of it on the internet so I got it all at once to save shipping costs.

I have two Dirty Santa gifts to get, a couple of gift cards and small things and lots of baking for gift baskets. Nothing for my husband thank goodness. We're skipping presents and instead hitting the after-Christmas sales to spend a day together buying what we want. No kids!

By Tink on Saturday, December 3, 2005 - 01:45 pm:

I've got a list of things I'm getting for each person but I did my first shopping trip on Thursday. We're really excited about what we're getting the oldest two dks. We're able to spend a bit more than we usually do on presents and we are NOT using the credit cards this year. I haven't ever done any buying online and I really wish I would just do it but...for whatever reason, I'm just not comfortable with it. Christmas cards aren't done yet but they're pretty easy. I'll do them in an hour this weekend. We're doing all our decorating this weekend and we have our first Christmas party tonight. I know it doesn't look like it but I'm totally in the Holiday Spirit and really enjoy the preparations this year.

By Bellajoe on Saturday, December 3, 2005 - 03:05 pm:

I am almost done shopping for DD, i need to get her some clothes too.
I got one thing for ds.
I am done shopping for my neice.
and that is about it.

I still have a lot of shopping to do.

Am i excited about any special gifts? A bit, both my kids wanted scooters really bad, so i got them each a scooter. I am looking forward to see their faces on Christmas morning!

My envelopes for the cards are addressed, but i still need to get the picture that i am putting in them developed. It's a nice pic of the kids.

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