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What kind of games to play?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive November 2005: What kind of games to play?
By Rayanne on Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 07:34 am:

Rylee's birthday party is in about 3weeks. It is at a Rec. Center, and there is a park across the parking lot. WEe are only doing cake and icecream. I will have chips and dip too, and cookies that my grandma always brings.

I am a little worried on keeping the kids entertained. What kind of games are good for kids to play? I was thinking about a pinyata.
I cannot think of anymore.

The ages of the kids are:
4~>2 year olds
2~>5 year olds
1~>7 year old
2~>9 year olds

Do you think that having a cup cake decorating table is good for all of the ages? Please help me with more ideas.

The theme of her party is Care Bears.

By Luvn29 on Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:01 am:

Honestly? I would do one of the pinatas that you pull the string. I always have all of the children grab a string and pull at the same time so everyone gets a chance. And I give them treat bags with a balloon, party blower, etc. already in it to fill up with the goodies from the pinata.

Then, I would take the kids to the park and let them have tons of fun! My two dks are 9 and 6, and the last three years, this is what we have done. We have their party at a park and do all of the necessary stuff right away, cut the cake, pinata, and sometimes even open the gifts. Then the kids go off and play to their hearts content. It is definitely the kids favorite parties. They have so much fun playing with each other in a big group like that.

I have also had several helium balloons that I tied little party favors to. Jelly bracelets and rings to one, little plastic instruments, such as a maraca, different things, and the kids can pick one and take it home with them when they go.

I've found in nine years of birthday parties that less is more for kids. They love games, but they really seem to love the unorganized play at the park, too.

I helped my cousin with a birthday party for her son. She had never had one, and he was turning seven. She rented a big gym. She had some different games to play, but the kids just had a ball running around with a bunch of loose balloons and basketballs. They never wanted to stop to play an organized game, so we didn't.

Also, with kids as young as the ones coming to your party, I would make sure that if you happen to give out prizes to winners of games, make sure that you somehow give out prizes to everyone, even the older ones, to cut down on hurt feelings.

It'll go great!

By Imamommyx4 on Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:34 am:

I went google searching for theme party games for dd's 1st, 2nd and 3rd parties. And FINALLY realized that I'd wasted alot of time for nothing. The kids didn't want to play the games I'd gotten. They were having way too much fun run around the house giggling and having fun.

Maybe set up a couple of tables/stations with something they can do when they want. Like a table with bottles of bubbles or a coloring table with pictures that are party themed. But don't knock yourself out. Kids can take almost anything and have fun with it.

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