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Question about hurricanes

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive October 2005: Question about hurricanes
By Vicki on Friday, October 28, 2005 - 07:42 pm:

I really didn't know what to call this post, so that is what I came up with. LOL

Tonight I was watching the news and it was talking about how some areas of Florida still haven't gotten any relief supplies etc. One woman they interviewed said that they were told to make sure they had 3 days worth of supplies and after that, help should be there. It got me wondering, is that normal? Do people really go to the store that often? I could easily live for at least 2 to 3 weeks with food that I have on hand. It might not be what we WANT to eat, but it would be something to eat. And if I was told that some major storm was coming to my area, I would likely go to the store and buy even more. How are people running out of food and water so fast? Ice, I do understand... but don't they stock up on canned food and water and stuff like that? Maybe I am not thinking something through, but I don't think it is unrealistic to think that people can take care of themselves for more than 3 days! Do you guys all go to the store that often? Could you live for more than 3 days on what you keep on hand?

By Karen~moderator on Friday, October 28, 2005 - 08:14 pm:

Vicki, when they say to stock up on food and water for *at least* 3 days, they mean non-perishable food. The problem is, so many people who live in hurricane prone areas have grown very complacent over the years. In a given year, you may have the threat of several storms in your area, and the fact is, they don't really know exactly where one will hit until it's often too late for people to shop.

Of course, if you've got any sense, as soon as you hear it *may* be coming to your area, you stock up anyway. Most people I know do this ASAP so they don't get caught in the last minute crush in the stores. But, so many people have been through this so many times and they are either weary of the storm prep thing, or they think to themselves *it's not going to hit US*......

FL was hit by 4 storms last summer. This year they have been hit by several. LA has been hit by 3 this year, 2 of them major storms.

The people in these areas SHOULD know to be/get prepared when they first hear the storm is approaching. IMO, there is no excuse to NOT be prepared. Anyone who lives in the southeast has to live through this every hurricane season. So to answer your question, whether they go to the store every few days or every few weeks, there's no excuse NOT to prepare themselves for a hurricane as best they can.

We have enough stuff in our pantry/cabinets to survive for days - may not be what we WANT to eat, but we certainly would not starve. Most people have SOMETHING they can eat. I find it hard to believe that so many people don't plan better. And when they say 3 days worth of supplies, that is usually considered the bare minimum. It's sort of ridiculous to have *just* 3 days of supplies on hand when a major storm is approaching.

By Annie2 on Friday, October 28, 2005 - 08:25 pm:

I keep gallons and personal sized water in stock. I also keep many canned foods in the pantry. I can cook these because I have a gas stove. The oven part is electrical so I can't use the oven part. I think many people run into trouble when they have an electric stove. How do you cook those canned goods without the stove or a microwave? Gas grill, but you'll have to make sure you have the gas for that as well.

A few days without electricity makes most items in the fridge mayo, eggs, salad dressings, fresh vegetables. Freezer items must be eaten or thrown away.

Ice is very precious without electricty. When it's hot out who wants to drink a warm soda or beer?

Water also runs out very quickly. Often times the water supply is tainted or not working at all. Simply washing hands and flushing the toilets become problems. Before a forecasted storm I do fill up both tubs with water for flushing toilets. But I'm sure not all people do this.

People also panic a bit. The stores run out of flashlights, batteries, candles, gasoline. It's not just hurricane areas that buy extra supplies as well. When a heavy snowstorm is predicted many people run to stock up in those affected areas as well.

I'll be glad when this season is OVER!

By Vicki on Friday, October 28, 2005 - 08:27 pm:

Thanks Karen. I thought maybe there was one of those obvious things I was missing again. LOL I also find it so hard to believe that people aren't more "ready" for something to come. We have at least 2 to 3 warnings of winter storms every year and I make sure we have everything we would need for weeks. LOL And even in the worst of storms, I can't believe we would be house bound for more than a few days. I really don't even understand the mentality of thinking "it wouldn't hit us" It is no secret which direction these storms are heading and that they could turn at any second. I would think the whole area would prepare with at least food and water. It almost looks to me that people (on the news) are expecting the help to be there so fast and are moaning and groaning that it is taking so long and all of that. It just got me wondering why THEY don't prepare more instead of expecting to be given aide after only a few days.

By Marcia on Friday, October 28, 2005 - 10:55 pm:

I'm not in an area that would ever have anything more than a big snowstorm. It doesn't matter what time of year it is, I always have lots of food in the house. Lately I've been doing one huge shopping at the beginning of the month, because that's when I get paid. Other than needing to grab dairy products, we can go the entire month without shopping. I shop at Costco, so we have enough toilet paper, medications, dog food and laundry supplies for the month, too. We always have 2 of the water cooler jugs, as well as bottled water. I know that wouldn't last long if we couldn't get out, so that's one thing I'd stock up on if I knew we wouldn't be able to get anything for a while.

By Pamt on Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 12:35 am:

Well, for me I go grocery shopping once a week. However, I don't keep a lot of nonperishable stuff on hand because (1) I cook mostly from scratch so I don't buy much boxed and canned stuff and (2) I don't have a pantry so I have very little room to store extras in my kitchen. We do have an extra 5 gallon jug of water and I stock up on bread, peanut butter, crackers, and canned stuff for a hurricane, but I really don't keep it on hand at all times. I have meat and veggies, but when you have no power--even if you grill it all you have no place to keep it cold and keep it from spoiling.

We could survive just about 3 days on the extras that we have on hand on any given week, but I do buy more when there is a hurricane warning. Water is the biggie though. Even though you fill up tubs, sinks, freeze jugs of water, and buy bottled water it really is hard to have enough on hand if you lose water because you need it for washing up, flushing the toilet, drinking, cleaning the house, etc. It goes really quickly. Tack on to that fact that hurricanes hit in the south in the summer when it's really hot and then you're drinking more water than usual anyway and wanting to wipe off more because you are so hot and sweaty with no a/c.

By Momofmax on Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 05:20 am:

After going through what we went through this season with Katrina and Rita I don't think nearly as many people will be scrambling to stock up their pantries next year. I mean, how much food and water can you carry up to your attic and then haul onto your roof (as you chainsaw or ax a hole in your roof) with rising water chasing you? Instead of spending money on spam you'd better be filling your car with gas (or squeezing into someone else's) and getting outta there!

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