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Anyone ever take Claritin??

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive October 2005: Anyone ever take Claritin??
By Vicki on Thursday, October 27, 2005 - 07:15 pm:

Every fall I get this terrible sinus thing that always turns into an infection. Last year, the doctor said that it must be some type of allergy that sets it off as I get it every year like clock work! So he suggested that this year I take Claritin before the symptoms start to try to prevent it before it starts. Well, I forgot and the very early signs of it starting happened on Tuesday morning when I got up. So as soon as the pharmacy opened, I ran up there and talked to the pharmcist. He suggested Claritin D since it started. So I bought the Claritin D 24 hour extended tablets and took one as soon as I got home. So I took one Tuesday morning, yesterday morning and this morning. Well, it says it is the non drowsy, but now I am having problems sleeping. The last two nights I have woke during the night (something I never do) and both days have woke up about 4 am and can't get back to sleep. I have the alarm set for 5:30 anyway, so I have gotten out of bed about 4:30 the past 2 days. I feel tired, but for some reason am not sleeping well at all. That is so not like me. LOL Could this be from the medicine? It does seem to be working as I have no symptoms at all right now. I hate to stop taking it for fear the sinus stufff will start, but I have got to get some sleep!! Do you think it is from the medicine? Has anyone ever taken it and have you had the same problem? Should I go to regular Claritin now since the symptoms have stopped?? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!!

By Hlgmom on Thursday, October 27, 2005 - 07:18 pm:

The only input I have is that the one time I took it I could not sleep at all and it made me very jittery! Dh on the other hand swears by it. I definetely think it could be caused by the meds! Good luck! Hope you sleep tonight!

By Trina~moderator on Thursday, October 27, 2005 - 07:20 pm:

Both my kids and DH take regular Claritin daily for allergies. It really helps.

I'm not a doctor but I would suspect the decongestant in Claritin D is what's disturbing your sleep. I can't take Sudafed for that very reason. My doctor told me that is one of the possible side effects.

By Cat on Thursday, October 27, 2005 - 07:53 pm:

Ditto Trina with the Sudafed. I don't have problems falling asleep if I take it, but 9 times out of 10 I'll be awake at 2am and not be able to get back to sleep. Maybe try the plain Claritin. Hopefully you caught the problems early enough to fight it off. I'm dealing with sinus problems myself. Afrin (or similar nasal sprays) help me a LOT, but I have to be very careful not to take them for more than a few days or I get the rebound effect. Not fun. Good luck and I hope you get some good sleep soon!

By Colette on Thursday, October 27, 2005 - 08:02 pm:

I'd try switching back to regular claritin. Good luck!

By Reds9298 on Thursday, October 27, 2005 - 08:12 pm:

I never liked Claritin D. I've since taken the regular Claritin and it really helps me during my allergy times.

By Karen~moderator on Thursday, October 27, 2005 - 08:47 pm:

Anytime I take stuff like that, I can't sleep. That's most likely what's causing you to wake up and have problems sleeping.

By Mommmie on Thursday, October 27, 2005 - 11:14 pm:

You might think about using a prescription nose spray instead of Claritin to avoid the side effects.

I didn't fill my nose spray script this allergy season (my bad!!) and here I sit with a sinus infection, fever and a doc appt tomorrow. Nose spray prevents my October sinus infection - when I use it!!

By Tunnia on Friday, October 28, 2005 - 08:19 am:

Be careful with the Claritin-D. I had taken it a couple of times and had a problem with waking up during the night, but didn't worry too much about it. Then one night I took it and had a bad allergic reaction that I didn't completely recover from for 24 hours. Please consider taking a different medicine. Regular Claritin (what I take now) will take a few days to really get in your system (48-72 hours), but at least it doesn't contain pseudoephadrine.

By Debbie on Friday, October 28, 2005 - 08:27 am:

I am taking Claritin-D 24 hour release this fall. I am fine with it, but I know that one of the symptoms is insomnia. It effects everyone differently. The regular Claritin just doesn't work for me. If I don't take the decongestant, I end up with a sinus infection. You might want to ask your doctor for a perscription of Zyrtec-D. I was on that for awhile, but it didn't work for me. My doctor said that it was milder then the Claritin. Maybe, it would work for you without the insomnia.

By Vicki on Friday, October 28, 2005 - 08:36 am:

Well, I slept fine last night. I wonder if it is one of those side effects that goes away with time as your body adjusts to it? It seems to be working so well that I really don't want to stop taking it!! I can take Sudafed just fine, but Benedryl, if I take that, I can't function. Knocks me completely out and I feel like I have been druged!

It is good to know that others have had the same thing happen. Tunnia, what kind of reaction did you have if you don't mind me asking? Do you remember how long you took it before you had it? Just kind of curious for what to watch for. I don't like taking medicine much at all. Even for a headache I will tough it out if I can before taking Motrin. But I can get so miserable with the sinus stuff that I would rather take something to try to keep it away. The cough I get from it is the worst. Lasts for weeks!!!

Thanks for all your responses, they really help!!

By Debbie on Friday, October 28, 2005 - 08:40 am:

Vicki, it could just be a side effect until your body gets used to it. I have been taking it for the last month and I know in the beginning it made me a little jittery. But, I was fine after a few days.

I was so sick last year with sinus infection after sinus infection. Not, to mention the bronchitis that wouldn't go away. I didn't even cook Thanksgiving dinner because I was so sick. This year, taking the Claritin, I have been great.

I hope it works for you, there is nothing worse then being sick all the time.

By Momofmax on Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 06:15 am:

I take Claritin D 24 hour every day. I don't have problems sleeping but I know that is a side effect for some people. If you need the decongestant try taking it in the morning instead of mid day or later.

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