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What do I need for my hospital stay?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive October 2005: What do I need for my hospital stay?
By Eve on Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - 10:42 am:

I can't for the life of me remember exactly what I took last time, but it was too much stuff. I'm not lugging a huge bag this time. LOL

I'm realizing there is a lot I need to pick up! I know a nursing nightgown, or one that can be used for nursing. (I like those better) ,a robe, some socks, slippers, pads, maternity undies, going home outfit.

What else? I never used my cd player or anything like that.....

By Boxzgrl on Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - 10:51 am:

This is the checklist they gave me with my registration packet:

Mom's Bag-
2 or more well fitted bras or nursing bras.
2-3 pairs of cotton underwear (that you don't mind getting ruined).
2 or more comfortable nightgowns. (I brought socks too because my feet got very cold)
slippers or slip on shoes
personal care (soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, comb, brush, etc...)
loose fitting clothes to wear home
camera with plenty of film

Baby's Bag-
One going home/picture outfit
car seat
baby bag with diapers, burp cloth, wipes for trip home
blanket, hat and warm outfit if cold outside

Labor Tools-
Lotion or talcum powder for massages
snack bag (lollipops, hard candy, snack food for coach, treat for both of you afterwards)
lip balm or chapstick
favorite pillow
cd player with your favorite music
tennis balls for back rubs

By Colette on Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - 11:07 am:

What did you decide? C-section or no? If you have the section you'll be there longer so you might want to bring a good book (because you'll be real busy with that baby when you get home!)

By Eve on Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - 11:19 am:

Thanks, Melissa--there are actually a few things that didn't even cross my mind! Geesh-it's been a while, I guess. LOL

By Melanie on Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - 11:48 am:

Oh Eve, try not to let the decision get to you so much!! No matter what, you will end up with a healthy, beautiful baby boy. That's all that matters.

Also remember the baby book! :)

By Reds9298 on Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - 12:01 pm:

I had a c-section but did not feel like reading! :) I was on too much meds to focus. You will be there longer and one thing that we didn't have (since it wasn't planned) was some multiple outfits for baby. Our little one was in the standard hospital t-shirt and diaper with socks the whole 4 days! I'm so embarrassed now, but at that time we weren't coherent and were still shocked with some of my birth problems that we didn't even think about it. I feel badly now that she looked like a little rugrat her first 4 days of life!

Best of luck to you, whatever you decide! :)

By Bellajoe on Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - 12:55 pm:

If you have a baby book and would like to have his little footprints in it, bring it and give it to the nurse. They will do it for you at the same time they do it for their records.

Melissa's list is good.

don't forget your CAMERA!

By Conni on Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - 01:18 pm:

Seems like we took some things for dh too. He stayed the night in the room with me. (several nights)

I also took 2 gift bags for my older kids. It was from Blake to them. lol I put things in the bags that would keep them occupied in the hospital, when my Mom brought them up for visits...

Paperwork? List of people for dh to call?

We had an emergency c-sect the last time around. It isnt the end of the world to have a c-section!! We have a 5.5yo that doesnt really care how he got here. :) It's ok to have a c-section... If I were in your shoes, I'd schedule a c-sect. Especially if your tailbone is already causing you pain. ouch!

By Colette on Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - 01:32 pm:

(((Eve))) I hope your feeling happier soon. Take advantage of the extra time in the hospital to get as much rest as you can. Tell your dh to make sure people adhere to the visiting hours. I think your making the right choice.

By Tayjar on Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - 02:00 pm:

A friend of mine did this with her babies. She took one of those plaster of paris kits, I think you can get them at a craft store, and got an imprint of her DKs hands and feet on their first day. It's not a necessity but it's sure neat to look at those now.

One thing I forgot was my calling card and my list of phone numbers. Hubby couldn't find them at home so some people just had to wait until we got home. My hospital didn't allow cell phones in the maternity area.

By Reds9298 on Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - 02:24 pm:

After reading my post, I hope it didn't sound negative about c-sections! I wasn't "incoherent" because of my section, but due to my HELLP Syndrome. As a result I had to be on some BAD meds for a couple of days after delivering.

I didn't mean to imply anything about c-sections. Sure it hurts, but I can't imagine that it hurts worse than natural childbirth or having your tailbone broken again. :)

By Missmudd on Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - 05:31 pm:

I didnt read pads but I may have missed it. I totally forgot with one of my kids, and the hospital ones are icky, especially for the trip home.

Huggies supreme baby wipes for those terrible first poopies.

By Dawnk777 on Wednesday, October 26, 2005 - 11:57 am:

Reds, both of my kids stayed in the hospital clothes, until we went home, except for when I dressed them for the hospital picture.

By Reds9298 on Wednesday, October 26, 2005 - 04:48 pm:

Dawnk - That makes me feel better and I'm totally not exaggerating! :) I thought we were the only ones! She had an outfit for the hospital picture, too. (which we never bought anyway). Now I feel better knowing our little one didn't look like a 'scrub'!! LOL

By Vicki on Wednesday, October 26, 2005 - 06:02 pm:

I didn't take clothes for dd except for the day she came home. LOL Never even thought to take them for any other days. I thought all babies just wore that. LOL

By Colette on Wednesday, October 26, 2005 - 07:57 pm:

Eve, I brought a book, had my mother and dh put the word out to hold off on to many visitors, did NOT have the baby room in with me - you really should take advantage of the time to rest, you will be so much better off with a few nights of sleep before you go home and are totally on your own. So books, or magazines, good shampoo, the clothing you wore when you first started to show, stuff like that. Don't forget to bring a little gift for Sydney from the baby. When I had my youngest, that was the most important thing to me - that my other kids wouldn't feel slighted. Also, don't be surprised if Sydney doesn't pay a lot of attention to the baby. My ds was more interested in making my bed go up and down and eating the cake they gave me for dessert than his new sister.

By Eve on Thursday, October 27, 2005 - 08:50 am:

Colette- Our hospital encourages "rooming in", but I did take advantage of sending Syd to the nurses and I actually slept. That was some great advice--so I'll try to do the same. As for reading, wow! I can't believe you read! I'm not worried about visitors--I'd be glad to have some. I didn't really have any with DD; just my Mom and little sister.:)

The gift! I keep forgetting. There is a little store that sells the Big Sister tee shirts with the doll that matches. I'm thinking that will be a good gift from her baby brother.

Pads--I didn't mind the hospital pads, but I did swiftly switch to my own when I got home. They were much thinner. LOL

Clothing for baby--you know, I don't remember putting DD in an outfit until we went home as well. We weren't there for very long, so there didn't even seem time for it. I was admitted at 7pm, gave birth at 10pm--didn't think of it that night. Then, the next night, she went with the nurses and then we left for home the next morning. It was SO warm and toasty-it didn't even dawn on me. I'll have to look back at photos--I can't remember.

Thanks for the ideas. I guess I better get shopping--I need nursing bras and the whole kit and caboodle this time. Yeap, didn't even think of a baby book. I never kept up with DD's. I win the bad Mom award for that one. LOL Thankfully scrapbooking came into my life and I can at least journal some memories for her to have.:)

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