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Alright, spill your morning sickness remedies.

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive October 2005: Alright, spill your morning sickness remedies.
By Boxzgrl on Saturday, October 22, 2005 - 11:57 am:

Besides putting me in a coma for the next 2 months to skip the morning sickness and fatigue, anyone have any realistic remedies? I hate this. 15 months of TTC for what? The feeling of wanting to puke at least 30 times a day. Oh, and a baby, but I can't seem to stay positive lately when all I want to do is hug the toilet all day. I think once I get to the doctor, hear the heartbeat and the fun stuff begins, i'll get more positive but right now it's just not happening. I'll just have flu-like symptoms throughout the whole holiday season just like I did with Kaitlyn. :(

By Amecmom on Saturday, October 22, 2005 - 12:09 pm:

Eat - I know that sound strange, but if I let my stomach stay empty, I felt sick. Just a cracker was enough. Also folic acid helped. I took 2 800 mcg pills each day, one in the am and one in the pm. Hope you feel better.

By Mommmie on Saturday, October 22, 2005 - 12:18 pm:

Suppositories from the doctor and hang a plastic grocery bag on the steering wheel of your car so you can drive without worrying about having to pull over. You can just keep driving and puking all at the same time. Eating candied ginger is also supposed to help.

You poor thing! Morning sickness (morning, ha!) was the worst thing for me!

By Eve on Saturday, October 22, 2005 - 12:23 pm:

Where, oh where to begin....

You can try ginger in any form. For some people, buying it at the grocery store and keeping it in the fridge and pulling it out is helpful. (Just peel it a little and sniff away) If not, you can try tea, ginger snap cookies, or the capsules. (They have candies and crystalized ginger too) In any form, it's supposed to help. Although, it never helped me a bit.

Peppermint can also be soothing for the stomach. I loved the tea. I usually made some iced tea with it. I felt like I could drink more and stay hydrated that way. Some people also carry around Altoids and peppermint candy. Good if you throw up while out and about too--makes you mouth feel fresh again. Ick, I know.

There is also Unisom (Make sure you get the right tablet--it's the doxylamine)and B6 together. When put together it's Dliectin, which is still marketed in Canada. You can take a whole or a half a tablet at bedtime and it's supposed to be helpful in the morning. (Didn't work for me) Talk to your Dr. about it--mine didn't say anything negative when I told him I was trying it.

There are Preggie Pops that you can order online. They have ginger and other flavors that some people find helpful.

For me, carbs and carbs and more carbs seemed to be the only thing that stayed down. I still eat a LOT of toast! For some reason, it's really helpful.

Some people swear by lemonade. It was helpful when I was pregnant with DD. Or fountain Coke really did the trick with her. I think sipping it and all the bubbles really helped.

Now, for me, I've also tried Phenergan which is supposed to be if you are having more digestional issues. It didn't help me. The tried and true and MIRACLE for me was Zofran. It's crazy expensive, but wonderful! I got the dissolve under the tongue ones and they helped instantly! If you are feeling like you can't function...then talk to your Dr.! Be persistant. This is my 5th time being pregnant and I've suffered with a total of one whole year of morning sickness!! This time, I had it and told them they needed to help me and thankfully, I found a Dr. who recommended the Zofran! (I actually used it when I had my D&C last Summer during surgery and I felt fabulous!)

Good luck with whatever you try. Eat whatever sounds good. Try some juice pops too.

Oh, one more....for some reason smelling lavender scent helped me too. I walked around just sniffing a little bottle of lavender oil. I also put a little on my temples. It's weird, but it helped!

By Sunny on Saturday, October 22, 2005 - 12:43 pm:

In addition to everything else - I've heard eating puffed cheese (like Cheetos or Bachman Jax) helps. I'm not sure if it is just the puffed kind and not the crunchy, though. It is cheap and readily available as are crackers or toast. :)
If it only helped to settle your stomach so you can eat other foods, it's worth a try.

I hope you find something that works! I had morning sickness the worse with my first one, but I doubt it was as bad as what you're going through.

By Pamt on Saturday, October 22, 2005 - 02:24 pm:

I never had morning sickness with either of my pregnancies (please don't throw tomatoes at me :)), but my co-worker who is pregnant also swore by Zofran. It was the only way she could function at work.

By Mommmie on Saturday, October 22, 2005 - 03:54 pm:

Wow I wish I knew about Zofran 11 years ago!! That sounds like the way to go.

By Annie2 on Saturday, October 22, 2005 - 09:32 pm:

Great advice above. Hope you're feeling better soon. :)

By Christylee on Saturday, October 22, 2005 - 09:43 pm:

I was given Zofran too. I was given it because I was loosing weight because of other medications and morning sickness together I couldn't keep ANYTHING down. I'd ask your doctor about it, some will give it others won't... I hope it passes for you quickly. Hang in there!

By Feona on Sunday, October 23, 2005 - 07:44 am:

Peppermint gum

Brush teeth after eatting anything. Gargle with mouth wash. (if you need to) I had a discusting taste in my mouth after eatting.

Eat only plain food. Make a list of what you can eat without throwing up.

toast with butter
Fresh unopened cheese
Fresh unopened milk or the eradiated milk'
Frozen stuffed shells not too much sauce.
spagetti with nothing on it but butter or sauce

Canned chicken or tuna

Fresh just opened ham. Just alittle meat with sandwich.

Don't eat anything more than 1/2 a day old.

Don't eat too much at once. Don't eat too much fat at once. Don't eat too much sugar at once.

Hot tea after eatting (very lite tea) Take a walk after eatting to help digestion. I was gagging and spitting up in the street a few times but never actually tossed the whole load of food.

Try not to lie down too much after eatting.

Don't eat anything that makes you sick just thinking about eatting it. Frozen food is very fresh so if it appeals to you than a frozen meal might stay down.

I ended up eatting whole wheat toast twice a day. I still threw up once a day but at least I didn't have my head in the toilet the whole day so I could sort of handle it. If I threw up I had some toast with butter afterward so I had something in my stomach. I pretty much didn't throw up toast with butter.

The doctor gave me suppositories. I took like 4 altogether and it made me very depressed and didn't work. I think I was scared of them.

By Boxzgrl on Sunday, October 23, 2005 - 07:17 pm:

Thank you girls. I think I have it under control today. I tried the peppermint tea and I have been eating frequent, small meals and while I still have a bit of queasiness, it not controlling me or my day. I actually have a craving for Souplantation so we're going there for dinner. I figure a light salad and some soup would help me out a bit too instead of a fatty dinner.

By Luvn29 on Sunday, October 23, 2005 - 08:33 pm:

P-R-E-S-C-R-I-P-T-I-O-N D-R-U-G-S!!!

By Luvn29 on Sunday, October 23, 2005 - 08:35 pm:

okay, now that I got that point across...hehe!!!

Root beer, the good kind, A&W, IBC in the brown bottles....there's something in it that helps with nausea.

I keep root beer and when I am having a difficult time with nausea and such, I drink it with every meal or snack, and even in between!!! I can't believe how much it helps.

By Enchens on Monday, October 24, 2005 - 05:11 am:

Oh, boy. I've tried everything under the sun. A lot of it has already been mentioned, but I can add more.

Mint teas are great, some people try chamomile as well.
Anything with bubbles-coke, sprite, ginger ale, bubble water (like perrier-kinda expensive but if it works...)
peppermint or lemon candies
some women I know mentioned some pressure points bands or something, there are also some magnetic bracelets (not too sure about those)
And my all time favorite is ZOFRAN! It is very pricey so if your doc won't prescribe it, ask for Tigan. Tigan is one step below Zofran. I was on Tigan for my first and Zofran for my second. Tigan is okay, it can get the job done if the nausea isn't too severe, but Zofran will definitely get the job done.
Good luck.

By Bellajoe on Monday, October 24, 2005 - 11:35 am:

I had morning sickness with dd. I was taking prenatal vitamins. I stopped taking the prenatal vitamins and just took some Centrum....the morning sickness went a way.

Also, if you feel sick when you wake up, eat some saltines, before you even get out of bed....keep a stash on you night stand. That may settle your stomach enough for you to get out of bed.

I know it feels like you are going to be sick for the whole nine months, but it will go away. I hope you start to feel better soon!

By Boxzgrl on Monday, October 24, 2005 - 11:57 am:

I go to the doctor this morning. I'm going to ask about Zofran, even though I know they only prescribe it in situations with continuous vomiting. We'll see....

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