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That 2nd child increases family illness exponentionally (sp?)........

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive October 2005: That 2nd child increases family illness exponentionally (sp?)........
By Dana on Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 01:42 pm:

(MrsHeidi, read this)Entering our 5th week of someone being sick in our family. The last 3 wks has been me sick w/ DS intermitantly inbetween and DD and DH both sick a few weeks ago.

Just as I gain my voice back, DS is 1/2 way thru his amoxicillan for ear infection, we end up at ER yesterday with 104.8 temp and 25300WBC. Thankfully DH and DD are doing well for the last 2 wks.

Much to my surprise and even our pediatrician's surprise, DS at 8 months old was diagnosed w/ pnemonia (sp?). He sounds clear to listen to breathing but it showed up on Xray. In less than 1 hour his temp went from 101 to almost 105 and that was after already being on motrin for 2 hours due to teething pain. Talk about scary.

Mrsheidi, it came out of the blue, just like your little one. They told me it is just because he is too young to cough and spit out the mucus. It just gets into the lung and there was nothing I could have done to change it. He was examined w/ sethoscope last week Tues, yesterday AM, a few times at the ER and no one could hear the signs of pnemonia. Only the xray showed it. He went from fine on Sunday morning to a huge fever in one hour Sunday night. We made it thru the night barely, saw the dr first thing in the AM and were straight off to the ER from there. So,give yourself a break Heidi. You were doing everything you knew to do to take care of your little one.

In the mean time, I am praying the rest of us stay healthy now and DS returns to normal soon. He stopped eating solides over 2 wks ago, and currently can't manage an ounce of formula w/out gagging, poor critter.

How in the world do you with 3 and more kids make it? It must take 2 months for the same illness to go around your family once.

By Mrsheidi on Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 03:34 pm:

AAWWWW, Dana! I'm so sorry your little ones have been sick like that!!! And, ugh, at 8 months.
They are SO little and so susceptible to getting sick so quick...with Connor, there was no fever either. That's what really threw me off. Not like I wanted him to have one, but it delayed me from getting him checked out sooner, I think.
And, you're right, I don't know how in the world people do it with even 2 kids...Scott and I thought about that...we would have to split the kids up and split ourselves up while one goes to the hospital, etc.
Did they admit him to the hospital or did they just give you antibiotics? Is he doing the nebulizer? That is SO heart feels for you guys!! :(

By Dawnk777 on Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 04:56 pm:

Yikes! I've been fighting a cold the past few weeks. Just have enough symptoms to be annoying, but not really enough to go to the doctor for. They don't always like to give antibiotics for sinus infections anyway, so I'll just stick it out.

By Karen~moderator on Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 05:14 pm:

Dana, I'm sorry your wee one is sick!

As for your last question, when I had 4 at home and Jeff and Jen were toddlers, we were at our pediatrician at LEAST once a week for a period of about 3 years. She had gotten to where she just charged us $5 for an office visit - that was the days before co-pays and PPO's.

Everytime one of them got sick, I could count on between 4 and 6 weeks of the same illness, sometimes longer, particularly if it was strep, which we went through OFTEN!

But, as for the pneumonnia, it isn't a mommy's fault when you don't know or realize your baby is THAT sick. Some illnesses, as Dana said, come on fast and furious, some have masked symptoms, and in the case of infants/babies, some of the symptoms don't present as they would in an older child or adult.

I hope both of your baby boys get better SOON!!!!!!!

By Cat on Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 10:36 pm:

{{{{{Dana}}}}} It does get better. Trust me. When we lived in Panama the boys were 1 and 3. I swear we were on first name basis with the staff at the pediatric clinic and the ER. We were there at LEAST once a week. Like I said in another post, Randy got pnemonia when he was only 20 months old or so. Both the kids had constant ear infections. It seemed if it wasn't one thing it was another! Their immune systems get stronger (so do yours! lol) and it does get better. More hugs. :)

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