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Tips for flying?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive October 2005: Tips for flying?
By Tink on Monday, October 17, 2005 - 01:14 pm:

I leave for London on Friday and will have a 16 hour flight ahead of me, plus a four hour lay-over in LAX. Any ideas of things to keep me occupied? I'm not nervous about flying, although I am a bit nervous about the airport experience, check-in, etc. I haven't flown in 12 years. I'm planning on trying to sleep for a few hours and will take magazines and a new crochet project but 16 hours is a LONG time! Any other flying tips are, of course, appreciated! :)

By Luv2fly on Monday, October 17, 2005 - 01:49 pm:

That is a long time!! They will show movies, etc so you might want to take your headphones for the plane. Pray you get an interesting seatmate to talk to. Make sure you get up and around to stretch your legs (think about taking your money pouch with you unless you have a trustworthy seatmate). Offer the mom flying alone to hold her baby while she goes to the bathroom. Try and make as many new friends as possible. The locals can give you good tips for when you get there, you can trade magazines, cds, newspapers with others. If you take a deck of cards and you have a decent seatmate you can play rummy, crazy eights, blackjack or whatever. Be nice to the flight attendants, they have the best magazines or can help you switch seats if you are in a bad spot. Spend this time being thankful you are not stuck in a little row of seats with 3 kids for 16 hours, hehe.

By Ginny~moderator on Monday, October 17, 2005 - 04:02 pm:

I agree with Laura. Be sure you get up and stretch your legs. There are isometric type exercises you can do while sitting, to keep the circulation in your legs moving and to prevent any possibility of cramps or blood clots. This is not at all common, but is possible, and some simple isometrics will help. If you can't find anything through Google, I will look. And yes, always keep your money pouch with you. I bought a money pouch that went under my shirt for traveling long periods of time. If you have an eye mask or can get a cheap one, get it, to help you sleep, and earplugs or a headset that blocks outside sound.

BE SURE YOUR CROCHET HOOKS ARE PLASTIC. Don't try to take metal hooks through security.

By Kaye on Monday, October 17, 2005 - 04:03 pm:

16 hours is a long time, but you have to remember the first 30 mintues is all about the take off, listening to the flight attendant. The last hour is about landing, so nly 14 1/2 hours to kill :) Take your own headphones! I suggest your ipod (or shuffle) so you can listen to something. Also take a few snacky things with you! I get hungry when I am hungry and thirsty when I am thirsty and the flight attendants can't always get to you. So i pack some peanut butter crackers, some gum, and a bottle or two of water. Get a good book, something to keep you well entertained. If you have not read the Janet Evonivich books "one for the money". I highly reccomend them. They are nothing little books, make you laugh (sometimes out loud) but you don't have to concentrate to read them. have fun!! i am so excited for you!

By Alberobello on Monday, October 17, 2005 - 04:27 pm:

Tink, how long will you be in London for? Do you know where about are you staying? Maybe we can meet up while you are here.

This is my email address: maria _ pia roma @ hotmail . com with no spaces.

Email me to see if we can meet. I know you are coming to see your sister and not for long so i wouldn't take that much of your time. Maybe we could meet somewhere central like Covent Garden for a cup of tea (or a pint of good English warm beer :)).

Hope you have a good flight. Take something to read and try to sleep as much as you can.


By Tink on Monday, October 17, 2005 - 04:37 pm:

Thank you so much! I'm really hoping I get a good seatmate. I'm pretty shy so I probably won't make many friends on the flight but I'm VERY nice to people in any kind of service industry (flight attendants, waiters, ushers, etc.). I already have the money pouch and the deck of cards is a good idea. I never would have thought to get plastic hooks, Ginny. Thank you! I'll look up the exercises you mentioned. Better safe than sorry. ONLY 14 1/2 hours! *eyeroll* Gee, thanks, Kim! I wish I had an ipod but no such luck. I'm planning on eating dinner while in LAX but snacks are a great idea. I'd planned on water since I got SO dried out last time I flew. I've read some of the Evonivich books (through Four, I think) and loved them so I'll pick up a couple of those. I'm so excited too!!! :)

By Ginny~moderator on Monday, October 17, 2005 - 07:25 pm:

Here's a page from Quantas that shows the exercises:

And here's another from Thomas Cook:

I think these two will cover it well. I also read a recommendation that you take an aspirin before flying, as aspirin is a blood thinner, but talk to your doctor about that. The risk is very slim, given the statistics I have been reading, but, as you say, better safe than sorry.

I cannot tell you how much I envy you. London is the one major place I'd love to visit.

My son went to Albuquerque recently, and I suggested he take a bunch of the granola type snack bars/food bars. He found that was a really good idea, as they keep well, travel well, don't take up much room, and are reasonably well balanced as this kind of food goes.

Also, photocopy your passport and driver's license and send the copy to your sister and leave another with a trusted friend back home. The likelihood of losing your passport is fairly slim, but this is a good precaution to take. Also, if you haven't already, photocopy the credit cards you'll be taking with you and do the same with those copies. With the credit cards, copy the front and back so you have the Customer Service number handy.

As for seatmates, that's the luck of the draw. I hope you get a good seatmate, but more important is to not get a bad seatmate.

By Reds9298 on Monday, October 17, 2005 - 09:56 pm:

I've been to Europe multiple times, London in particular once, so I know about the length of this flight and really it won't be too bad if you do what everyone has mentioned. All good ideas and things I would have said based on my own experiences. The thing about snacks is that even if you're not hungry, they just keep you occupied. :) I also get SO dried out when flying, and even took my eye cream last time so I didn't feel like my face looked so tired and saggy when I got off the plane!
I also highly recommend what Ginny mentioned about photocopying your important papers. It *is* a little nerve-racking for the security checks. It has been years since I was in the London airport, and I didn't arrive there but departed from London and the security was TIGHT back then. Everyone was very nice, but even at that time in London my suitcases were searched thoroughly. I remember being scared then and that was before "terrorism" as we now know it.

Good luck to you! You will have a wonderful time. Enjoy every minute! :)

By Conni on Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 08:36 am:

When I traveled to Argentina last Spring (10 hr flight) I took an otc pill to help me sleep on the plane. I cont'd to take it at night to help me sleep in the hotel while were there... Dh took it too and we both felt like it worked!! I'll have to ask him what the name of it is...I cant remember.

We tried to sleep as much as possible. But unless you are in first class that can be pretty tricky! ha We we were elbowing and laying all over each other using the other for an extra pillow. lol

Have a GREAT time and take lots o fpics to show us!!! :)

By Tink on Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 03:07 pm:

Thank you for those links, Ginny. I'll be sure to be up and around while in flight. I already have everything photocopied for my dh to hold for me but I hadn't thought of sending a set to my sister. I will carry an extra set on me but if I sent them now, I'd beat them to her! :) Luckily, I like to read and I don't get restless easily. I think sleeping will pass the time quickest but I don't sleep well in public. Somehow, I think I'll manage to get over that this time. Thank you for all your help, everyone!

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